View Full Version : Engine bay Vac Lines

03-23-2007, 08:53 AM
Ok, I didn’t want to start “cleaning up” my engine bay until I build a new short block. However, my coupes engine bay is a mess. What vac lines do I need and what don’t I need. I want to get rid of as much as I can. The colored hoses next the fire wall….what do I need? :smokin:

03-23-2007, 10:21 AM
Ok, I didn’t want to start “cleaning up” my engine bay until I build a new short block. However, my coupes engine bay is a mess. What vac lines do I need and what don’t I need. I want to get rid of as much as I can. The colored hoses next the fire wall….what do I need? :smokin:

Keep the ones to the vacum tree on the driverside firewall if you are keeping the power brakes and the one line that runs thru the firewall by the heater core if you still want the heater controls to work for switching between vents and defroster.

ALL of the lines behind the passenger side strut tower can be eliminated cause they are for the BS smog shit!

If you have any questions on specific lines, just give me a shout on my cell.

03-23-2007, 11:04 AM
Keep the ones to the vacum tree on the driverside firewall if you are keeping the power brakes and the one line that runs thru the firewall by the heater core if you still want the heater controls to work for switching between vents and defroster.

ALL of the lines behind the passenger side strut to wer can be eliminated cause they are for the BS smog shit!

If you have any questions on specific lines, just give me a shout on my cell.

That was the answer I wanted! Thanks Ed!

03-23-2007, 05:02 PM
Would you like a vacuum diagram? Email me if so & I'll send you one.