View Full Version : Tire size

02-15-2009, 11:36 PM
What size tires should run this summer on my 86? The rims are stock so What's the best size to run on them until i can get the Godspeed wheels i want?

02-16-2009, 12:13 AM
22/50/16Front 245/50/16Rear

02-16-2009, 08:59 AM
they are 15x7 inch wheels and it's more or less a DD come summer so i'm not sure if i want to run 22/50/15 up front. Could i realy put a 245 on a 7inch wheel?

02-16-2009, 10:37 AM
they are 15x7 inch wheels and it's more or less a DD come summer so i'm not sure if i want to run 22/50/15 up front. Could i realy put a 245 on a 7inch wheel?
It would probably fit, but i'd think it would bulge pretty bad.... a 245 width tire is perfect for a 8" wheel...

02-16-2009, 11:57 AM
I have had 245/50/16" on a 7" wheel a number of times. It really depends on the tire itself, some are fine (nitto's) some have a little too much bulge. For the 15" wheels it seems a 235/60 is pretty common. When I get my stuff together, I will be running a 255/60/15 on the rear fo the Capri.

02-16-2009, 12:22 PM
Here is a mickey thompson drad radial on a stock ten hole wheel. these are on my notch. 235/60/15's no rubbing anywhere.

02-16-2009, 02:19 PM
should i run 235/50's or should i go lower prof? What is a decent tire/brand for that?

02-16-2009, 03:15 PM
225/60-15 is standard

02-16-2009, 03:27 PM
My 85 GT used to look identical to yours. I ran 225/60/15's on the front and 245/60/15's in the rear. That setup looked pretty good IMO

02-16-2009, 10:39 PM
My 85 GT used to look identical to yours. I ran 225/60/15's on the front and 245/60/15's in the rear. That setup looked pretty good IMO

do you have any pics of that setup? have you ever saw any lower prof than that, or does it look gay?

02-17-2009, 09:48 AM
do you have any pics of that setup? have you ever saw any lower prof than that, or does it look gay?

I'll try to dig up some pics for you. They're not going to be very good quality because that was about 8 years ago, but I'll see what I can find. I have actually seen lower profile tires and they do look a little weird IMO. I considered doing that myself back in the day until I saw a car with like a 225/50/15 and it looked pretty bad.

02-17-2009, 12:13 PM
i'm not sure if i want to run 22/50/15 up front. Sorry 225/50/15

My 85 GT used to look identical to yours. I ran 225/60/15's on the front and 245/60/15's in the rear. That setup looked pretty good IMO
I ran the same setup also. Looked good to me and nobody told me any different.

02-17-2009, 05:19 PM
I considered doing that myself back in the day until I saw a car with like a 225/50/15 and it looked pretty bad.

225/50/16's on my Capri (SVO wheels it came on)

http://inlinethumb16.webshots.com/23887/1471367826066453426S600x600Q85.jpg (http://rides.webshots.com/photo/1471367826066453426CBwwtb)

245/50/16's on Waffle Stars

http://inlinethumb34.webshots.com/37985/2385926490066453426S600x600Q85.jpg (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2385926490066453426QtJEka)

And those same 225/50/16's on waffle stars.

http://inlinethumb35.webshots.com/9890/2802645370066453426S600x600Q85.jpg (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2802645370066453426mHlTLw)

For my stuff the 245's where a little too much, the 225's are too small. Keep in mind these are all 16" in my case.

02-17-2009, 06:58 PM
thanks for all the input guys! Does anyone any advice on what brand tires to go with?

02-28-2009, 03:14 PM
I went on tire rack and they don't have any 235-245's 60/15's. Does anyone know some place that sales them?

02-28-2009, 04:35 PM
P 235 60 16 (2) BFGOODRICH TRACTION T/A TIRE TIRES NEW (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/P-235-60-16-2-BFGOODRICH-TRACTION-T-A-TIRE-TIRES-NEW_W0QQitemZ350170309104QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors _Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item350170309104&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A317%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C2 40%3A1318)

P 235 60 R 16 (2) MICHELIN LATITUDE TOUR HP TIRES NEW (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/P-235-60-R-16-2-MICHELIN-LATITUDE-TOUR-HP-TIRES-NEW_W0QQitemZ290294037730QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors _Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item290294037730&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A317%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C2 40%3A1318)

03-06-2009, 06:36 PM
Has anyone used uniroyal tiger paw GTS's?

03-07-2009, 01:44 AM
nope, not I.