View Full Version : Back from the dyno.

04-04-2009, 01:05 AM
I just back from the dyno I'm very happy will results but it was trying day and a little more expensive than I planned for. But Dave, Jason, and George from SGS went way beyond the call of duty today. More on that thought later in the post.

The car put out 665/540. That's up 93/27 from this dyno. My previous best was 572/513 at SGS. The 598/531 I ran was at big shot dyno in Columbus OH. Maybe I need go back there for a one time for a glory run lol. If I made 25-30 more I could be damn near 700 lol.

The frustrating part was the torrential down pour all the way there(212 miles). When I exited I-70 east near Hargerstown Maryland and was merging onto I-81 north I hit about 2' of standing water and sucked up a bunch through my cold air intake. Lucky it wasn't enough to lock up motor. But It immediately start missing bad. I knew the MAF was wet because I experienced it before when the MAF was on the CAI/Power Pipe in the inner fender. But now it's next to the throttle body so I knew I must have sucked up a good bit of water. I pulled over and check oil and there was not water in it. I cleaned off the MAF but after a short distance it started missing again. Well I decided to limp the last 50 miles and finally get there.

When Dave pulled off one of pipes going to the intercooler some water pours out an there's about 1/2" of standing water in it. So they proceed to remove all the charge piping. Of course everything is just soaked. So while they were at it they just re did almost all the pipes and bead rolled all of them and welded the majority. A lot neater more tucked way with less sharp bends. Plus I don't to worry about blowing them off. I don't think thet liked my coupled up ebay special lol.

Took 5 hours to get me done and dynoed and the were more than fair with the price. Even though the had to put their own projects and a couple other on hold because of the extra work.

I can't not speak more highly about their dedication to customer service and attention to detail.


04-04-2009, 01:09 AM
Looking good man!!!

04-04-2009, 01:27 AM
Looking good man!!!

Thank you sir. When are you starting tomorrow? Please forgive the typo's missing words and poor grammar I'm extremely tired.

04-04-2009, 02:29 AM
Wow! Very impressive! How many lbs. of boost did you make during the 655 pull? Is this on 93 pump gas? Whats your total timing? Do you have a fuel system? Very nice #'s! Congrats!

04-04-2009, 02:55 AM
Wow! Very impressive! How many lbs. of boost did you make during the 655 pull? Is this on 93 pump gas? Whats your total timing? Do you have a fuel system? Very nice #'s! Congrats!

665 was 20psi 19*

Stage1 upgraded FPDM
cobra tank,
dual Lincoln aviator fuel pumps (271lph each)
40 amp BAP
10g fuel pump wire upgrade
60lb injector
removed pprv
Stock filter and supply line up to the inner fender
Deleted pulse dampner.
upgaded line from the passenger inner fender well to the fuel rail
Russel 8-an to ford efi. It has twive the inner bore.
Stock fuel rails

04-04-2009, 06:27 AM
Nice numbers:highfive: ..Those should get you in the 10's easy:thmbsup:

04-04-2009, 07:09 AM
Nice numbers:highfive: ..Those should get you in the 10's easy:thmbsup:

Should but I'll be driving:rotflol: Thank you:goodidea:

04-04-2009, 07:25 AM
nice jive, so she's finally running smooth for ya eh?

04-04-2009, 07:36 AM
nice jive, so she's finally running smooth for ya eh?


Ever since I changed the intake, and retuned.:jump:

04-04-2009, 08:28 AM
thats awesome numbers.. i think your the new dyno champ around these parts now.

04-04-2009, 08:33 AM
thats awesome numbers.. i think your the new dyno champ around these parts now.

No way there's some that do alot better than me, but I'm happy with it.


04-04-2009, 09:36 AM
Another good SGS experience. Those guys are nice to deal with. I didn't get anything but a tune, but seemed like they would've went out of their way like that if anything was out of whack on my car.

Jive, that graph says SAE. My graph and most others I've seen from SGS are STD. You might have got close to 700 if they had it in STD. STD #s usually run about 5% higher. Did they make a decision to switch over or is that just a coincidence? :sticktonge:

04-04-2009, 10:09 AM
awesome numbers.. you da man

04-04-2009, 10:31 AM
We were just there on Monday.Those guys are awesome,they took time with us to explain what they were doing,fixed a few small problems,got the number my kid was looking for and a bit more.Good guys to bad they're so far away 4hrs. with a trailer.

04-04-2009, 11:43 AM
nice, sounds like a beast!

04-04-2009, 12:05 PM
Another good SGS experience. Those guys are nice to deal with. I didn't get anything but a tune, but seemed like they would've went out of their way like that if anything was out of whack on my car.

Jive, that graph says SAE. My graph and most others I've seen from SGS are STD. You might have got close to 700 if they had it in STD. STD #s usually run about 5% higher. Did they make a decision to switch over or is that just a coincidence? :sticktonge:

I touched it up alittle because it wasn't scanning well. I just realized it was std and rescaned it on a better scanner.:hide1:

awesome numbers.. you da man

We were just there on Monday.Those guys are awesome,they took time with us to explain what they were doing,fixed a few small problems,got the number my kid was looking for and a bit more.Good guys to bad they're so far away 4hrs. with a trailer.

nice, sounds like a beast!


04-04-2009, 04:58 PM
Wow nice numbers :thmbsup:

Most of that from the intake swap or you do any further upgrades that add to that?

04-04-2009, 05:27 PM
Wow nice numbers :thmbsup:

Most of that from the intake swap or you do any further upgrades that add to that?

The intake with optional oval TB upper, S to Trim, bigger intercooler, better piping from SGS, and a couple more degrees of timing.

04-04-2009, 05:53 PM
Wow Jive....that thing is an animal!!!

04-04-2009, 06:34 PM
Awesome, the SGS crew is top notch. Congrats:thumbsup:

04-04-2009, 07:08 PM
Congratulations!! =)

04-04-2009, 07:31 PM
Nice numbers:highfive: ..Those should get you in the 10's easy:thmbsup:

If you cant get into the 10's with 665 rwhp then something is drastically wrong! LOL!:rofl:
I was thinking 9's!:thmbsup:

What's the breakdown of your complete combo?
2v. or 4v.?

04-04-2009, 11:03 PM
the SGS crew is top notch. :thumbsup:


04-05-2009, 10:14 AM
What's the breakdown of your complete combo?
2v. or 4v.?

I got to know too! Damn that's impressive out of a 4.6 3V! :thumbsup:

04-05-2009, 09:21 PM
I got to know too! Damn that's impressive out of a 4.6 3V! :thumbsup:

it's a 2v with patriot heads, cams, mmr shortblock, and a t-trim @ 20psi....it's gonna be a runner...LOL :)

04-05-2009, 09:27 PM

dumb shit! :pointlaff:

04-05-2009, 10:51 PM
dumb shit! :pointlaff:

Don't be so hard on yourself Mark......if I had your car it would be impossible to say something wrong. :rotflol::rotflol:

04-07-2009, 01:10 PM
A strong puller all the way to 6200! :thumbsup: congrats on the numbers. That's on 93 right? If so, some 100 in the tank and a few more degrees of timing might get you that 700 you're looking for! :thumbsup:

04-07-2009, 01:18 PM
If you cant get into the 10's with 665 rwhp then something is drastically wrong! LOL!:rofl:
I was thinking 9's!:thmbsup:

What's the breakdown of your complete combo?
2v. or 4v.?

Stock bore and stroke 281 ci 4.6l
03 cobra crank
Manely h-beam rods
Manely Notched pistons
Apr fasteners/head studs.
Houston performance S292 cams. If I knew I would take this far I would have went with the R292.
Patriot Performance stage 2, Ported 2V heads
Unported TFS Track Heat intake with the optional oval throttle body upper intake
Accufab single blade oval throttle body for 96-98 cobra 1694cfm (over kill I know lol)

Custom 3" exhaust by Rodeheavers
Mac LT's cut at the ball flange to make it a 3" collector
Custom X-pipe
3" dynomax bullets dumped before rear axle.

Vortech T-trim at 20psi 3" Vortech renegade pulley
31x12x4" CXracing intercooler (ebay).
Intercooler piping revamped by SGS lol. Mine was a hack job.
6 to 8 rib pulley conversion
Innovators West 18% overdrive crank dampener
Anderson Motorsport power pipe. Been hacked up over the years.

I think that's all the power mods

04-07-2009, 01:19 PM
A strong puller all the way to 6200! :thumbsup: congrats on the numbers. That's on 93 right? If so, some 100 in the tank and a few more degrees of timing might get you that 700 you're looking for! :thumbsup:

I had some torco in the tank.

04-07-2009, 07:24 PM
Hmm... i read the mod list... i take it no cats?

04-07-2009, 08:10 PM
I didn't look.:)