View Full Version : 86 Notchback

07-02-2010, 01:30 PM
Hey guys just wondering what everyone would think this would be worth. I bought it but I want to see if I paid to much.

1986 lx notch, 4 cyl car, no interior except dash door panels and a drivers seat. Car is solid and has mainly surface rust and thats just where the battery tray is supposed to go. I did see where a there is a lil spot on the passnger rad support that is pushed in a lil bit but an easy fix.

the fenders are repop's so I won't be using them and they have some creases in them. The car also came with a 1980 302 that needs an intake and accessories and an AOD that the condition is unkown of.

I was really looking for a notch before I bought the vert but I think I got a decent deal on this car.

Let me know what you guys think.




07-02-2010, 01:45 PM
$500. Car needs ALOT.

07-02-2010, 02:05 PM
Yeah it does, I have the 87 I would be using as a donor car though and the whole body harness and everything would be coming out of it and the dash as well, the only thing I am going to have to buy is the rear interior panels and seats and also the carpet.

But honestly I think I did ok, I only gave the guy 150 for the car with the motor and trans.

07-02-2010, 04:26 PM
But honestly I think I did ok, I only gave the guy 150 for the car with the motor and trans.
Good buy for $150 :awsome:

07-02-2010, 04:45 PM
I was going to say $500 or less. Then I saw the $150. Good buy on that for sure. Its worth that in scrap if you change your mind.

07-02-2010, 05:12 PM
Thanks guys, I think I will keep it, I'm gonna keep the 87 running until I have the engine bay smoothed in the notch and gather up the interior pieces it needs, then I will start transplanting everything from the 87 into the 86, gotta find a 4 eyed front end and a hood for it, I don't want to change the four eye to a 87-93 style except the interior. Unless I can located the interior parts I need to take it back to stock.

Anyone know if the notch interior panels are the same through out the years? Thanks.

07-03-2010, 09:35 PM
Anyone know if the notch interior panels are the same through out the years? Thanks.

If you mean the interior sail panels (on sides of rear seat) ... No.

The difference is in the depth of the quarter windows. The four eye windows are inside the body, the aero windows outside. If you use later interior panels you will either need to trim, or go to aero quarter windows. If you use four eye panels and aero windows, there is a gap.

07-05-2010, 12:39 PM
Wanna sell it?