View Full Version : 94-95 tuning?

12-28-2008, 01:02 PM
Here is going to be my setup, Ported gt40 intake, 75mm TB, 24#s, F-303, Rollers, Some type of heads whatever I find or can afford, 373s, long tubes, catless H-pipe. No EGR, No polution. I also have a zex dry kit, which i wont be runnig all the time, so i want to be able to switch between tunes. What can anyone tell me about the tweecer, and other turners. Or should I just pay, and take it to SGS?

12-28-2008, 02:40 PM
www.lasotaracing.com did a great job on my 94 Cobra and I highly reccomend them. The owner Don Lasota has a 94 Mustang so he know's all of the in's and out's of the 94-95's.:goodidea:

12-28-2008, 04:46 PM
SGS does all my tuning. Awsome.

12-28-2008, 05:18 PM
i want to be able to switch between tunes. What can anyone tell me about the tweecer, and other turners. Or should I just pay, and take it to SGS?

I hate to answer a question with a question, but.........

Are you ready and willing to put the time / effort into learning how to tune yourself? Willing to risk melting your stuff into the ground to learn? Are you willing to invest in something like TwEECer ($500ish), data logging tools (WB $250, maybe another $150 in logging), etc?

Once you learn how to tune for yourself, it can never be taken away. That's for sure, but there is a learning curve, and risk. I'm not trying to talk you out of it, just go into it with your eyes open to the risk. No direct experience, but I understand the 94/95 stuff is even a little more difficult than others. Before deciding to go at in on your own, read, read, read, talk to guys doing it, then read some more. Do not think you are going to take someone else's BIN file and plug it in your car, you are going to need to develop your tune from the ground up.

Just some thoughts.

12-28-2008, 06:26 PM
www.lasotaracing.com (http://www.lasotaracing.com) did a great job on my 94 Cobra and I highly reccomend them. The owner Don Lasota has a 94 Mustang so he know's all of the in's and out's of the 94-95's.:goodidea:
x2 on lasota!!! Don really knows what he is doing and i know he talks with alot of other sct tuners and alot of people recomend him!!

12-28-2008, 06:53 PM
Is there anyway to convert the 94/95 stuff over to a A9L and tune that way?

12-28-2008, 11:03 PM
Thanks Bob, yea I know there are alot of risks, and alot I need to know. I would love to be able to tune myself so I can tun the car has I add and change stuff. But I might not be ready for that step yet. Say if i took it somewhere to get it tuned, can they set it up with more than one tune so I can switch between them? Like for N2O, economy, and stuff like that?.. And I have looked into putting a 9AL in it, but they say my computer is a better one to tune. Like you can do more stuff with it, and if I swap it I have to find a new way to control my fan, and stuff like that.

12-29-2008, 12:09 AM
sgs can set you up with a switch chip for mutliple tunes

12-29-2008, 01:11 PM
I have no experience with the twEECer but I used to use an EEC Tuner on my car which was like writing in stone tablets compared to today's options. I opt to self tune, but I got into it out of necessity as back when I needed a tune most shops tried to make you switch to the A9l setup which I did not want to do as it was a bandaid. The 94-95 EEC is all load based which is better, but its also a little more difficult to tune. I run a stand alone AEM EMS now on my car and got rid of the stock setup all together. Learning to tune takes a lot of time and patients but once you grasp the concept of what does what its not too bad. I prefer it personally. If you don't want to go through the learning process then Don at LaSota Racing or Dave at SGS can hook you up.

Another option is the PMS for self tuning. Rick91GT on here had one for sale recently too.

12-29-2008, 02:34 PM
I have no experience with the twEECer but I used to use an EEC Tuner on my car which was like writing in stone tablets compared to today's options.

Some points on that. TwEECer and EEC tuner both have a huge weakness. Their owners / developers are not software guys, never have been, and arent really willing to give up their "control" to take the "next step". The key to any EEC tuning is how good the software and deffintion file are. The deffinition file takes the Ford hex code and translates it into almost "english".

For the EEC tuner, it never came. PCMX was developed, but now the guy sits back and collects licesnse fee's and promises revisions that havent come in what now, 6 years?? It's a dead prodcut if you ask me.

TwEECer is sort of even worse. Early on, they did incorporate updates from users, but it seems to have stopped too. There has been a TON of work done on the Turbo 4 deffinitions by users, those where offered free to be included, and they still arent. We are a small market, but the work is done and for free. I understand some of the other EEC's are better with TwEECer software, but I've only played with the A9L (It's okay, but not smooth).

IN MY OPINION The best product right now is Binary Editor and EEC analyzer. These will talk to both a EEC tuner and TwEECer as well as being able to be used for flash tuners like Moates and so forth. With this software, and a little specialized hardware, I can read any chip tune now, as well as the other two products. These products can also do a lot of data logging if you have the right hardware (TwEECer RT or whatever Wesley calls his EEC Tuner that logs)

Moates will also be out with a new product soon. It was called Pegasus during developement, but I think is going to be realeased as "quarterhorse". This should be a two bank chip with data logging capabilites. If it lives up to it's billing, I will be moving to that myself to use all his stuff. After tuning, I'm pulling my TwEECer and burning chips. This way the hardware is free to be used to tune other cars.

So after all the rambing, the point is, even the EEC tuner stuff has come a long way if you use third party software. If you ever wanted to see the software live, let me know and I can fire up the laptop for you ;)

12-29-2008, 04:39 PM
www.lasotaracing.com did a great job on my 94 Cobra and I highly reccomend them. The owner Don Lasota has a 94 Mustang so he know's all of the in's and out's of the 94-95's.:goodidea:

Are they any closer than SGS?

12-29-2008, 05:25 PM
Are they any closer than SGS?

There about 20 minutes from Summit Racing.

12-30-2008, 07:02 PM
Thanks Bob, I deffinently be interested in seeing it in person.

01-08-2009, 04:41 PM
Should I go with 30#s instead?

01-08-2009, 05:43 PM
24's should be good for your combo just turn up the base fp