View Full Version : longtube headers

ebo 4356
03-29-2009, 02:00 AM
I have slp lm1s, but i want to buy longtubes and im worried its going to be way to loud. Are they worth it and do they increase sound alot.

03-29-2009, 10:33 AM
IMO, the longtubes will have a more mellow sound than what you have now.

Stock manifolds, off-road mid and SLPs have got to be the LOUDEST set-up with these mod motors.

I got BBk longtubes, o/r x-pipe and magnaflow magnapacks (which aren't much diff than the LM1s) and I think it sounds great. There is no popping or crackling whatsoever. I was a little worried it would be loud as hell, but it seems like the LTs mellow, smooth out the noise some???

I can't really explain it. Here's a short vid of this set-up: YouTube- 01 Mustang GT / short exhaust rev

edit: ARE they worth it? If you pay $600 for decent LTs for the noise factor, I would say NO that's not worth it. I would do cams at the same time. My car picked up about 40hp from cams and longtubes. I don't know how much the cams and/or lontubes would have been worth alone, but after doing some research, they obviously help each other make more total power. With your PI-swapped '97 block motor, you still should be able to run anybody's Stage 1 with no piston-to-valve problems, but you should do a lot of research on it.

ebo 4356
03-30-2009, 11:25 PM
Yea i was going to get LT's because im going to put a new clutch in soon and i heard you might as well get them while everything is apart.