View Full Version : Torque specs on rockers

08-18-2008, 07:32 AM
Anyone know the torque specs on motorsport 1.6 roller rockers? I got a set used and wanted to put these on.

08-18-2008, 07:58 AM
no torque. tighten to zero lash then 1/4 turn and lock em up. and you have to do each pair at tdc on compression

08-18-2008, 08:42 AM
no torque. tighten to zero lash then 1/4 turn and lock em up. and you have to do each pair at tdc on compression

No, this is wrong.

For pedestal rockers, You tighten to zero lash, THEN torque the spec. which is 18-20 ftlbs. you then determine how much of a turn it took to reach the torque spec....it should take between a quarter to one full turn to reach spec. if it reached the torque in that range of a turn, then you are good.

if it took more than one turn, you must shim the pedestals. if it took less than 1/4 turn, you need longer pushrods.

08-18-2008, 09:27 AM
Ryan is correct on all aspects. You should check the swept area on the valve though too. It can be changed with shims and pushrod lengths, but its much harder to get perfect than a stud mount setup, but once you get it setting them up again in the future is a snap!

08-18-2008, 10:36 AM
I have always did mine to 18ft. lbs. and about a half turn. You should hit your torque setting at that half turn if that makes any sense. Anywhere from 1/4 turn to 3/4 turn is alright.