View Full Version : Bell Housing depth

11-12-2010, 12:28 PM
All - Does anyone have a fox body V8 bellhousing laying around and an semi-accurate way to measure ?? I need to know the depth from the face of the bell to the transmission mounting surface, let say within 1/16" or better. I also need to know the thickness of the block protector plate.

QuickTime has FINALLY come out with a SFI bellhousing for the 2.3 crowd, but it seems they have made it short like the V8 bell. It's weird, the stock 4 cylinder bells are deeper and the tranny inputs are longer (about 1/4"). We can use a V8 trans behind a 4 and V8 guys use the 4 cylinder trannies by using some of the play in the spline length. Right now it looks like they took up all of that slack and we are stuck using the V8 trans ...

I'm trying to determine if I will need to have my inputs machined down or what is needed to use this bell. Thanks for any help!

Black Vert
11-12-2010, 02:55 PM
I have one, I can check for you later when I get off work, if some one else doesnt reply before then. :awsome:

Black Vert
11-12-2010, 09:44 PM
I measured 6 15/16" from the engine and trans mounting faces of the bellhousing. The block spacer plate was on average 0.065" . Hope this helps.

11-12-2010, 10:03 PM
Thanks a lot! That gets me to a starting point for figuring and Keith offered to loan me his QuickTime V8 bell so I should be able to sort this out.

For reference, the new 2.3 bell is 7.032 including the block protector ... Your stack up is 7.002. effectively, quick time made a 5.0 depth bellhousing for the 2.3 :( As I said, there is play in how the transmissions fit, but they used it all up because the 2.3 crank has more protrusion than a 5.0 crank.

As best i can figure at the moment, I need another 7/16" (calculated to .425) that will have to be machined on the 4 cylinder trannies (unless money falls from the sky for a TKO 500)

Nothing is ever easy and every modification needs a modification ...

11-13-2010, 09:45 AM
Nothing is ever easy and every modification needs a modification ...

Price of life you pay when you choose a less than common platform. Been there, done that too.

Good luck with your mods!