View Full Version : New goals and change of plans

02-17-2009, 12:07 AM
Gonna keep the '04 GT and buy a used pickup later in year to tow with and car will end up more track oriented. I can't justify a new vehicle at this time.

So to that I ordered up a set of cams tonight and soon as I decide on valve springs and a better oil pump(before I shatter the pump gears) I will see about getting this beast into the 11's which I'm sure it will do. Little more weight removed and :hyper:. Should end up a fun season for 2009. Once I see what I can ring out the car with cam change I'll look into ported heads or the Trick Flow head in few months. Course the cams I bought won't be ideal for the Trick Flows but I'll deal with that when time comes.

02-17-2009, 02:00 AM
good deal. glad to see your keeping her and look forward to seeing it run again this season!!

that thing should fly

02-17-2009, 09:30 AM
Ed, you are one sick sonna of .... :D
Sounds like a good plan. You'll really have Keith cussing at you now.
You planning a cage at all? Mikey started twisting his apart once he got steadily into the mid 11s.
See you Saturday.

02-17-2009, 09:58 AM
Good luck with all that =)

02-17-2009, 12:12 PM
Lol, now we are both gonna make Keith mad to start the day in Mod :D

02-17-2009, 12:48 PM
Ed what are you doing with the other car? If you are going to get serious with the 04 are you going to put an auto in it.

02-17-2009, 08:07 PM
what all you take out for weight reduction?

02-18-2009, 07:42 PM
Ed what are you doing with the other car? If you are going to get serious with the 04 are you going to put an auto in it.

Not gonna go "as" crazy :rotflol: as originally planned on the '84. Going to focus a little more street friendly with it with a trip to track every so often. I'm in no rush to finish this car as I want it to be straight and clean.

I might put an auto in the '04 but that will depend on where I go with motor. Course a well prepped stick is hard to beat. A TKO600 with faceplated 2nd and 3rd would be very nice, screw an auto then.

Chuck - yes I have cages planned for both cars. I need to reinforce lower torque boxes better on the '04 as I have them welded up currently and still split the metal on both. I seem to be hard on my '04 :rolleyes:

02-18-2009, 07:55 PM
sounds good Ed I'll see you Saturday. You can tell me all about the plans

02-19-2009, 09:25 AM
Chuck - yes I have cages planned for both cars. I need to reinforce lower torque boxes better on the '04 as I have them welded up currently and still split the metal on both. I seem to be hard on my '04 :rolleyes:

This is what I'm sayin'. :D:D

02-25-2009, 08:24 PM
Got cams today. Set of Hitech's stage 2 cams .550/.500, 234/230 @.050, 111LSA. They ended up actually being made by Comp Cams and included the cam gear bolt which was nice as it saves me money from ordering up new one's. Cams were lighter then I expected them to be. Not going to change valve springs at this time as I will be swapping heads in few months but stockers are good to about 6400 with these cams.

Ordered up adjustable cam gears and stuff to degree cams with. I am not going to pull my hair out grinding the keyways and shimming stockers to adjust. Now I just need to pick up an adjustable solid lifter for degreeing cams. Two more weeks and I have a few days off to pull my hair out to install all this.

02-25-2009, 11:08 PM
Are you sure the stock springs are good to .550 lift?

Who's cam gears did you end up with?

02-26-2009, 09:45 AM
Got cams today. Set of Hitech's stage 2 cams .550/.500, 234/230 @.050, 111LSA.

Ed, why is the exhaust lift so much lower?

02-26-2009, 05:22 PM
Ed, why is the exhaust lift so much lower?

Most cam companies go overboard on the exhaust side. Exhaust side isn't really an issue. The intake side is, as there is way to much extra material in intake runner of heads for core shift. Nearly a 1/4" extra just in height under lifters. That's where the heads need cleaned up. Exhaust really only needs bowl work. Also not making the ports bigger where intake and exhaust manifolds meet head is good too. Bigger isn't better especially running NA.

02-26-2009, 05:26 PM
Are you sure the stock springs are good to .550 lift?

Who's cam gears did you end up with?

Yes they will be fine long as I don't try spinning motor to the moon. I will be good untill I get new heads.

Got Comp Cams - cam gears coming. Didn't hear much good from the other stuff available currently.

Pure Stock
02-26-2009, 06:48 PM
12.47@105.301--- one hell of a e.t./mph package for a diaphram. What's the 330' look like on that pass?

02-26-2009, 07:37 PM
12.47@105.301--- one hell of a e.t./mph package for a diaphram. What's the 330' look like on that pass?

1.64 60'
5.06 330'
10.39 1000'

Was about 2-3mph slower at 1/4 that day all day. Normally turning 108. 1/8 mph was normal. Sixties ranged from 1.61 to 1.64 that day.

02-26-2009, 08:11 PM
Set of Hitech's stage 2 cams .550/.500, 234/230 @.050, 111LSA.

That is an interesting grind ;) Should idle real nice on your stuff.

Also, I like you goal in your signature. I will race you there this year. 1st one to get their 11.49 buys the beer / soda/ whatever :thumbsup:

02-26-2009, 08:43 PM
That is an interesting grind ;) Should idle real nice on your stuff.

Also, I like you goal in your signature. I will race you there this year. 1st one to get their 11.49 buys the beer / soda/ whatever :thumbsup:


02-27-2009, 09:29 AM
Most cam companies go overboard on the exhaust side. Exhaust side isn't really an issue. The intake side is, as there is way to much extra material in intake runner of heads for core shift. Nearly a 1/4" extra just in height under lifters. That's where the heads need cleaned up. Exhaust really only needs bowl work. Also not making the ports bigger where intake and exhaust manifolds meet head is good too. Bigger isn't better especially running NA.

I figured there was some reasoning behind it. Your combos are always done up right. Remember, I'm a "me use carb" knuckledragger... I'm used to exhaust lift being pretty close, or extending duration a little, to improve scavenging. You, and a lot of guys on this site, deserve a lot of credit for what you sink your teeth into. Especially on your daily driver! I'm still mad at you for not giving up the keys on Saturday! :D

02-27-2009, 09:31 AM

Can I get in on that??? :sticktonge::sticktonge: Just kidding... I don't think it has it in it, and the tenth in the driver's seat wouldn't get me there either.

02-27-2009, 12:05 PM
the tenth in the driver's seat wouldn't get me there either.

LOL, I need to overcome that too. Still looking in other places before finally making the driver mod ;) The bad part about those goals..... we have to go play in the deep end of the pool to run those numbers :D

02-27-2009, 08:24 PM
I figured there was some reasoning behind it. Your combos are always done up right. Remember, I'm a "me use carb" knuckledragger... I'm used to exhaust lift being pretty close, or extending duration a little, to improve scavenging. You, and a lot of guys on this site, deserve a lot of credit for what you sink your teeth into. Especially on your daily driver! I'm still mad at you for not giving up the keys on Saturday! :D

Hey I atleast spun the tires for Scotty.

To take a page from Bob's "Valvetrain Porn" :rotflol:

02-27-2009, 10:49 PM
Will you be getting a dyno tune or just a bolt-on and go? Or how about a before and after dyno session?

02-27-2009, 11:15 PM
oooooooooohhhh, shiney :D Can you cut the cam covers on those things to get to the adjusters or do you have to pull the VC's to adjust? there was 2 mph in my last cam with cam timing ;)

03-01-2009, 06:27 PM
Ed, check your PM's!!! Especially if I forget to email you.

03-12-2009, 10:45 PM
Well I'm gonna tear into this motor friday. I think I have everything, degree wheel, check springs, extra rocker, adjustable solid lifter, piston stop and more tools. My tool box is becoming to heavy to lug around. I was going to change timing chains and adjusters but it seems that stuff is still dealer only. That's with a modular motor being around since 1991 :rolleyes:

Plus lots of beer to keep my sanity in check while degreeing two cams :hyper: Should be interesting so by friday sometime I should have pics during this little surgery and video before and after. Oh ya bloody knuckles can't work on my car without those.

03-12-2009, 10:53 PM
Good luck! Watch the fingers, I got severa lchewed up from my little project ;)

I was going to change timing chains and adjusters but it seems that stuff is still dealer only.

I thought I saw all that stuff in the Summit catalog?

03-13-2009, 11:13 PM
Didn't get much done but a note: Summits Piston stop which threads into spark plug hole. Will NOT fit into a 2v head. The non threaded portion is to big to allow it to engage the threads. Wasted alot of time trying to figure this out and had to walk away before it got ugly. I'll grab a cheap spark plug tommorrow and gut it and tap it to fit the screw part of the Summit stop.

Oh ya make sure to unhook clutch cable from firewall if you have any intentions of removing valve cover.

03-15-2009, 11:40 PM
Ok finally done. Runs real good but I have a bad ticking as I overlooked bleeding the lifters down. So now I need to yank valve covers again and pull all the lifters. I have to admit ripping into a mod motor for first time sucked. Now having done it won't be so bad next time. Hell I had timing cover, water pump back on when I noticed I forgot to put stock timing wheel back on crank. Yah that's how my weekend went from the start :rolleyes:

The plugs and piston stop I made from the 104

Was work in progress

Both cams installed along with gears. just prior to putting chains and guides back on.

03-16-2009, 09:28 AM
it looks good ED. You got me getting all excited to start racing again. Chuck is gonna be ready for the 11,s too. Opening day ought to be interesting.:goodidea:

03-16-2009, 04:47 PM
Well I had some issues with the tapping noise and it could have gotten ugly. Lucky the intake valves must have only been just kissing the pistons as they didn't leave a mark that I could see. I had originally thought the specs on the cams looked odd. The driver side was to be installed at 112 centerline and passenger side at 110 centerline. I thought I had them degree'd in properly but it seems with these motors and lots of duration at 110 center line is a bad thing without knotched pistons. I had to tear it apart again and reset passenger side to 112.5* centerline to match driver side. Instant quiet when restarted. I let car idle for 15 minutes after resetting listening for any further ticking or tapping.

Under 2grand it seems normal but once it gets up over 2grand it pulls very hard and seems to get better with higher rpms. Can tell it wants to run hard. I got it idling fairly well at 660rpms but may bump that up and eventully get it tuned. I may pull it apart again saterday and move both cams to 113 or 113.5

Ya Mike I'm itching for April 4th too!

03-16-2009, 05:08 PM
Glad you got it sorted out. I would still have those timing chains tied in a knot :D

03-16-2009, 09:51 PM
whew...that sounds like a REALLY close one Ed....glad to hear you got it worked out.

03-16-2009, 10:57 PM
I'm gonna have to get in touch with Comp Cams over these cam cards. Should be interesting so see what they say.


03-17-2009, 11:47 AM
Nice, Ed!! Thanks for posting the pics, I like seeing the work in progress, and the OHC.

Just curious, how did you check the pistons if you think they may have been hitting the intake valves?

Do you need to do a leakdown to be certain you didn't bend them?

03-17-2009, 05:46 PM
Nice, Ed!! Thanks for posting the pics, I like seeing the work in progress, and the OHC.

Just curious, how did you check the pistons if you think they may have been hitting the intake valves?

Do you need to do a leakdown to be certain you didn't bend them?

Used an inspection light and put pistons to bottom of bores. I'll do a leak down this weekend when I mess with it again. As of now it runs good. If I find a problem, then I'll deal with it. Another good reason to try and stimulate the economy :rotflol:

03-17-2009, 08:06 PM
Cool. I was hoping you had a good view of the pistons. I'm thinking if it felt that good through the gears, you're probably ok, but better safe than sorry. I never got mine fired when I screwed up the timing chain on the bbo, but it doesn't take much of a hit when spinning it to bend the valves.