View Full Version : Pulling heads

10-08-2009, 11:43 AM
what all is there to taking the heads off my car, I know there is a certain pattern you have to follow, but not sure what that is. also the guy buying my heads asked to not take the roller rockers off to just to leave them loose. first time doing this so any input is appreciated

10-08-2009, 11:57 AM
I don't have any advice, but it sounds like it's going to me a PITA. lol Good luck man

10-08-2009, 12:12 PM
there is no pattern to loosening the bolts. you can just take them off in any order...there IS a pattern when putting your new heads on though so dont forget that. Also, you can just loosen your rockers and turn them to the side so you can get your pushrods out. dont need to waste time taking them off unless you are going to use them on your new heads.

just take out your head bolts, pull out your pushrods and pull the heads off. you might have to pry the heads a little they might be tough to pull up but dont worry thats what usually happens

10-08-2009, 12:27 PM

10-08-2009, 04:58 PM
If you need help mike let me know and me and my buddy can stop over and give you a hand. I did it to my red 95.. Not that bad at all

10-08-2009, 10:51 PM
when you reinstall BUY NEW HEAD BOLTS!

10-08-2009, 10:53 PM
I planned on it

10-09-2009, 12:18 PM
I always loosen my head bolts the initial 1/8th-1/4 turn in the reverse pattern that they are installed as to ensure I don't warp them. Once the major tension is off of the bolts then I remove them all the way out in no particular order. Loosen the rockers BEFORE you loosen the head bolts.

10-09-2009, 12:40 PM
to take parts off all you do is loosen bolts dude just just keep your header bolts u will need arp head bolts and intake bolts for the new stuff neway
i think a 5 year old could do this job