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08-18-2010, 11:39 PM
still gota get of the porch once in a while and live, it feels great to be a do'er not a follower, imo.:pinkthumb:

amen to that!!!

08-18-2010, 11:40 PM
Outside of the customer service concearns though, what are the chances LTs or the install hurt your car? These are dumb questions but some people are blaming the tune, you posted different and they still insist that was the problem.

If you have a bad gasket on a headder, it can cause a severe lean condition and burn a piston. Just ask Mater's Dad.

08-18-2010, 11:41 PM
Hey now, that was from my phone. My paragraph is the very bottom. Haha
Learn to type and properly quote post bonehead!!! I hate you too! :D

08-19-2010, 12:01 AM
If you have a bad gasket on a headder, it can cause a severe lean condition and burn a piston. Just ask Mater's Dad.

Is that true or are you just ****ing with everyone?

http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/3667/0910091401.jpg (http://img808.imageshack.us/i/0910091401.jpg/)

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When the motor was pulled you could see how nicely the headers were installed...

08-19-2010, 12:12 AM
I was just sayin in general to all human beings wick about the snake comment, trusting anybody anymore is tuff. Even close friends and relative too.

My car is pretty much SCStangified, over the last few years I have met tons of great people on here and have purchased numerous parts from different members. Actually my Stang wouldn't be where its at today if it wasn't for this site.

Only mishap was with those extenders, it's really nothing I should of never even brought it up, um really sorry about even mentioning it. I just thought about it early and typed that real quick. I honestly hate confrontation n division, and um really about peace and unity.

I'm glad you're sorry you brought it up, but I'm going to need an apology or we're still not cool. You apologize, we're cool; I'm not an a**hole and this whole deal started with me trying to help you.
All you needed to do was PM me and we could have arranged a way to handle it like men, I would have had no problem getting you your $20 back in exchange for the extenders.
You can consider the $20 you're not getting as the cost of a lessen not to bring up BS publicly without confronting someone you think wronged you first.
Good night fellas, this thread has been fun :pepper:

08-19-2010, 12:14 AM
Is that true or are you just ****ing with everyone?

http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/3667/0910091401.jpg (http://img808.imageshack.us/i/0910091401.jpg/)

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When the motor was pulled you could see how nicely the headers were installed...
Was it ticking? Did it have a header leak?
Those bad enough to cause a problem like Ed mentioned are pretty obvious.

08-19-2010, 12:34 AM
Yes it definitely ticked, and as you can see from all of the exhaust/oil on the header, there was definitely a decent leak. It didn't do it at first, but it loosened up I guess?

if you guys aren't ****ing with me, I'm about to be pretty pissed off.

08-19-2010, 12:40 AM
Yes it definitely ticked, and as you can see from all of the exhaust/oil on the header, there was definitely a decent leak. It didn't do it at first, but it loosened up I guess?

if you guys aren't ****ing with me, I'm about to be pretty pissed off.

No its all true. Seriously. A bad header leak will cause a lean condition.

08-19-2010, 12:44 AM
No its all true. Seriously. A bad header leak will cause a lean condition.
Well, seems we have a situation on our hands.

Lou, I'd like to retract my previous statement about Mike not having any fault with my car until further notice. Shit just got real.

08-19-2010, 12:48 AM
haha, I thought shit had already gotten real :)

08-19-2010, 12:54 AM
lmao maybe real funny.

08-19-2010, 12:58 AM
Before you get too crazy, it is not uncommon to have new headers come loose after a few heat cycles. They should be checked after some use.
lmao maybe real funny. I never once whined in this thread, just explained what happened. I even took responsibility for what may have happened with my car. All of the things that were blown out of proportion in this thread would have remained quiet if Mike didn't beat his own drum where he shouldn't.

BTW, this is the very first time that Mike has ever mentioned so much as the worn valveguide diagnosis being inaccurate. Things like that are why I put up a fight. It just doesn't sit well with me.

Now knowing that all the shit he's talked about me and all of the times he's called me names and all of the hateful things he's done towards me might be coming full circle on him is actually a pretty interesting notion. And it's not just Mike. Wick, Stickers, all of the people that went out of their way to try to defame me. Guess what guys? Your boy might have actually made two big mistakes. One that caused the problem, and the other in figuring out what it was!!

08-19-2010, 01:02 AM
beat me to it, I was going to delete what I had wrote after I thought it through. I'd appreciate it if you did the same :)

08-19-2010, 01:03 AM
Before you get too crazy, it is not uncommon to have new headers come loose after a few heat cycles. They should be checked after some use.

X2 especially if non locking header bolts were used, but exhaust leaks will cause a lean condition. This info is taken directly from innovate motorsports manual.

08-19-2010, 01:11 AM
X2 especially if non locking header bolts were used, but exhaust leaks will cause a lean condition. This info is taken directly from innovate motorsports manual.

I have no idea what kind of header bolts were used. Mike never mentioned anything about heat cycles or needing to have them re tightened. Not while any of this was happening, nor after the fact. I'm assuming that he did not know either...

I'm really glad that you guys said something, thank you. You learn something every day. Sometimes two things if you're lucky :rotflol:

08-19-2010, 01:25 AM
Where's that kettle corn someone mentioned in like post 2-3 of the thread? I haven't had that stuff in ages! SOO good. :yes:

Bo, If i'm not mistaken I'm sure your car issues are worked out and I'm glad that your beast is back on the road! Always liked that car although every time I saw you in it, or at a meet you never did get on it :p

I feel sorry for whoever's nuts are being swung on, bet that sh!t hurts after this long!

I think the thread needs locked and done with..nothing but more :bsflag:is going to come from this...(i love using those smileys) hahaha

Could you imagine kettle corn and Coor's Light?! I'd be in heaven!

Wolfpack Speed
08-19-2010, 01:50 AM
Good question Lou!

No, John is NOT at fault for my car.

Mike is at fault for a faulty diagnosis of my car. Missing a melted piston and blaming a valve guide is a pretty big deal, especially when his mistake was going to be on my tab. The car also picked up a few odd problems after I got it back from the long tubes like I had mentioned (randomly lighting shift light, smoke on start up, problems with hot starts).

Now we are finally getting somewhere Bo, sort of. First you didn't make a 400 paragraph long reply full of BS that I don't have the time to reply to, next you have narrowed it down to why you are dissatisfied with my shop. Regardless of how many times your story changes, one thing keeps standing out, you have an issue with my diagnosis. You act like I told you it was definitely valve guides and you had to buy new heads or hit the road, that is completely false. I made it very clear to you that you had an issue with cylinder #7 and I documented the work I did. You know, the work you accused me of never even doing??? See attached photos BO, pay particular attention to the compression reading on #7 as well as the spark plug on the same cylinder. Based on how you described your symptoms and in conjunction with my trouble shooting, I bounced everything off my ford engineering documentation like I always do. I suggested valve guides for several reason which I'm not going to waste more of my time trying to explain to you because your not going to accept my explanation, so whats the point? What you don't seem to comprehend is that a competent mechanic, such as my self, never rules out anything. I cant tell you how many times I went to fix something and found another issue or that the real problem was something else. Trouble shooting is not a perfect science Bo. You can troubleshoot all you want but sometimes you have to take things apart to really see and understand what is going on and what is wrong. My point is that, regardless of what the problem was or what I thought it was, I KNEW THE MOTOR WAS GOING TO HAVE TO COME APART BO. You asked me to estimate labor to r&r 1 and both cylinder heads, so I did so. I never said that you had to buy new heads or ruled out that it couldn't be something else. Our last words were by the dumpster when you tried to lay the blame on Jon. I put a stop to that real quick and that was the last I heard from you until October 22, 2009 @ 1:23PM...


Can you send me a copy of your dyno liability form that I signed?


At this point I had already got wind you went somewhere else and was fine with that until you starting fishing again for someone to blame your bad luck on. Thats when this whole thing started for me Bo. I wasn't worried about all the little stuff because you don't have a clue. My header install didn't turn your up shift arrow into a 200 shot that melted a piston. Headers require a tune adjustment, something that you didn't do, thats why you had start issues. I offered several valid explanations regarding the smoking issue, that is a novel in it's self. As far as the picture you posted, anyone with half of a mechanical brain can explain that one Bo. I know your dying to lay to blame on me for something and it clearly shows in your posts, just not going to happen man.

Think what you want, do what you want, say what you want...I am just so glad I don't have to deal with your a$$ anymore! I treated you, your family and your car FIRST CLASS. I have people that wait long periods of time to get into my shop and appreciate what they get for their hard earned money, you obviously don't appreciate anything, but somehow that just doesn't surprise me!


08-19-2010, 04:37 AM
OK folks, so seriously... what came first? The chicken or the egg?:rotflol:

08-19-2010, 06:08 AM
If you have a bad gasket on a headder, it can cause a severe lean condition and burn a piston. Just ask Mater's Dad.
Yes it did happin,But he made 8-10 1/4 mile passes like that in the 9.80's range & the weather was cool low 40's & 50's

Is that true or are you just ****ing with everyone?

http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/3667/0910091401.jpg (http://img808.imageshack.us/i/0910091401.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
When the motor was pulled you could see how nicely the headers were installed...
What header are those? I cant see in the miles u say u drove the car,That the bolt losing enough to melt the piston!JMO

08-19-2010, 07:22 AM
how could a thread get this out of hand.... without the GM guy causing some of the shit?? :D

I will try my best today.

08-19-2010, 07:31 AM
LSX guys know how to keep Longtube Header bolts tight.


Not hatin, Just sayin...

08-19-2010, 07:32 AM
OK folks, so seriously... what came first? The chicken or the egg?:rotflol:

Your Momma

08-19-2010, 07:33 AM

Is that's better ?

08-19-2010, 07:35 AM
Hey guys...

08-19-2010, 07:47 AM