View Full Version : Help please!

06-15-2011, 09:32 PM
Hey guys, any help would be very appreciated... the stang has been screwing up pretty bad lately...

So only in the mornings when its cold it wont idle. i'll have to rev it up about 5-6 times to get it to idle or it'll just keep stalling on me. once its warm it idles fine but has been running really hot...

Today i'm in washington, and it went extremely high and the radiator was pretty much empty? So i went to the closest store to get some water to make it home. (Not the first time its been empty after a week or two) this is the second or third time i've filled up the rad. But i've been checking the back of my exhaust and any leaks anywhere and there is none anywhere. which leads me to believe its a blown headgasket but idk for sure?

Also, anytime i get on or just give it a little gas the check engine light comes on. but whenever i let off or let off totally, it will go back off? and i've floored it to see how it acts and once it get past about 4k it sputters...

06-15-2011, 10:04 PM
You can do a pressure test to help you find where the leak is. You can rent the tool from autozone or advance to do it. If it's leaking externally this will help you see where. If it's leaking internally you typically will see some smoke out the exhaust or have coolant mixxed with the oil. Have you had the car scanned to see if there are any codes?

06-15-2011, 10:10 PM
Well there isn't any smoke coming from the exhaust at all and no coolant mixed with oil. I Just changed my oil, and check the exhaust everyday. But no i havn't had the codes checked i was just talking about doing that. Can i get that done at advance too?

06-16-2011, 02:22 AM
Yes, Advance Auto can read the code. Well, they give you the reader to plug in and a book to look up what the code means.

I would call around. When my car threw a code, the Washington stores reader was broke, Bridgeville didnt have one but Canonsburg did. Just a heads up, that was months ago so it my have changed.

06-16-2011, 07:31 AM
Call a radiator shop and get the cooling system tested for leaks.

06-16-2011, 07:44 AM
I just found my upper radiator hose was leaking, just slightly till I touched it when it was hot. I kept smelling antifreeze but could never find the leak. It turned out it was a small leak that dripped down into the front bumper. Check the hoses and give them a little squeeze when it's hot. My upper hose mount was cracked and when I touched the hose the mount broke into pieces. RockAuto.com has radiators for $85 shipped, ordering mine tomorrow.

06-16-2011, 09:25 AM
Alright thanks guys, i'll call around and go from there. I have been trying to search the car for leaks when its hot and squeeze on the hoses a bit but haven't seen anything. You really think its just something easy like a leak or the radiator? It just seems so much worse..

06-16-2011, 09:36 AM
does it biuld pressure in the cooling system , and how old is the water pump and rad could it be plugged ?

06-16-2011, 10:43 AM
90LX, I didn't think it was a radiator either. I've had a small leak for a year now but could only smell it. I never had anything on the ground or visible on the motor. Check your oil. It's either a leak or bad head gasket. If it's not leaking and not in the oil its coming out of the exhaust. I'm not sure if plugs would show something or not. I never got that far before the motherload of a leak happened but that was my next step.

06-16-2011, 11:37 AM
yeah its releasing coolant when it should be and everything but I have no idea how old the water pump would be, i just got this car in January. The rad seems to be working perfectly fine, just somethings is making it run crappy lately. Someone told me if i fill my rad with water it will boil out, is that true? So i bought antifreeze just in case..

Warrior. I just changed my oil but I'll check it again. My pap and i look for a leak everyday and haven't been able to find anything, which again leads me to believe head gasket as well which would suck..

06-16-2011, 11:43 AM
After you take it for a ride, park it and reach up under the front to see if anything is collecting in the bumper.

06-16-2011, 11:47 AM
Alright I'll try it

06-16-2011, 02:35 PM
If you can smell it you for sure have a leak. It could be evaporating before you can see it. But with running like crap, pull the plugs. If it's a gasket and leaking into a cylinder, the plug will be white. But also now, the cylinder pressure is 140+psi as the coolant pressure is only around 14-15psi. Run it with the rad cap off and look for bubbles coming out. That also usually tells of a bad head gasket. You will be able to smell exhaust also.

06-16-2011, 02:41 PM
The upside if it's a head gasket....there's no better time for new heads!!!!

06-16-2011, 02:42 PM
The upside if it's a head gasket....there's no better time for new heads!!!!


06-16-2011, 04:00 PM
Wick. I can't smell anything but that is a big possibility. I'm gonna pull the plugs along with calling around and checking some stuff. And where am i looking for bubbles when i do this?

Warrior. Very true lol if i even wanta put money into though.. Leaving in a month, might just sell it for a new car.