View Full Version : Looking for a dyno tuner for my fox in the pittsburgh area

4 eyed mustang
04-05-2010, 10:00 PM
Can anyone recomend a Dyno tuner in the Pittsburgh area. I would like to stay in a coulple mile radius if possible. My 86gt isnt running correctly and was trying to get it figured out with a mail order tune but am having troubles. Any recomendations would be great.

04-05-2010, 10:45 PM
23,000 original miles on a 4-eye?!?!?!...

That's your problem right there...you need to blow out some carbon!!! :veryhappy:

I've heard good things about Mike at Wolfpack Speed - he's a vendor and sponsor on this board. I believe he's located on Campbell's Run road.

I've also heard many BAD stories about ASAP in Allison Park.

There are also a bunch of good "regular guys" here who can probably offer a bunch of suggestions.

Good luck! :goodidea:

04-05-2010, 10:56 PM
I don't think wolfpack tunes cars pre 96??????

04-05-2010, 11:03 PM
I don't think wolfpack tunes cars pre 96??????

Sorry - that may be true. I really don't know. I just know that I've seen Mike post threads of many fox body cars that he has worked on - but maybe the work didn't involve dyno tuning?

Regardless, I didn't mean to send 4-eyed down the wrong path.

Maybe post up the symptoms the car has and someone here can help?

04-06-2010, 05:01 AM
I don't think wolfpack tunes cars pre 96??????

Yeah I think Jon Lund is done with obd1 cars...

4 eyed mustang
04-06-2010, 06:02 AM
I talked to mike at Wolfpack last year when I started my build, he doesnt tune the old foxes.
AdamantiumSilvr do you know any of the phone numbers to these shops you suggested, or where they are located?

04-06-2010, 06:51 AM
I wouldn't let ASAP Ed tune my lawnmower. He has blown up so many cars not to mention the ones he totaled/wrecked from test driving them. Probably the best dyno tuner for a fox would be SGS in dillsberg. You currently have a kurgan tune right? What's wrong with the car?

4 eyed mustang
04-06-2010, 07:15 AM
When going from closed throttle decel in 4th gear, 2200 RPM to any amount of open throttle, light or heavy, car is completly leanes out. Car chugs, bucks, and pops until the ecu brings some gas back in. I can watch it on my wideband. Bob thought it was backwash to the mass air since I wasnt running a power pipe so I got one and put it on and it is still acting up, it is better, doesnt do it as much as before. It does this at other times when going from closed to open throttle intermitently also, but I can get it to at up every time like stated above. Bob is running out of ideas, I understand without him having the car it is hard to diag. Is it still possible to get backwash with the powerpipe? Sometimes it will not act up when opening and closing throttle, this is what sucks. It is a real whore to drive normally. Other than this issue it runs great under load. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. New O2's on car and TPS signal checked and good.

Not smooth on decel either, bucks a little bit.

04-06-2010, 07:59 AM
Sounds like you still have stock gears. What's your base fuel pressure with the vacuum line off? You may need a little more accelerator pump put in the tune.

04-06-2010, 08:01 AM
If it makes you feel any better, my first set up used to do the same thing. Are you running open or closed loop?

04-06-2010, 10:00 AM
x2 for sgs they will get your car running right

4 eyed mustang
04-06-2010, 12:38 PM
I am running the stock regulator still. Tune is set for use it. I do have 3.55 gears. Talked to bob today and he wants me to bump my TPS up tp 1.0v, currently at .85 on closed throttle. Also I still have my passengers side inner fender liner our of the car because I was installing the powerpipe. He recomended putting it back in to make sure unwanted air wasnt blown across the filter possibly messing with MAF signal. I am going to try this stuff tonight or tomorow and see what happens. Wick what did you do to fix your problem on your old setup?

04-06-2010, 12:56 PM
Well mat, the inner fender shouldn't have any effect over the filter. I had the same cam as you. But a systemax intake and stock heads. The car made 397.66 and 397.71@5800 up at SGS. I had my fuel set at 40. Bumped it up to 42 and it helped a bit but the car always bucked. I got a closed loop tune from Jon Lund. That thing drove like a stock 5.0! Then I changed everything two more times and the final result is what you saw at my place a few months ago. Driving now its not too bad. Seems pretty smooth. I also got 3 tunes in my chip now. A closed loop, forced open and a mild street tune. Your issue seems to just be a matter of the tuner not having your car infront of him to iron out all the bugs which we all have.

04-06-2010, 02:20 PM
When going from closed throttle decel in 4th gear, 2200 RPM to any amount of open throttle, light or heavy, car is completly leanes out. Car chugs, bucks, and pops until the ecu brings some gas back in. I can watch it on my wideband. Bob thought it was backwash to the mass air since I wasnt running a power pipe so I got one and put it on and it is still acting up, it is better, doesnt do it as much as before. It does this at other times when going from closed to open throttle intermitently also, but I can get it to at up every time like stated above. Bob is running out of ideas, I understand without him having the car it is hard to diag. Is it still possible to get backwash with the powerpipe? Sometimes it will not act up when opening and closing throttle, this is what sucks. It is a real whore to drive normally. Other than this issue it runs great under load. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. New O2's on car and TPS signal checked and good.

Not smooth on decel either, bucks a little bit.
What intake manifold do you have, sounds like the manifold/ head combo is flowing to much air and you are loosing velocity
if your stuff is stock then idk

04-06-2010, 04:19 PM
I might be inclined to try some honeycomb flow straightener. Do you have 3" couplers in you system before the MAF? GM V6 cars have a ral nice piece that fits in a 3" coupler an will straighten the MAF flow very nice. I have it on both sides of my blow through set-up, and it really stabilized the voltage at low flow.

4 eyed mustang
04-06-2010, 08:30 PM
I am pretty sure that the tune from Bob is a closed loop tune. I was getting some strange readings on my o2 and replaced them first. This did help driving overall, did this a couple of weeks ago. I reset my TPS to 1.0V as Bob recomended and installed my fender liner today after work. Did a base idle relearn and it is much better. I can get light throttle after decel now with out any bucking. The only time it is acting up now is under heavy decel, 22in of vacuum on my gauge for a little time when using the motor to slow me down. It will still buck some here, I dont know much more but I am going to try to get some driving time on it tomorrow and through the weekend and see if it is better. I may take it out to sgs in the future, but for now I am about broke from everything. I wish there was someone closer that knew there crap around here. My car is just a street car and I want it to run good without any driveability issues.

4 eyed mustang
05-02-2010, 08:45 PM
Took my car out to SGS in Dilsburgh and found my current tune had a corrupt file or something in in it. Injectors were dropping out at times, you could see it when datalogged. I was at 380hp on first pull with mail order tune on it. After starting over and making a few pulls on it we got up to 438hp and 420ish tq, cant remember exactly, my paper work is out in the garage. This was at 4600 rpm, ran out of fuel because I still have the stock pump in the tank, pressure dropping above that. I am guessing 450hp would be easy to hit if I had enough fuel pressureto keep pulling. These numbers are done with conservative timing due to fuel pressure dropping. Took about an hour and a half to work out all the bugs and driveability is great now. SGS did an awsome job. Thanks for the tip Wick and others that recommended SGS.

05-02-2010, 08:59 PM
Took my car out to SGS in Dilsburgh and found my current tune had a corrupt file or something in in it. Injectors were dropping out at times, you could see it when datalogged. I was at 380hp on first pull with mail order tune on it. After starting over and making a few pulls on it we got up to 438hp and 420ish tq, cant remember exactly, my paper work is out in the garage. This was at 4600 rpm, ran out of fuel because I still have the stock pump in the tank, pressure dropping above that. I am guessing 450hp would be easy to hit if I had enough fuel pressureto keep pulling. These numbers are done with conservative timing due to fuel pressure dropping. Took about an hour and a half to work out all the bugs and driveability is great now. SGS did an awsome job. Thanks for the tip Wick and others that recommended SGS.

Sure thing Mat!! Told ya to go to a guy that knows foxes. In my eyes he is the best Fox tuner. Hands down.

05-02-2010, 09:00 PM
Now with the corrupt file from Kurgan, will he give you any kind of refund?

4 eyed mustang
05-02-2010, 09:48 PM
No refund, I didnt even talk to him yet. I dont expect anything because he does the program for free since I bought the AEM meth kit from him. I am just glad that it runs great now, just need to get a new fuel pump to finish everthing off. Thanks again.

05-31-2010, 09:00 PM
Where is SGS in dilsburgh. Ph: # would help. Thanks!

4 eyed mustang
05-31-2010, 09:43 PM
phone number is 717-502-8880, here is a link to there site http://www.sgsperformance.com/
They did an awsome job, give them a call and talk to them.