View Full Version : what sound do gear drive chains make on a 5.0?

01-07-2007, 05:42 PM
i am getting a noise from my 86 5.0 i recently bought.

Kind of like a slight whineing noise when you rev it and get on it going up through the RPM's
we pulled off the belt today and its coming from the front of the motor. Narrowed it down to a possible T chain,oil pump or dist.
You can see on my car that the water pump was recently changed, so someone was in there.
The car has 105K original miles and runs awesome. I have put 400 miles on it in the past week and its getting 19MPG in the city.

Sound doesn't occur consistently at idle just when its revved, thinking someone may have stuck an aftermarket timing chain in there?

01-07-2007, 08:43 PM
Most of the time its the PS pump, but it could be timing chain.

01-07-2007, 09:54 PM
i dont know of any chains that make noise, just gear drives (no chain) does the timing cover gasket look new?

01-07-2007, 10:38 PM
we had the belt off to elim all the noise from steering,water/air pump etc.
i will have to check the timing cover gasket.

01-07-2007, 10:59 PM
My double roller timing chain isn't noisy. I would think if its an actual gear drive it would make a gear noise at idle to. Like you hear coming from old street rods with gear drives.

01-08-2007, 09:55 PM
See if the distributor gear is worn. If the gear is worn or sharp it will whine.

01-09-2007, 10:26 AM
+1 for distributor gear. It will also make noise if they used the wrong distributor gear. I got a new distributor for my 85 GT and had to drive it a few miles with the non-steel gear and it started to whine.

01-09-2007, 10:44 PM
+1 for distributor gear. It will also make noise if they used the wrong distributor gear. I got a new distributor for my 85 GT and had to drive it a few miles with the non-steel gear and it started to whine.

I didnt have a new dist. gear in my 428 car and it sounded like a set of rear end gears installed by blind goat. It will make a ton of noise!

01-09-2007, 10:56 PM
i have installed new cloyes double roller chains and have had them make a whining noise, on the other had, Ford put double roller chains in the 5.0s from the factory, now, you can buy a replacement chain from the parts store, but you can not run an aftermarket chain on the stock gears, i have heard of people making that mistake, if you compare a stock double set up with an aftermarket set up you will see that the gears are cut different... just my .02$

01-12-2007, 05:10 PM
guys thanks for the heads up regarding the distributor gear as a possible cause.
we only played with the car for a bit.
Car seems like it whines when you give it gas and it revs.
pulled the belt off and still got the whineing noise. it was coming from the front of the engine and i was thinking it could either be
A) the timing chain
B) Distributor
C) Oil pump (which the car has great pressure)

My guess while i don't know for certain and i am hoping its the distributor gear, is the car ok to drive like that?

01-14-2007, 01:18 PM
guys thanks for the heads up regarding the distributor gear as a possible cause.
we only played with the car for a bit.
Car seems like it whines when you give it gas and it revs.
pulled the belt off and still got the whineing noise. it was coming from the front of the engine and i was thinking it could either be
A) the timing chain
B) Distributor
C) Oil pump (which the car has great pressure)

My guess while i don't know for certain and i am hoping its the distributor gear, is the car ok to drive like that?

A dist. gear is cheap and will take about 30 min to change!