View Full Version : Couple Pics

03-11-2009, 07:16 PM
I put a set of 86 GT seats in it and snaped a couple pics of the car. Paint coming soon.

91 2.3T Notch - Tuned by Bob and Mike

03-11-2009, 07:21 PM
looks good, those 2.3 cars are growing on me.

03-11-2009, 08:36 PM
We have to have the most vicious circle - My TC to Frank, Chuck gets TC seats from Frank, Shaun gets GT seats from Chuck, so where did the coupe seats go???? :D Looks Good :thmbsup:

Clark - You have to ride in Shauns, that little notch makes me smile :D

03-11-2009, 09:26 PM
Lookin' good

03-11-2009, 09:31 PM
what are the holes on the front bumper?? i like those seats!!

03-11-2009, 09:39 PM
what are the holes on the front bumper??

Those are for his laser red guided missiles; best not piss him off :)

03-11-2009, 09:45 PM
If He Tells U He'll Have 2 Kill U ... Lol, He Can't Give Up All His Secrets...

03-11-2009, 09:46 PM
If He Tells U He'll Have 2 Kill U ... Lol, He Can't Give Up All His Secrets...

X2 - nothing to see there, move along :D

Or as Homer Simpson described them, Speed Holes

03-11-2009, 09:54 PM
X2 -

Or as Homer Simpson described them, Speed Holes


03-11-2009, 09:55 PM
We have to have the most vicious circle - My TC to Frank, Chuck gets TC seats from Frank, Shaun gets GT seats from Chuck, so where did the coupe seats go???? :D Looks Good :thmbsup:

Notch seats went to Wisconsin, I don't think they will be back anytime soon.

[QUOTE=97LaserRed;163753]what are the holes on the front bumper?? i like those seats!!

The holes were a idea of a mad man.

03-11-2009, 10:05 PM
nice i love coupes

03-11-2009, 10:07 PM
When you bringing the headliner out to recover?

03-11-2009, 10:09 PM
When you bringing the headliner out to recover?

I got it out, just got to pick up the material and get out of work at a decent hour. I will be calling you though.:thmbsup: It's the headliner out of my black coupe, I'm leaving the red car PORNO

03-11-2009, 10:16 PM
I'm leaving the red car PORNO

Too bad you can't get Boom Chicka Wow Wow on a license plate :thmbsup: