View Full Version : 12/28/08 Browns @ Pittsburgh

10-13-2008, 04:27 PM
WTB - 4 Tickets to the Dec. 28th Clev @ Pitt game.

Prefer them to be together.


10-13-2008, 06:12 PM
I might have (2) in the 100 level and a parking pass if you're interested and not a Browns fan! I'm not trying to be a d**k but my season ticket neighbors frown on non Steeler fans sitting next to them.

10-13-2008, 07:39 PM
lol you know damn well hes a browns fan hes trying to get steeler tix while posted up in oh.

:rofl:lol i dont care if i was a scalper. i still wouldnt sell tix to a browns fan.

10-13-2008, 09:14 PM
I unknowingly sold tickets to Ravens fans two years ago ..... well the guys around me finally started talking to me again this year


10-13-2008, 09:17 PM
i'd be interested to know if he is a browns fan?? st. clairsville is hardly cleveland, just on the other side of wheeling... if so, he's got cahonies comin' on scs to get tix :eek:

10-14-2008, 02:27 PM
I was at the game last night Browns over NyG... I'm a season ticket holder for the Brownies... Me, 2 of my steeler fan buds and one of my browns bud all wanna go to the game in pitt since it's closer..

If it's going to cause a big stir forget I asked. I'm not a drunken asshole who is going to try and lose someones season tickets. I simply want to go to a game with a few of my friends, and we're looking to buy tickets. If you have insight on getting tickets post away. If you want to flame me for being a browns fan and being a member on the forums, well do what ya like.


11-04-2008, 01:17 PM
still looking for these...
