View Full Version : Speed Density Cam choices for Daily Driver

03-23-2007, 01:59 AM
I once saw a chart listing acceptable Speed Density Cams, RPM range and est. max HP output. Anybody know where that chart was posted?

Pure Stock
03-23-2007, 02:10 AM
I once saw a chart listing acceptable Speed Density Cams, RPM range and est. max HP output. Anybody know where that chart was posted?

Not sure about the list Dave, but from my experience if your not going with a custom chip with a cam change (that's worth swapping in there over the stocker) I'd work on the induction and the exhaust before diving into a cam swap. The stock cam is a decent piece :twocents:

03-23-2007, 08:18 AM
Not sure about the list Dave, but from my experience if your not going with a custom chip with a cam change (that's worth swapping in there over the stocker) I'd work on the induction and the exhaust before diving into a cam swap. The stock cam is a decent piece :twocents:
I need to post a more in depth build post. But I rebuilt the stock block with stock parts and it is sitting in the shed waiting for the car. BUT, as I am working on the chassis and brakes, I have bought 2.5 inch MAC shorty headers, 2.5 inch BBK off-road H-Pipe, and GT40 style Cobra intake w/ 65 MM BBK TB and a set of GT40P iron heads w/o rockers. The AFR 185’s I bought will be for the next engine, not this one.

Like I said, it is a sickness and I am out of control. So I am trying to refocus on completing the project. I figure I can pull the newly rebuilt heads and put the GT40P on once I rebuilt them. I will make a separate post for head build suggestions. So at that point I figure I have the intake and exhaust covered. And while I am cracking open the engine again, the cam is not that bad to get to again. Kind of ‘while I’m at it’. This is why the sub frame connectors has turned into a whole car rebuild.

The pistons I am using are Sealed Power, notched, 30 over and I think 9:1, Stock stuff. With the additional details, does that change you thought about changing the cam?

03-23-2007, 08:28 AM
i was very pleased with the crower 15511 cam when i had a SD setup... one of the 4 cams that are well-known to work well with SD cars and have few if any driveability problems.... but if you plan on growing farther down the road, you might as well convert to MAF now and widen your choices on cams

03-23-2007, 09:17 AM
dude, you need to go to mass air.... it is really easy and cheap to do...

03-23-2007, 09:51 AM
dude, you need to go to mass air.... it is really easy and cheap to do...
If it is good enough for Pure Stock...

Pure Stock
03-23-2007, 11:10 AM
A agree with posts #4 and #5 in this thread about converting to M.A.F. The speed density *can* be made to work with a cam swap, however, the M.A.F. swap will provide you with the foundation to support a camshaft(non-compromised) to take full advantage of the induction mods planned.

Again, speed density is an option. And with a chip/stand-alone ecm *can* be made to support cam choices similar to the M.A.F. Not sure about one chip(setting) be able to handle a variety of cams (something M.A.F. has no problem handling)

Much of this revolves around your long-term goal(s) for the build-up. I see that you are staying with an inline-SBF head selection. And that you are going to utilizing an aftermarket piston that will provide more clearance for piston-valve interference. Having this to work with, I would then change what I originally posted about staying with the stocker.

Is there any particular reason(s) you want to retain the SD set-up?

03-26-2007, 01:22 AM

Anyone using the COMP Cams Xtreme Energy 35-510-8 with Speed Density?