View Full Version : Fuel question FOX
12-22-2006, 05:53 PM
Before I start just replacing $hit......Some times my fuel pump doesnt run when I hit the key. I have to cycle it a few times before it build presure. I am going to change the pump because it is loud and probably has been in tank since 1990. Either way, sound like anything else? e.g. relay, ignition? :afroman:
12-22-2006, 11:35 PM
That's kind of hard to say. It's probably the relay given the age. A pump generally runs or not. If you've ever run the car out of gas, that can damage the pump. Miles & age can do it too. Ignition has nothing to do with the pump. Pull the hose off of the regualtor & smell for gas. A sure sign of a bad regualtor.
12-22-2006, 11:40 PM
Ive had problems with relays before, its good to have a few spares just incase.
12-23-2006, 02:16 AM
I just got back from a Christmas party at my friends house (has an 01 Cobra). I had him hit the key when I was by the trunk, it is running but very low. It takes 3 cycles of the key. Just a week fuel pump! I have a new 155 and fuel filter I will put in tomorow after xmas shopping! :woot1:
12-24-2006, 02:12 PM
It was 100% the fuel pump. Looks like it was the stock Ford as well (155K miles). I put a 190 in, runs MUCH better. Its nice not hearing a fuel pump over the exhaust. I think I am still high from the gas fumes....
:rollingfloorrlol: :rollingfloorrlol: :rollingfloorrlol: :jaw-dropping:
12-24-2006, 02:48 PM
yeah, FP was my guess.
did you replace with a stock pump?
12-24-2006, 04:03 PM
yeah, FP was my guess.
did you replace with a stock pump?
No, I put a Walbro 190 LPH in. I just went for a ride (xmas shopping) and my engine temp is way down. Could this thing have been running lean enough to make my engine temp high??? It is truly much lower.
12-25-2006, 11:45 PM
I replaced my fuel pump a couple months ago. It was the original stock pump. I put a 255 BBK (walbro) in and it is running great.
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