View Full Version : SCT MAF in a 3" pipe and meth injection?

08-26-2009, 07:08 AM
Could I put my MAF in a 3" pipe from the 4" housing and still drive to the tuners?

Also I'm considering removing my SC and running water/meth injection as my only source of intake cooling. I want to free up as much restriction as possible and raise my octane at the same time. So I would need to put the bypass, MAF, injection nozzle, and the oat sensor all in the pipe between the head unit and throttle body. I heard if the bypass is to close to the the MAF it can cause drivability issue. How far past the MAF is to close to put the injection nozzle and how far in front of the iat sensor does it need to be for it to get an accurate reading. Also since I run a TFS intake with the oval TB upper it shortens the length between the SC and TB.

Thanks for any help, or opinions.

08-26-2009, 09:50 AM
it should start and run, however i would not beat on it at all..

08-26-2009, 07:11 PM
Not a good idea to put all of that in the inlet between the blower and TB. I considered doing this on my 90 GT to do a blow-thru on my S-trim kit and after talking with Don Lasota he said it would have a ton of driveability issues with trying to locate that much stuff in that little real estate and even possible be untuneable for street use. You would have to loose the bypass and go to a blow off valve too.

08-26-2009, 11:58 PM
I do have the bypass vented to the atmosphere.

04-02-2011, 01:26 PM
can you put a water/meth on a slightly modded 04 mustang gt 4.6L 2v? do you have to have a supercharger or a turbo for that?

04-02-2011, 03:57 PM
you can put on anything but your not going to see gains from it......all it is a chemical intercooler