View Full Version : Think I found some missing ET

04-11-2009, 07:56 PM
Opening day at PRP my car was off the entire way down track. About a tenth at 1/8 and 2 tenths at 1/4. Well on way home that day every time I came to a red light and had noticed the smell of brake cooking.

Well $250 later I have new rotors, pads and calipers in the back. Passenger side wasn't so bad but driver side was FUBAR. I could barely turn the axle by hand and back side of rotor was messed up. Caliper was bound up bad. Car never pulled to a side but it does explain the drop in mileage also.

Took a trip down McKnight road to break in pads and man the car just rolls so easy now. Should be interesting next trip to track with non binding brakes and a car thats tuned :hyper:

04-11-2009, 08:24 PM
Should be a slightly better time slip coming then. :goodidea:

04-11-2009, 08:30 PM
Looking forward to seeing what it goes now Ed.

04-14-2009, 10:26 AM
Yeah, that ought to make a difference! You sure there's not pieces of mop in there though??? :sticktonge:

04-14-2009, 12:16 PM
i know guys that warp rotors, just so it pushes the pad away for less rolling resistance

04-14-2009, 05:10 PM
That might make a big difference Ed, you'll be surprised

04-14-2009, 07:37 PM
I hope so if how its been driving last few days is any indication.

04-14-2009, 08:10 PM
if how its been driving last few days is any indication.


04-20-2009, 09:13 PM
I found mph. Ended up running consistant 111+mph. I could only get et down to a 12.51 with much better numbers down track than last outing. Running about same as my best back in October. Which makes it a solid mid 12.5 car in warm weather. After looking at a datalog of one pass I have found my shift light is WAY off.

With MSD 2 step at 5800 my launch rpm held at 5827rpm. The peaks down track were way to low for where car should be shifted at. Shift light was at 6300. With light at 6300 and at 2-3 rpms were 5471 and 3-4 rpms at 5587.

So it's off nearly 800 rpms. I had noticed last year that light would come on well before the traps and I only cross at about 5800-5900rpms. Last time I ever buy a Proform shift light. I'm gonna order up a multi stage shift light so I can get each shift setup with it's own rpm point. I'm sitting on atleast 3-4 tenths untill I get the shift points figured out. So a new shift light and a trip to the dyno is in order.

04-20-2009, 09:34 PM
Last time I ever buy a Proform shift light.

I threw mine as far as I could when I figured out how frigged up it was. I have an Autometer with the pills now. Much more repeatable.

You still have me well covered ;)

04-21-2009, 10:51 AM
That makes a lot of sense, Ed. Your mph should put you 12 teens easily. Though trying to judge you at the stripe with that mph at 12.50 would give people fits... it would be like Mikey with the T Type almost! :D

Mikey... what shift light do you have???????????? Just wondering, with that 121mph trap speed.

Bob, is that a temporary situation?

04-21-2009, 12:12 PM
Bob, is that a temporary situation?

I sure hope so ;) I am still running low boost while I finish the tune. I do have an issue with the car not launching. Car hits then bogs, even at 6,000 rpm. Best 60' to date has been a 2.15. Working on a solution for that.

04-21-2009, 12:34 PM
I think I may have seen you up at the track Saturday Ares..

04-21-2009, 12:45 PM
I sure hope so ;) I am still running low boost while I finish the tune. I do have an issue with the car not launching. Car hits then bogs, even at 6,000 rpm. Best 60' to date has been a 2.15. Working on a solution for that.

Damn, that turbo must be pretty big to do that. You try slippin the clutch a hair to build some boost then side step it? I used to do something similar to that with my audi but that's a dinky k03 sport turbo. I wish I took that car to the track. I really got after it with that car LOL

04-21-2009, 05:10 PM
That makes a lot of sense, Ed. Your mph should put you 12 teens easily. Though trying to judge you at the stripe with that mph at 12.50 would give people fits... it would be like Mikey with the T Type almost! :D

Mikey... what shift light do you have???????????? Just wondering, with that 121mph trap speed.

Bob, is that a temporary situation?


Mikey runs a Proform also Chuck.

I have some video of a few of your passes Bob that Chuck got with my camera. You can see your car hit hard then fall on it's face then looks to get going again.

Chuck let Barry know I will burn those videos for his son to CD

04-21-2009, 05:34 PM
Damn, that turbo must be pretty big to do that.

That's what i've been saying ;)

You try slippin the clutch a hair to build some boost then side step it?

Clutches are binary in my world, off or on :D This is only a step to full on assaults and bald spots on the starting line. It just needs more RPM

I have some video of a few of your passes Bob that Chuck got with my camera. You can see your car hit hard then fall on it's face then looks to get going again.

Yeah, it hit REALLY good, falls over almost putting me into the sterring wheel, then drives back through it. I'm still tuning on it :D

Someone get me a copy of those vids if possible. We need to start swapping SD cards amoungst us or something.

04-21-2009, 07:10 PM
Yeah Chuck I run the proform shift light too but I dont have a problem with it. I don't even loo at the tach.

04-22-2009, 10:13 AM
Mike, if you're going off the shift light, couldn't you be off like Ed was? Can you see the tach to see if it's coming on when you have it set?

I just hope someone can film some passes whenever the Cutlass comes out. Car porn is good stuff. :D

Test n tune is on for Sunday.

04-22-2009, 10:42 AM
Chuck I think that the tach in the car is off and not the shift light. I atleast know that it is consistent when it comes on.

We definitely need some video of the cutty when it is ready. Was that your camera that we were also using Chuck?

04-22-2009, 04:36 PM
It is consistent, and so is Ed. Ed obviously has the mph for quicker ETs. I'm thinking that you might too... maybe not 10.90s, but darn close! :D

I was mixing cameras between Ed's and Greg's. My dinosaur (matches my cell phone) I think needs a new battery.

04-22-2009, 05:40 PM
I was wondering what you were thinking when you were relating the mph to the shift light haha.

04-22-2009, 05:56 PM
Opening day at PRP my car was off the entire way down track. About a tenth at 1/8 and 2 tenths at 1/4. Well on way home that day every time I came to a red light and had noticed the smell of brake cooking.

Well $250 later I have new rotors, pads and calipers in the back. Passenger side wasn't so bad but driver side was FUBAR. I could barely turn the axle by hand and back side of rotor was messed up. Caliper was bound up bad. Car never pulled to a side but it does explain the drop in mileage also.

Took a trip down McKnight road to break in pads and man the car just rolls so easy now. Should be interesting next trip to track with non binding brakes and a car thats tuned :hyper:
Damn I wish I would meet you some time. I see you constantly out Rt.19 and Mcknight and by the time I follow you you are long gone. Love your car haha.

04-24-2009, 10:41 PM
Well I ran out to Summit afterwork and picked up a new shift light.

Autometer #5348 - Black level 2 (peak rpm recall, multi shift point settings)

Seems to be pretty nice setup and easy to use. I hooked it up to a small reciever battery pack for one of my RC cars and did a quick video of colors and shift points. Unit has a 4 wire hookup, black ground, red keyed power, green tach signal, blue for hooking to remote start/manual arm or brake/clutch switch or trans brake/line lock.

PEAC = Peak RPM Recall (level 3 units have 80sec memory and playback to tach)
SptS = Is menu for setting rpm for each shift point. Up to 4 settings
LnCH = menu to set launch rpm light. (would be useful if not using a 2 step and not having to worry about watching tach when staging)
PPr = Pulse Per Revolution, used for setting up to ignition type. (should be able to leave in factory setting)
CoLr = For setting light colors. 0 = White, 1 = Red, 2 = Yellow, 3 = Green, 4 = Teal, 5 = Blue, 6 = Magneta
L LV = light level, Lo can be set from 1-11 and factory is 1(easy to see), Hi can be set from 5-15(5 factory which is bright and 15 would be blinding at night)
PSL = For Progressive shift light settings. I'm leaving this at factory off. I would think this toeasy to mess up a shift as it can be set to lite up in a color say at 60% to shift, then around 90% where is goes on-off-on, 100% at shift point then flashing red at over shift. The percentages can be adjusted to user. I think this would be good for road racing but I may mess with it at some point to see if I work with it.

Shiftlitefunctions.flv video by mistwalker7 - Photobucket@@AMEPARAM@@http://vid222.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid222.photobucket.com/albums/dd256/mistwalker7/Shiftlitefunctions.flv@@AMEPARAM@@vid222@@AMEPARAM @@222@@AMEPARAM@@dd256/mistwalker7/Shiftlitefunctions

04-24-2009, 10:58 PM
how much was it Ed