View Full Version : Nice NA 3V

Wolfpack Speed
03-31-2011, 08:05 PM
Here is a car that has been chasing us since last year. The original owner called us after he had issues with another shop that initially did the work on the car. For money and convenience reasons he took it to another shop only to create more problems and waste more money. Finally after several phone calls and hours of phone time the customer agreed to finally bring the car to us, only to change his mind and trade it in out of frustration. The new owner of the car was able to get the scoop on the car from the previous owner and she finally made it in to get things right!

Car came in running but there was a lot left on the table and some issues. We fixed some things up, installed long tubes, off road h-pipe, CMCP's and dyno tuned the car! I still think there may be a spark issue but the customer insists the car is running better then ever! Pretty plain looking car but now that she's tuned up and running right the comp cams sound wicked and the car made good peak power:goodidea:

03-31-2011, 10:05 PM
That car has a sort of sleeper look, I wouldn't guess that it makes that kind of power.

04-01-2011, 05:21 AM
Ditto that Paul!

Great job Mike! :goodidea:

Wolfpack Speed
04-01-2011, 11:54 AM
It would be a total sleeper but the cams sound really nasty with the new exhaust sytem/tuning! No way you would ever look at that car and think it would sound the way it does after he fires it up! Only thing is the cams made good peak power but are lacking under the curve, here is another 3v with the same mods but hot rod cams...

04-01-2011, 01:37 PM
I'd love to hear it with those cams