View Full Version : What color is my interior??

01-26-2009, 12:58 PM
i have an 87 GT with grey interior...what is the name for this color? im going to be painting a piece for my interior and not sure which grey the 87's came with...

i think its smoke grey but im not sure

01-26-2009, 01:24 PM
also, should i get lacquer paint or vinyl paint? what is the difference?

im going to be painting a factory arm rest delete from a 90 mustang if that matters...and its already grey just a different shade of grey that doesnt match my 87's grey

01-26-2009, 01:32 PM
i think its titanium gray

01-26-2009, 01:37 PM
well i did some research like i probably should have done before i posted the question...

from what ive found:

87-89 smoke grey
90-92 titanium grey
93 opal grey

can anyone tell me which type of paint to get though?

01-26-2009, 01:56 PM
ahh i was thinking it was the other way around.
doesnt 5.0 resto sell color matched spray cans?
and anytime i've painted plastic parts like that i just used vinyl

01-26-2009, 02:01 PM

I ran into the same problem as you and bought a console that was probably 'smoke grey' rather than 'titanium'. I picked up a pint of SEM Color Coat. It's been on well over 5 years and hasn't chipped or peeled.


01-26-2009, 02:06 PM
meh, lacquer will be too shiny and fake (cheap) looking :thumbdown:

ualso helps to wipe it down with Pla-stix before color. :goodidea:

01-26-2009, 03:02 PM
ahh i was thinking it was the other way around.
doesnt 5.0 resto sell color matched spray cans?
and anytime i've painted plastic parts like that i just used vinyl

i think its smoke grey because of what is on 50resto...check it out:

smoke grey, listed as 87-89: http://www.latemodelrestoration.com/iwwida.pvx?;item?item_no=MET-FV24%20%20%20%20%20%20%201&comp=LRS

titanium grey, listed as 90-92: http://www.latemodelrestoration.com/iwwida.pvx?;item?item_no=MET-FV27%20%20%20%20%20%20%201&comp=LRS

01-26-2009, 03:03 PM
meh, lacquer will be too shiny and fake (cheap) looking :thumbdown:

ualso helps to wipe it down with Pla-stix before color. :goodidea:

oh ok i dont want it looking all shiny and flaking so i think ill go with vinyl i just wasnt sure of the difference:goodidea:

01-26-2009, 03:04 PM

I ran into the same problem as you and bought a console that was probably 'smoke grey' rather than 'titanium'. I picked up a pint of SEM Color Coat. It's been on well over 5 years and hasn't chipped or peeled.


where do they sell this?

01-26-2009, 03:14 PM
yes your definitely right, i just got mixed up

01-26-2009, 03:18 PM
yes your definitely right, i just got mixed up

ya i dunno why they changed the greys so much....its only very slightly too, its weird..

so you think the vinyl paint holds up well?

01-26-2009, 03:49 PM
I painted the interior in my jeep, it held up good. its all about prep
i noticed when i went with really really lightly sprayed layers it turned out alot better

01-26-2009, 04:11 PM

I got it at DLK in Russellton 724-265-1538, I assume they still carry it. One of the guys worked with me for almost a half an hour to get it tinted perfectly. You can probably find it at a local parts store that sells paint but you'd need to call around.

01-26-2009, 04:13 PM
I painted the interior in my jeep, it held up good. its all about prep
i noticed when i went with really really lightly sprayed layers it turned out alot better

oh alright thanks for the tip!...what did you do to prep it? just clean it really well?

01-26-2009, 04:14 PM

I got it at DLK in Russellton 724-265-1538, I assume they still carry it. One of the guys worked with me for almost a half an hour to get it tinted perfectly. You can probably find it at a local parts store that sells paint but you'd need to call around.

oh alright i wasnt sure if you could order it online or anything....i just ordered some from 50resto so ill see how that works for me :highfive:

01-26-2009, 04:43 PM
oh alright thanks for the tip!...what did you do to prep it? just clean it really well?

I think dupont makes the stuff, its called first clean. I prepped it like 4 times to make sure i got all the oil off it. interior parts are always getting pounded with silicone and armor all

01-26-2009, 05:10 PM
I think dupont makes the stuff, its called first clean. I prepped it like 4 times to make sure i got all the oil off it. interior parts are always getting pounded with silicone and armor all

ooo i see i see. thanks for the advice

01-26-2009, 06:19 PM
hey rhino!

01-26-2009, 06:45 PM
hi brian

01-26-2009, 06:58 PM
just spray paint it. i have some black paint.. go buy sum gray and well do it up!!

01-26-2009, 07:05 PM
just spray paint it. i have some black paint.. go buy sum gray and well do it up!!

i bought grey....im not doing black

01-27-2009, 01:47 PM
i think gold flake will look nice also

01-27-2009, 02:14 PM
Shut up Bertha. Lol

01-27-2009, 02:16 PM

01-27-2009, 04:12 PM
im sorry, i thought rinny wanted to stang up

01-27-2009, 05:13 PM
Shut up bertha Lol.