11-10-2008, 03:42 PM
I spent the weekend thrashing on my car to get my AFR185 comp heads and probe shaft mount rockers installed. It was a LONG and grueling weekend but the car is now up and running. I decided at the last minute (which is typical for me) to do this before I race the car at Cecil County Dragway this weekend at the SSOTN race. I was going to wait and do the swap over the winter, but I wanted to see how it would run NA with these heads. I was running my old AFR 165 pedestal heads but I feel at was just about at their flow limit on my combo. Despite having flu like symptoms and puking my brains out on Saturday, the car fired up yesterday and I took her out on a drive. All was going well considering until I noticed my lights growing dim. I pulled over and discovered in my sick state I had forgotten to plug in the alternator. LOL! So I called yeahloh95 up and he helped push it so i could catch it in gear. I'm going out a little later to start tuning it but I made a quick WOT run in 3rd gear up to ~5800rpms and OMG, what a difference. My datalog shows that I'm a full point lean now in some spots which is a clear indication that I'm making more power now! Besides the WOT run, this thing is snappier EVERYWHERE. Even cruising in 5th at 40mph, when I just start to touch the throttle there is instantaneous response. The car is much more smooth now too and according to Jason a lot of it has to do with the extremely high velocity intake port and great flowing/scavenging exhaust port on these heads which help to prevent reversion in the lower RPMs and I'll tell you what, this is something you can actually feel without a doubt. I thought that I may lose a little down low going from my 165's to these 185s and the opposite seems to be true according the SOTP meter. I'll have hard numbers soon to hopefully back up the butt meter, but I'm extremely impressed thus far with how much I can actually feel is different with the car now. This may seriously have been one of the biggest SOTP meter improvements I've felt in this car after changing something on it.
Probe shaft mount rockers...
The probe shaft mount rockers cleared under these TF VC's when I used a thick fel pro gasket. I'll be sanding off the trick flow name and powercoating them this winter, I just didn't have the time to do it now.
All buttoned up...
Probe shaft mount rockers...
The probe shaft mount rockers cleared under these TF VC's when I used a thick fel pro gasket. I'll be sanding off the trick flow name and powercoating them this winter, I just didn't have the time to do it now.
All buttoned up...