View Full Version : Help please - can i use this front cover?? pics inside....

08-04-2008, 10:05 PM
Not sure if i can use this front cover or not on my engine...it will be EFI, not carb'd...

it appears to be one with an opening for a mechanical fuel pump, but i am not too sure. If it is for an early style fox with mechanical fuel pump, can i still use it and buy a fuel pump block off plate????

btw....part number is RF-E3AE-6059-CA


08-04-2008, 10:15 PM
You should be able to just get a block off plate and that cover will work. Also I can't tell by the pics but make sure it doesn't have the provisions for the dipstick in the front. If so that is another hole you would have to fill.

08-05-2008, 09:01 PM
You should be able to just get a block off plate and that cover will work. Also I can't tell by the pics but make sure it doesn't have the provisions for the dipstick in the front. If so that is another hole you would have to fill.

thanks for the reply:goodidea:.....

does anyone know if the water pump would be the same or do i need a different kind for this older style front cover??

08-05-2008, 09:11 PM
looking at this picture, mine is similar to the one on the top right. it has a mechanical fuel pump opening, no dipstick hole, and no crankshaft sensor mount.

what has me confused is the middle right and bottom right. both are for electric fuel pumps, but the bottom one has a different cast for the water pump. so now i am confused......if i buy a brand new stock replacement water pump for an 86-93 stang from ford racing, will it fit my old cover?????


08-06-2008, 12:25 AM
I don't think that there is a difference in the water pumps as far as mounting goes. The difference is the rotation of the water pump. The serpentine driven pump is reverse rotation which is what most 86 and up foxes should be. I thin k you should be fine with a stock replacement pump for an 86-93 fox.

08-06-2008, 12:27 AM
Why not just try to fit your current water pump to it? If you don't have one, you can stop by one weekend and try one of the many stock ones I have laying around.

08-06-2008, 11:44 AM
thanks for the replies guys.

ed - thanks for your offer, but i just ordered a new water pump last night, before you replied, since i did not have one. ill see how this works out. if it doesnt work with my cover, ill just get a newer style front cover