View Full Version : 94-95 Question

09-14-2009, 01:40 PM
Hey guys, my little brother has a 95 GT and it's bogging in between shifts under power. Just wondering if there's anything we might be able to do to help cure this problem other than getting it tuned? When you're driving it normally it doesn't do it or at least isn't very noticeable, but when you're running it hard it will bog for a bit after each shift then pick up. I've also noticed that the problem isn't as bad if the engine is cold. The car does have a few mods which I'm sure isn't helping the problem. He's a freshman in college and just doesn't have the extra cash to get it tuned, just hoping there is something we can try to get it running a little better. Here's the mod list: CAI, 70mm throttle body, trick flow street heat upper and lower, BBK equal length shorties, off road H, and flows. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks!

09-14-2009, 01:50 PM
Without a tune you are stuck with it. That is the tip-in and timing retard that ford put into the EEC to cut down on transmission warranty claims. The EEC looks at TPS voltage to know when you shift it and it pulls a ton of timing. Powershifting it can help eliminate it and that is why these cars pick up so much when powerhshifted.

09-14-2009, 02:33 PM
Stangman, is it a manual or an automatic? My auto 95 GT started doing this back in the day as the first symptom of the MAF going bad.

09-14-2009, 03:13 PM
Without a tune you are stuck with it. That is the tip-in and timing retard that ford put into the EEC to cut down on transmission warranty claims. The EEC looks at TPS voltage to know when you shift it and it pulls a ton of timing. Powershifting it can help eliminate it and that is why these cars pick up so much when powerhshifted.

Paul - Thanks for the info. It sounds like that's probably whats going on cause it only really has a problem after shifts and seems to run fine otherwise. I assumed it was something tune related and that we'd probably have to deal with it, but was hoping that it was something simple that we could check. It's not my car so I didn't want to beat on it too much, but maybe I'll try a couple powershifts to see if I can get it not to bog. He's never had it to the track, but if powershifting cures the problem I'm sure it would run a good half second or more quicker with being powershifted.

Stangman, is it a manual or an automatic? My auto 95 GT started doing this back in the day as the first symptom of the MAF going bad.

It's a manual. From what Paul's saying it's probably tune related unfortunately

09-14-2009, 03:31 PM
have you bumped the timing at all ?

09-14-2009, 04:00 PM
IIRC- I think it pulls either 15 or 20* of timing. The hotter these things get, the more timing they pull as well, and it is a lot! I've seen a 2mph difference at the track by running it at normal operating temps versus running it between 150-180*. The cooler they are the faster they run...