View Full Version : rear axles

02-28-2009, 09:07 PM
whats up guys, i was trying to reinstall my axles and they are not wanting to go all the way into the carrier, its starts into the splines but does not want to go all the way in. from my passed experiences the axles should slide in relativity easy. any info or advice would be appreciated :thumbsup:


02-28-2009, 11:07 PM
Wow that weird. I would try spinning it and try pushing in if it dosent work spin it again and try it. If not check your axle splines to make sure they are not mufed up. I don't know. Its hard to help without seeing it.

03-01-2009, 08:33 AM
they should slide right in, check for dirt,metal,etc... in the spline areas

03-01-2009, 10:21 AM
Are the splines straight on the axle? They can twist with wheel-hop, especially stock axles.

03-01-2009, 11:09 AM
I had an 88 Fiestieva that I was always having the axles replaced on. The one time they didn't slide in easily the splines weren't in line on the axle itself. It wasn't twisted it just wasn't machined right. Of course thet came from Advance. Just an example to look for. Hope it helps.

03-01-2009, 08:17 PM
Wow that weird. I would try spinning it and try pushing in if it dosent work spin it again and try it. If not check your axle splines to make sure they are not mufed up. I don't know. Its hard to help without seeing it.

yeah i have two sets of axles the set that came out of the rear end and i had a set from tony71502's 8.8 tried both sets and i am having the same problem with both sets. checked the splines they aren't messed up or anything. I dont' know i am going to try what u said and see if it works :thumbsup: thanks brian for the info

03-01-2009, 08:21 PM
Are the splines straight on the axle? They can twist with wheel-hop, especially stock axles.

that could be a good possibility the rear end did experience a good hand full of trips to PRP and the FLD's when i disassembled the rear end the axles came out very easy and the carrier was not removed from the rear end. i will check to see if the splines are twisted thanks for the info :thumbsup:

03-10-2009, 06:17 PM
well i tried rolling the rear end that didnt work but the passenger side slid in perfectly before i rolled it. i think i am going to have to take the carrier out and inspect the splines on the side gear, something has to be messed up in there. the axle starts into the splines but does not want to go all the way in to install the c-clip. all splines on the axles r good which is leading me to believe my problem lies in the side gear splines. i will let u know what i find thanks again for the tips and info guys :goodidea: