View Full Version : Anyone running the AEM EMS on their mustang???

03-30-2009, 08:57 AM
Well i've been a tried and true PMS user for about 4 years now, and i'm bored with it and ready to venture off into something new, and the AEM seems very appealing to me. i am still reading on it before i buy, but i wanted to see if there was anyone local that uses this engine management system. Obviously I am looking for someone who knows how to tune themself... thus being able to show me the basics. I don't really know much about it other than some of the features it offers. I was hoping to get some feedback. Thanks again.

03-30-2009, 09:42 AM
Billy, I run it in my '95. Honestly I have forgotten more than I remember. :( I won't have the car out for a few more weeks yet, but when I do you're more than welcome to see the system in action. Maybe we could meet at on a sunday at one of the crusie nights. I really need to find time here soon to give myself a refresher.

03-30-2009, 09:47 AM
hey paul, I was almost positive that you had it, because i thought i saw it one night at the car show.. but that was a while ago. how do you like it? was it hard to hook up or get started with?

03-30-2009, 10:50 AM
I love it. The only problem I have ever had is ignition related. If I change anything in the ignition, ie remove the distributor, etc) I can sometimes develop a miss. I correct it by removing the dizzy and re-installing it. I had help putting mine in from my buddy Mike and Mark on here. It wasn't hard. We used the EGR wires to power the MAP sensor and hooked up my AEM wideband as the sole O2 sensor via the stock O2 wires. There was some changes in the AEM software required to do this and that is what I can not remember how to do. Basically with the AEM you are able to change any sensor or sensor input into something else. We told the AEM that the EGR was now the MAP sensor and that only one O2 input was enough and that it was a wideband input.

I self tuned for about a month or so before I felt I had it nailed down. This is much easier on an NA application for obvious reasons. The tables/fields are extremely easy to work with and take a common sense approach to tuning which makes its VERY easy in my opinion. Once you see how easy it is I think you will want one. The datalogging is amazing too and is the real standout benefit to the AEM system. When I get the car out I'll bring my laptop with me and it to you.

03-30-2009, 10:56 AM
awesome sounds great! I have read a lot about people swapping ignitions to coil over plug setup.

03-30-2009, 12:54 PM
There's MSII & Quarterhorse...


03-31-2009, 12:36 AM
Do any of the local speed shops tune with the AEM? Do you offer any package dyno deals if I would buy from them?

03-31-2009, 08:15 AM
I'm not aware of anyone local, but if you buy one I suggest getting it from Bob Kurgan as he has a good price on them and he will service you after the sale with help on hooking it up and such. Don't buy it from Summit or you will be on your own to surf the AEM forums to figure it out on your own. You can download the software for free on AEM's website http://www.aempower.com in the forums. You may want to download it and mess around with it just to familiarize yourself with the screens and tables.

03-31-2009, 09:58 AM
LOL I have already been there and am doing that right now... i'll have to check Kurgans site out. I wasn't sure if it would be more cost effective to just buy a used one with some of the stuff already with it or tech support wise to go ahead and bite it and buy a new one with a life line to call for help.

03-31-2009, 10:10 AM
If you can swing it, the life line is worth the added cost.

If you get hung up on the software let me know and I can walk you through the basic's over the phone. I was a bit overwhelmed in the very beginning as I didn't know what all of the little tabs and such did or what the "dartboard" like icon in the bottom left of the screen was for.

03-31-2009, 11:36 AM
well i'll definately have you walk me through this regardless after i find out what route i'm going to go. I have a good feeling i'll be able to find some support using this with or without buying it new. I think if i can find one that is for sale with everything i'm looking for then i'll go for it to save 500 bucks, but if i can't find a good deal then i'll probably buy a new one.

03-31-2009, 08:12 PM
I emailed bob, and he seems to have the best prices around, and he'll give me a base tuen built around my combo, and said he'll spend probably an hour on the phone with me setting it up initially. hell you almost can't even beat that.

03-31-2009, 08:42 PM
My buddy Mark on here (mlowry1260) also runs the AEM, seems like a good system.
You guys should have an AEM tune party :) ---or have Bob out here to tune them.

03-31-2009, 09:13 PM
yeah in a perfect world lol... I don't know why more people don't use the AEM though....

03-31-2009, 09:49 PM
well i'll definately have you walk me through this regardless after i find out what route i'm going to go. I have a good feeling i'll be able to find some support using this with or without buying it new. I think if i can find one that is for sale with everything i'm looking for then i'll go for it to save 500 bucks, but if i can't find a good deal then i'll probably buy a new one.


don't underestimate the value of a good dealer. I'd recommend buying from Bob Kurgan of Kurgan Motersports, http://www.kurganmotorsports.com/ Bob's a DR racer with a good deal of tuning experience. He's in a western suburb of Chicago. If you buy from Bob he'll provide you with a base tune & phone support. He been good to me & my friend Mike.

I'm rusty but, I plan to get back at tuning this spring on my n/a 363 powered mustang. Turbos are a different animal.

03-31-2009, 10:20 PM
Mark helped me setup mine, along with Mikeymustang. Both are great guys that have a much better understanding of the AEM than I do. The two of them had my car up and running in a matter of a few hours. I highly suggest getting it through Bob if you can, especially with what he is giving you.

04-12-2009, 12:23 AM
Just an update, i got the aem hooked up, got my boost solenoid, map sensor, wideband, all wired up and into the AEM. I also deleted my gay mass air meter, good bye to those POS's. With some research and some experienced informational help, the car fired up and ran like a dream right away. I sync'd the timing and now i'm finishing setting the idle A/F then i'm going to drive it pull some logs and set the a/f for my fuel tables. So far i'm totally impressed with the AEM...

05-09-2009, 01:34 AM
I need some help with this if anyone knows what they're doing. It would be nice to have someone take a look at what i'm doing and give me some pointers because i'm really not sure about a lot of this stuff, and it's hard to figure out some of this stuff on your own.

05-11-2009, 11:33 PM