View Full Version : 351 W block needed

08-09-2011, 06:34 PM
If anyone out there has a 351 W for sale i need a back up block. Any help would be great.

08-09-2011, 10:09 PM
i have a nice std. block, crank, rods ,etc. (724)880-4580 dave

Dan B.
08-09-2011, 10:28 PM
Dansers U-Pull It in blairsville has complete motors for $150.

black 94
08-12-2011, 09:51 AM
I also have one it is all standard $150 let me know

black 94
08-12-2011, 09:53 AM
I also have one all standard short block $150 let me know

Flyin Monkey
08-12-2011, 04:53 PM
I have one for $145 come pick it up.

08-12-2011, 05:22 PM
are you looking for a roller block or a standard block?

08-17-2011, 05:23 PM
Where are some of yu guys located that have these motors/blocks for sale. Maybe you might be close enough for me to pick up 2.

08-17-2011, 06:19 PM
im washington pa. pm me if you are interested

08-17-2011, 08:15 PM
i'm in uniontown,pa. ,and i'll give you all the extra windsor stuff i have for $150.00 (724)425-1911 dave :block,crank.rods,pistons,etc.and there already apart!

black 94
08-17-2011, 10:56 PM
charleroi pa near belle vernon