View Full Version : Tuning Devices

06-07-2010, 06:20 PM
OK, so i have started my 89 coupe project and have decided its time for me to learn everything from top to bottom about a car, building one, tuning and trouble shooting one. I know alil bit, but not enough to be confident in myself yet to build a big expensive motor, so i have a 306 that i am putting together with the help of my friends who have alot more experience than me building a sbf so i can ease my way into the building and tuning of a car process.. So i have been looking into tuning devices and leaning towards an Anderson PMS. I am curious anyone else using one? Like it? If not what are you guys using to tune with?

06-07-2010, 07:57 PM
If not what are you guys using to tune with?

Scott- I am currently using TwEECer as my adapter, and Binary Editor software to tune. It's pretty powerful once you get up to speed (and it has a BIG learning curve). I basically have access to anything in the EEC this way, and with TwEECer have 4 on board tunes. The capabilites in there are amazing when you consider that we took software that was written to use a barn door to meter air and re-wrote big blocks of code to use a MAF in blow through.

The TwEECer hardware is getting a little long in the tooth and it's software is beyond out of date now.

As far as self tuning, the hot ticket is now Maotes QuarterHorse. It can data lof everything live, allows live updates directly to the EEC, etc. Package that with Binary Editor and you have enough of power to blow your shit up good :D

I have given up on tuning Ford code and am moving to stand alone. I learned a lot working with the Ford code, but there simply are too many interactive things in there for me to be comfortable taking another step. Every time I put timing in the thing, one of the load tables want to take it back , etc ,etc ...

The best advice I can give is to get on forums that use the stuff you want ot try and read ,read, read, read ... Most will let you download software to try as well (wont be able to connect to tuner).

Random thoughts

Black Vert
06-07-2010, 08:50 PM
It's pretty powerful once you get up to speed (and it has a BIG learning curve).

I use the Tweecer RT with Binary Editor and EEC Analyzer. It has a very steep learning curve like Martin said, unless you have alot of time to mess with it, I would recommend something else. But you said you wanted to learn everything from top to bottom, so it would be a good learning experience.:thmbsup:

06-07-2010, 09:54 PM
I have been looking into a FAST system here lately. That or a Big Stuff. Very pricey though. Something will be on my car real soon as the A9L wont be able to support what I am going to be doing.

06-07-2010, 10:22 PM
moates quarterhorse http://www.moates.net/product_info.php?cPath=63&products_id=199

with binary editor and eec analyzer for software. ill be ordering mine in the next few weeks. you can download the software now to get a feel for it http://www.eecanalyzer.net/

then get a wideband of your choice for datalogging (ill be going with the innovate LC1 most likely)

also go to this site and read read read read lol http://eectuning.org/forums/

06-11-2010, 06:44 PM
SDS sold by western motorsports its about 1100$ and full standalone. No mass air meter, its speed density SUPER easy to tune and has tons of options. I think if all the mustang mags would get off of AFM's band wagon mayby more people would look into the sds systems. I know two people locally who are using them. If i was going to go back to efi thats the only system i would even consider.

06-18-2010, 01:17 PM
i just ordered the Quarterhorse today. ill let you know how it is if your still looking

06-18-2010, 02:25 PM
I run an AEM on my '95 and I like it other than the timing issues that seem to plague it. I used to use an old school eec tuner. If I was to do anything with my '94 cobra this would be it:


This looks to be one of the best options out there yet no one seems to know about it. I had heard about it some time ago and recently heard of it again. I plan to see it in person perhaps next week and I can give a more personalized opinion on it.