View Full Version : My 347 is ALIVE!!

07-25-2009, 09:37 PM
Well finally, 16 months after taking delivery of the 347, this thing fired today! But it didn't happen without some issues and frustration. Last thing I had to do this morning was to pick up a new donut gasket that goes on the gas tank where the filler tube enters-I ripped the old one last week when removing the tank to install the new 255 lph pump. So I get that all buttoned up and the tank reinstalled, then get the fuel pressure guage installed to set fuel pressure, hit the key to pressurize the fuel system, injector at #4 cylinder is leaking. SHIT. Removed the intake to access the fuel rail and injector, and found that the top o-ring on the injector did not seat properly in the rail and pinched the edge. Replaced the o-ring, then found that the Aeromotive fuel pressure regulator was dripping fuel now. Had to replace another o-ring, the one that fits in the machined groove in the rail. So, I get everything buttoned back up, set the fuel pressure to 40 psi, twist the key to start and......NOTHING. Not getting power to the starter for some reason. To make a long story short, we spent the next 4 hours troubleshooting everything we could think of. I want to thank my buddy Scott for his persistence, he found a bad wire coming from the ignition plug under the steering column, fixed it and this thing fired on the first twist of the key. It was way cool finally seeing and hearing this thing running. It sounds pretty healthy, although we let it run for only a short time. Next saturday, it will be at Rodeheaver's for Lasota to tune, and do a proper break-in:thumbsup:
Here is the engine almost completed

07-25-2009, 09:39 PM
looks good

07-25-2009, 09:47 PM
from the pic i would suggest plug wires :sticktongue:

congarts man, there's nothing like hearin it fire up for the first time AHHHH!

07-25-2009, 10:04 PM
Congrats!! Lookin' Good.

07-25-2009, 10:49 PM
Cant wait to see it in persom TJ..

07-26-2009, 12:28 AM
very nice looking

07-26-2009, 12:54 AM
Very nice!
Sorry to hear about all of your frustrations with everything......:rolleyes:

Good luck with everything and let me know how everything goes!:goodidea:

07-26-2009, 02:12 AM
Looks great!! Good luck on Saturday!

07-26-2009, 09:06 AM
Very nice Tj. Cant wait to see this thing...