View Full Version : Will a 1999 Transmission work in my 95?
Hey guys,
I need some tech help here. Will a 1999 V6 transmission (manual) work in my 1995 V6 (auto)? Seller is going to give me everything I need, pedals, tranny, flywheel etc. Will this bolt up and work with my V6? What problems could I run into? Should I ask for anything else I might need? I started a thread on moddedmustangs, one guy said that the 99s used an electronic speedo, and mine being a 95 has a mechanical speedo. So how do I go about that? Any incite, tips or anything will really help!
Ok, someone help me make sence of this.
"A 94/95 5.0 GT type T5 is a great, direct replacement for a 94/98 V6 T5. It is a bit stronger and will have a better fifth gear for cruising.
Conversely, the 94-98 V6 T5 uses the same gear set as the 85-89 GT except for fifth gear and the length of the input shaft. (and 8t vs 7t on the speedometer gear) Thus it will work in a 94/95 5.0, but the gears will be a little weaker than stock. Oh, the 94-98 V6 has a 0.73 fifth gear, where pretty much all the other T5s have a 0.68 fifth gear.
Now, a 99-04 V6 T5 uses all the same gears as a 94/95 5.0 GT T5.
You can at LEAST use it as a donor T5 to completely refresh your original.
Modifying a 99-04 V6 T5 to have the mechanically-driven speedometer involves replacing the tail housing with one from a 92-98 T5 and installing the internal gear while it is off. A small hole, or detent has to be drilled in the tail SHAFT to lock the mechanical speedometer gear retaining clip to the shaft.
If you are putting this into a 94-98 car, I don't see why the SpeedCal won't do this conversion for you. You can avoid the modifications, but you will have to deal with the relocation of the crossmember mount just a bit.
The 94-98 cars ( use a mechanically driven electronic speedometer. The 99+ cars use an all-electronic unit. The number of pulses sent are very different between the two designs so they are not plug compatible. It is my understandig that one of the purposes of the SpeedCal is to allow newer transmissions to be used on the older cars like this.
So, I'm saying, you should be ablle to deal with the crossmember mount offset and get a SpeedCal and be fine"
I am confused on the speed cal and the crossmember.
No one? Where are the Mustang gods?
10-18-2010, 11:46 AM
I would try to find one that doesn't involve converting the speedo. T5s are pretty easy to come by.
Ive been looking for about 6 months. Ones I have found are expensive used, way out of my budget. Looks like its just the speedo and transmission plate that I have to figure out.
10-18-2010, 05:13 PM
what is your budget??? a 99 t5 will work but the speedo wont. you will have to convert the tailshaft....
How do I convert the tail shaft? AM doesnt sell the kit anymore, I dont know why.
what is your budget??
10-19-2010, 03:18 PM
I would just drive the car as is. put any money into a v8 swap.
I got a great deal on it and want to buy. I'm getting great gas mileage and I am putting a ton of miles on my car right now. I would rather keep the 6 for now. Hopefully in a little of a year and a half I will get a new edge, but for the time being I just want to spice up my daily commute.
10-19-2010, 03:39 PM
Buying a 99+ trams will cost you more than waiting to find a 96-98.
I did my t5 swap in my v6 it cost me around 1400 to do it. Installing myself. That was buying everything used except short shifter clutch and flywheel. Good luck doing it cheap. If u cheap out on it you will regret it........ Trust me!
Ive already got it lined up with everything I need. I juts need help with the speedo and mounting. Thanks for the post thought, how would you suggest going about it?
10-19-2010, 04:50 PM
if it were me sell the 99+ and get a 94-98 otherwise you gotta pay someone to swap tailshafts and find a tailshaft for a 94-98 with a speedo pick-up.
i think you can reuse the housing from the 99??
Thanks for the info, Ill have to weight my options.
If anyone could post this question on other sites i would appreciate it. I have been carpet bombing the Internet with this question. I have a good plan right now but just want to read all I can on it.
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