View Full Version : June custom dyno tuning...

Wolfpack Speed
05-22-2009, 11:15 AM
We are having another 2 day private tuning session next month! Time slots are available for anyone interested. Those of you who were on the list I have either spoken with or left a message. Please give me a ring at the shop for further details:goodidea:



05-23-2009, 09:47 AM
how much for a dyno tune?

sinful rides
05-24-2009, 08:53 PM
What day in june is it?

05-25-2009, 10:05 PM
What day in june is it?

Wolfpack Speed
05-25-2009, 10:52 PM
Sorry for the missing details, I got the call on the dates just as I was walking out for the holiday weekend!

Jon Lund will be here for private dyno tuning via SCT on Friday June 12th and Saturday June 13th. Jon charges $250 per car for his tuning services and needs to be paid in cash the day of, or via paypal prior too. To secure a time slot, we need a non refundable deposit of $107 and this will also double as your first hour of dyno time. Discounted dyno time applies to those who purchase their SCT hardware through us, start up files are available upon request.

If anyone is interested, please contact me at the shop for further details!



Wolfpack Speed
05-26-2009, 11:36 AM
Voicemails, emails and pm's returned! Thanks for the interest everyone!

Wolfpack Speed
06-01-2009, 06:02 PM
Just about full, thanks SCS's! If anyone else is interested, ring me at the shop.



Wolfpack Speed
06-05-2009, 12:43 PM
We are full again, thanks everyone!

06-11-2009, 09:37 AM
Come on people get excited or something!!! :hyper:

I cant wait to get some numbers out of my car. All I heard at Carlisle was "Whats it putting out?" and I had to do a DUH I dont know. Then I had to tell the lethal performance story.

BTW I will be at the shop on Saturday (appointment is for 3:00) and hope to see everyone there.

06-11-2009, 10:32 AM
KB #: It is alive!! :highfive: No whimples here! :thmbsup:

All I can say is BRING IT Kenne Bell Boy! LOL :sticktonge:

06-11-2009, 11:11 AM

Wolfpack Speed
06-11-2009, 01:55 PM
Come on people get excited or something!!! :hyper:

I cant wait to get some numbers out of my car. All I heard at Carlisle was "Whats it putting out?" and I had to do a DUH I dont know. Then I had to tell the lethal performance story.

BTW I will be at the shop on Saturday (appointment is for 3:00) and hope to see everyone there.Maybe we can do a plublic party for the next one like earlier in the year. Everyone keeps asking me why I don't everytime but it is just too much to do every month...we had closer to a hundred people throughout the day for the SCS's Dyno Day:hyper: See you Saturday Ryan, I just had to do a dual fpdm, lethal wire upgrade stup on a whipple vert that we are tuning tommorrow, I will data log it this afternoon to make sure the harness is good:sticktonge:

06-11-2009, 02:18 PM
That might be something to test but I was told I was the only lucky winner out of the hundreds that were sold but they said the same thing about the fore hat. You should have heard me when I was wiring the MDM jr up. "So that's red wire to black wire and black wire to red wire correct??" :rotflol:

Wolfpack Speed
06-11-2009, 03:24 PM
That might be something to test but I was told I was the only lucky winner out of the hundreds that were sold but they said the same thing about the fore hat. You should have heard me when I was wiring the MDM jr up. "So that's red wire to black wire and black wire to red wire correct??" :rotflol:
OK, now I am getting scared...getting ready to install one as soon as I am done eating:slaphappy:

06-11-2009, 03:34 PM
Hey thats my setup. lol Have fun getting the hat to stock fuel line adapter into the stock fuel filter. Its a tight fit!!

This might help you out a bit too. lol


From Jared:
"By looking at the image the wires on the connector to the left is wrong. Somehow the black and red got soldered to the opposite pins. In that case the connector on the left would use the black as positive to the pump and the red to the negative on the pump."

Wolfpack Speed
06-11-2009, 03:36 PM
Hey thats my setup. lol Have fun getting the hat to stock fuel line adapter into the stock fuel filter. Its a tight fit!!

This might help you out a bit too. lol


From Jared:
"By looking at the image the wires on the connector to the left is wrong. Somehow the black and red got soldered to the opposite pins. In that case the connector on the left would use the black as positive to the pump and the red to the negative on the pump."

Why you posting up illegal url's!!!!

06-11-2009, 03:43 PM
I fixed it

Wolfpack Speed
06-12-2009, 12:33 AM
Hey thats my setup. lol Have fun getting the hat to stock fuel line adapter into the stock fuel filter. Its a tight fit!!

This might help you out a bit too. lol


From Jared:
"By looking at the image the wires on the connector to the left is wrong. Somehow the black and red got soldered to the opposite pins. In that case the connector on the left would use the black as positive to the pump and the red to the negative on the pump."

No problems, very high quality! Did some data logging and all is well, should make some sweet number when we kick of the tuning days tomorrow:goodidea:

06-13-2009, 05:11 PM
...moved to a new thread...

06-13-2009, 07:18 PM
Well, after a less than steller time at the last session, I finally got my car done. Last time as most of you know I had some issues that couldnt be found and the car was un-tuneable. Finally its done. I must say, it pulls like a freight train all the way till my injectors peg. Which happens rather quickly now too. HAHAH Anyways, Lund was great to work with today and everything went very smooth. Any time you see your car on a dyno getting the life beat out of it, the best thing to do is walk away. As I did. Thanks for the conversation Lou!! Nice chatting to you again.

I will later get the sheet and file from mike to show the run but the car did

463.50 HP @ 5600
441.05 TQ @ 5250

The numbers crossed over at 5200.

As John said, there is a good bit more in it but without fuel it isnt gonna happen. With some 60's and a different meter I will get another tune next year.

There were higher numbers but that was during the tuning and it was not anywhere safe. I think at one time my injectors maxed at 4000. We upped the base perssure to ad a crutch like and thats when the final numbers came. To say the least, I am happier than Mike Jackson in boystown!!! The car basically runs like a stock 5.0 car except for the cam at idle and the power. Tip-in is just a bit off but after about an hour of fooling with it, its about the best its going to be for now. Just a very slight hesitation.

Thanks Mike and John!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds good man!

Grab an SCT meter & some 60's and you got youself around 550 rwhp!

06-13-2009, 07:54 PM
Sounds good man!

Grab an SCT meter & some 60's and you got youself around 550 rwhp!

You know it brotha!!!!!!! I think I will fab up an intercooler too. I told John I would see him next year unless I hit the lotto in the next two months.

06-13-2009, 10:13 PM
wick was your mustang red? i was there for a couple mins today to meet lou for something. if so it sounded good when you pulled in.

Wolfpack Speed
06-14-2009, 01:23 AM
Well, it was a long 2 days of tuning! We did another 10 cars, thanks to everyone who participated, I really appreciate your business:goodidea:

Pure Stock
06-14-2009, 02:47 AM
463.50 HP @ 5600
441.05 TQ @ 5250

What do you think it will e.t. in the 1/4?

06-14-2009, 09:34 AM
wick was your mustang red? i was there for a couple mins today to meet lou for something. if so it sounded good when you pulled in.

Yes, it is. You must have been the guy that was there for about 10 minutes then left? Thanks man. Next year I hope for better numbers with a supporting fuel system. Couldnt swing it this time.

What do you think it will e.t. in the 1/4?

Man Joe, you know driver mod will net way better times. You would have better luck with it. I cant drag for shit and will be the first to admit it. Cant never duplicate the same thing twice. Always spin or bog.

06-14-2009, 10:51 AM
It was nice BSing with everyone and getting the car tuned 100% by Jon. I am happy with the car over all even if I messed my goal by a little bit. That 600 is harder than I thought to make on a safe pump gas tune. The extra 60rwhp that the car picked up over the pretune I used on the trip to Carlisle is a very nice addition. :thmbsup:

I want to see what she will put down with some cool down time. Any plans for another SCS get together?

06-14-2009, 11:11 AM
So what did it do Ryan? Would have liked to stick around but I had to get home for my son. Babysitter had to leave.

Wolfpack Speed
06-14-2009, 12:24 PM
Any plans for another SCS get together?

I have no problem doing another SCS's dyno day and have got some requests to do so. I also have another idea, I will let you guys know about that later!

Wolfpack Speed
06-14-2009, 12:25 PM
As soon as I am done getting the shop back together, I will post up some graphs and details for everyone:thmbsup:

06-14-2009, 12:38 PM
As soon as I am done getting the shop back together, I will post up some graphs and details for everyone:thmbsup:

Thanks man!! I didnt get a chance to download that site yet. I might just transfer what I posted here and start a new thread. Keep it together and not clutter this up. Yesterday was probably the best drive home I have had in a long time!!! Even though it was only 2 or 3 miles, it was still nice and smooth.:goodidea:

06-14-2009, 01:55 PM
Glad to hear to hear that everything worked out for you.

My numbers were:
Max Power 579.18
Max torque 500.68

Thats up over 100 rwhp from the ported eaton that we pulled off. :hyper:

06-14-2009, 02:00 PM
Thats good stuff Ryan. Nice to hear it all went well this time for you too. Mechanical issues and or electrical issues really blow. Thats all I can say at this point. I was very pleased with John and it seems like you were also.

06-14-2009, 08:35 PM
Glad that it went well for you guys.

How much boost are you seeing with that twin screw Ryan?

06-14-2009, 08:53 PM
We were seeing 17 on the pulls.

06-14-2009, 09:12 PM
We were seeing 17 on the pulls.

Twin screws really come alive with more boost. Keep that in mind for when you get used to the power and it seems slow again. :goodidea:

Wolfpack Speed
08-18-2010, 01:30 AM

As if you already haven't completely embarrassed your self via these two threads...



I figured I would embarrass you some more by bringing these threads back and exposing you for the two faced liar that you are. I feel obligated to do so as you have intentionally slandered me, my company and my business associate, for absolutely no reason. I responded to your comments in the first thread because I wanted people to know the truth. I ignored your comments in the second thread but you accused me, or us, of something that is yet another LIE and I just cant let that go. I urge anyone and everyone that has any interest in your malicious comments to read all posts made in this thread, or at least by my self (Wolfpack Speed) and you (RUTHLESS). After doing so, you and whoever choses to discover the truth will see exactly why your comments are totally uncalled for. I will also be posting this in 2 other threads that are located here, in my forum, to offer further evidence of your LIES. Forget the fact that you have offered absolutely NOTHING to back up your statements, but why now after over a year are you on here trash talking us? You have also accused me, or us, of blowing up motors and covering things up. Do you have any proof or evidence of this? The answer is no, because we have never blown up a motor...EVER.

I don't need to go into detail regarding how we treat our customers and their cars, anyone who has utilized our services knows how we do things and my forum section on here is an accurate representation of that.

Do you have anything to say now Ryan?


08-18-2010, 08:59 PM
Can I get in on the June tuning special??? I really don't like my motor anymore :D

Wolfpack Speed
08-18-2010, 10:45 PM
Can I get in on the June tuning special??? I really don't like my motor anymore :D

I will let you know, we leaned the dyno out so bad it blew up and I cant afford a new one because of all the blown up motors we still have to rebuild:pinkthumb:

08-18-2010, 10:47 PM
I will let you know, we leaned the dyno out so bad it blew up and I cant afford a new one because of all the blown up motors we still have to rebuild:pinkthumb:

Phuck it, just flip some roller skates upside down and strap the rear wheels down tight.

Wolfpack Speed
08-18-2010, 10:48 PM
Phuck it, just flip some roller skates upside down and strap the rear wheels down tight.I would but it wouldn't be LOADED for proper tuning:rofl:

08-18-2010, 10:55 PM
I would but it wouldn't be LOADED for proper tuning:rofl:

But my dyno number would be off the chart! Don't you know that's all people care about? May, you are a dumb phucking mechanic!

Wolfpack Speed
08-18-2010, 10:59 PM
But my dyno number would be off the chart! Don't you know that's all people care about? May, you are a dumb phucking mechanic!

They taught me how to kill people, not how to run a business:bouncy:

08-18-2010, 11:01 PM
They taught me how to kill people, not how to run a business:bouncy:

Just remember, they're all free after the 1st one!

08-19-2010, 05:36 AM
u 2 need to FAWK already!!:D Mike when we getting pizza?

08-19-2010, 12:06 PM
BTW ED, I'm diggin that ass in your Avatar.:woot1:

08-19-2010, 12:28 PM
Mike when we getting pizza?
Got some in the fridge from last night.:sticktonge:

08-19-2010, 12:38 PM
no call no love U BIT CH"s

08-19-2010, 12:48 PM
no call no love U BIT CH"s
Figured you were hangin with dugie.:sticktonge:

08-19-2010, 12:50 PM
LOL only on fridays!

Wolfpack Speed
08-19-2010, 01:13 PM
no call no love U BIT CH"s
BonerCrusher wants to go tonight, I'll ring you cry baby:Crysmile:

08-19-2010, 01:20 PM
Taking my daughter to the Bullskin fair,so im out!