View Full Version : WTB dog kennel/crate

05-17-2011, 02:02 PM
My gf is buying a siberian husky in the next couple weeks and she is looking for a kennel/crate that she can put it in. preferrable a medium to larger sized one so that it can grow into it.

Mark Aubele
05-17-2011, 02:32 PM
My gf is buying a siberian husky in the next couple weeks and she is looking for a kennel/crate that she can put it in. preferrable a medium to larger sized one so that it can grow into it.

Just to warn you, we have two Huskies, and the one we got as a puppy (we got the other guy at 8 mos. old rescue) tried to kill herself in the crate (bent the rungs out and tried to stick her head through). These dogs don't like to be confined, at all. I know others will disagree, but ours hated the crates.

These also are not dogs to have if you can't spend time with them. They are very active, and shouldn't be locked in a crate all day. But they are a joy to have, just a bit more work than a Golden Retriever or something.

05-17-2011, 03:04 PM
thanks for the advice. i do agree with you. my family had 2 huskies while i was growing up. theyre great dogs. mine would always try to dig holes under our fence and crawl under to get out. they definitely dont like being confined, even to a whole yard haha

but don't worry, it will not be confined. my gf lives in central pa and has a ton of land for it to roam around... she just wants the cage mostly for when its a puppy to put it in to sleep in until it gets potty trained, and to transport it. she wants a bigger one so its not so crammed in there because they grow fast. she doesnt plan on keeping it in there every day of its life. she also has an adult lab to keep it company.

BTW, your dogs look beautiful!

05-17-2011, 03:55 PM
Yeah, Mark is right. Those dogs have TONS of energy.

Black Vert
05-17-2011, 04:35 PM
Where are you located? I have 2 of the large plastic crates, I'd be willing to let one of them go. $40

05-17-2011, 04:44 PM
A buddy of mine has 2 Husky pups ( gpfarrell here on SCS ), and has had several Huskies in the past. He keeps these 2 in a large ( maybe 10' x 12' ) fenced in area. They seem to do very well in there. It isn't such a small space that they would tend to freak out. If you have room for it I think that'd be a great way to go. The more they can run around during the day, the more energy they'll burn off ( they're not burning many calories in a crate ). Post up some pics once the pup arrives!!

Mark Aubele
05-17-2011, 05:06 PM
thanks for the advice. i do agree with you. my family had 2 huskies while i was growing up. theyre great dogs. mine would always try to dig holes under our fence and crawl under to get out. they definitely dont like being confined, even to a whole yard haha

but don't worry, it will not be confined. my gf lives in central pa and has a ton of land for it to roam around... she just wants the cage mostly for when its a puppy to put it in to sleep in until it gets potty trained, and to transport it. she wants a bigger one so its not so crammed in there because they grow fast. she doesnt plan on keeping it in there every day of its life. she also has an adult lab to keep it company.

BTW, your dogs look beautiful!

Thank you! Good luck!

05-17-2011, 08:45 PM
Where are you located? I have 2 of the large plastic crates, I'd be willing to let one of them go. $40

i sent you a pm

Post up some pics once the pup arrives!!

here's a pic from the breeder's site. breeder says its the biggest of 7

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/225336_10150176216933404_541743403_6851551_7806476 _n.jpg

05-26-2011, 05:32 PM
LOL!!! Great photo!! Funny how the biggest pups don't always end up that way. Our chocolate English Lab, Otis, was the biggest pup in his litter, and compared to our other English Lab ( 6-year-old Samson ), he's a shrimp!! Well - not really a shrimp...he's about 70 pounds and 1-year old. But his frame isn't near the size of his older "brother".

So what's his name going to be??