View Full Version : need help with my 03 Cobra

rice eater
12-13-2006, 05:15 PM
hey whats up guys just had a quick question for some advice. I'm pushin 471 to the wheels right now with my cobra and im about to get the eaton ported to get me up over 500 and from my understandin i;m gonna need a MAFia and a BAP and that should do it. Also my clutch if goin out with the power i got now and i'm going to throw one in now b/f it even goes and i was gonna do the whole aluminum flywheel, clutch, and driveshaft and was wondering if you could give me some recommendations on which company or brand to get for the clutch , flywheel , and driveshaft. and my cousin is doin the same with his 00' GT (Clutch, flywheel, driveshaft) and was wondering what would be good for his as well. well guys i've always came to you for all the mods to the cobra and every thing you guys said to to worked Awsome and i couldn't be happier with the car you guys never steered me in the wrong direction with things. but thanx for your time and rec's.


12-13-2006, 05:25 PM
Hi Justin,

You are correct, all you should need is the Mafia and a Bap. I would recomend a steel flywheel and a Ram powergrip HD clutch, they will make your car more streetable and grab like a MOFO.:goodidea:

12-13-2006, 09:14 PM
agreed on mafia , bap is good insurance

what are you gonna do with car? ie how much racing vs street??

if racing a lot you might wanna consider switching to a 26 spline setup while you have it apart

also, a lot of us are running centerforce clutch setups - either dfx or lms(more streetable ie less chatter) discs

we all kept the stock flywheel and have more than 500 rwhp

12-13-2006, 09:22 PM
What's up dude? Glad to hear the rides coming along. How's that exhaust sounding? Anyway another vote for the RAM HD here it is very streetable (chatters a little sometimes nothing big) but it holds big power and like Lou said grabs like a Muther. I'm running the RAM HD clutch and RAM aluminum flywheel. If you're going to be hitting the track a good bit I'd go with Lou and throw the steel flywheel in there.

12-13-2006, 10:39 PM
I love my Ram HD clutch!

12-13-2006, 10:47 PM
:goodidea: centerforce, but it does chatter

12-14-2006, 08:29 AM
BAP and MAFia for sure. Also another vote for the Ram HD. While you're changing out the clutch you might also want to consider a new clutch quardant and adjuster if you don't already have one. I went with the steeda quick release quadrant and one of their adjustable cables. On another note, let me know if you do get another drive shaft, I'd like to buy your stock one :goodidea:

12-14-2006, 09:35 AM
Ram HD:awsome:

12-14-2006, 10:19 AM
BAP and MAFia for sure. Also another vote for the Ram HD. While you're changing out the clutch you might also want to consider a new clutch quardant and adjuster if you don't already have one. I went with the steeda quick release quadrant and one of their adjustable cables. On another note, let me know if you do get another drive shaft, I'd like to buy your stock one :goodidea:

X2 as well! Especially on the quadrant and adjuster. I waited too long to put mine on, so now I'll be pulling the tranny back out to replace the Throw Out Bearing.

rice eater
12-14-2006, 04:48 PM
hey guys thanx for all the info i think i'm gonna go with the RAM HD clutch and Alum. flywheel i don't hit the track very much but i do take it. and as for the drivesaft i'll get ahold of you Stangman and hook you up think i'm gonna change that to but it prob won't be right away until i get some money up to purchase this stuff. And the car sounds great right at the end of the summer i have about 1000 miles on the exhaust and i think its opening up real nice.. just got my first speeding ticked in it. 110 in a 55.. yea that hurt.. but the cop was funny his exact works were MAN IS THAT F'in THING LOUD haha but i'll have to get a sound clip of it. but again thanx guys for all the help.. catch you around.. can always count on the TERMINATORS..:pepper: :laughing1:

12-15-2006, 11:07 AM
hey guys thanx for all the info i think i'm gonna go with the RAM HD clutch and Alum. flywheel i don't hit the track very much but i do take it. and as for the drivesaft i'll get ahold of you Stangman and hook you up think i'm gonna change that to but it prob won't be right away until i get some money up to purchase this stuff. And the car sounds great right at the end of the summer i have about 1000 miles on the exhaust and i think its opening up real nice.. just got my first speeding ticked in it. 110 in a 55.. yea that hurt.. but the cop was funny his exact works were MAN IS THAT F'in THING LOUD haha but i'll have to get a sound clip of it. but again thanx guys for all the help.. catch you around.. can always count on the TERMINATORS..:pepper: :laughing1:

Ouch, that would have been a nice ticket. I passed a state trooper on the parkway at 110 once, but I didn't stick around to see if he liked my exhaust :wave: :3gears: