View Full Version : Eating serpentine belts.

08-15-2011, 08:25 PM
I have an 89 f150, 5.0. 2wd. 2 months ago the serpentine belt shredded upon start up and slight rev to keep running (it was cold). So i replaced the belt and kept driving. Then last wednesday i heard a really bad clicking/ knocking noise and it was the belt tensioner, so i replaced that. Then on my way home today i heard this violent slapping sound coming from my engine. I shut the truck off and look in the bay and see a rib of my belt ripped off and coiled around the little shaft going to the fan. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Seems strange to me to have to replace the belt twice inside two months. Granted its no gem but is it just parts wearing on parts? Any help is appreciated.


08-15-2011, 08:31 PM
Something is out of whack, take the belt off and go over every pulley and tensioner (mounting bolts too)

08-15-2011, 08:40 PM
I'd check all the pulleys and make sure that they spin freely.

08-15-2011, 08:42 PM
Something is out of whack, take the belt off and go over every pulley and tensioner (mounting bolts too)

Thats what i was thinking. After i put on the tensioner yesterday i was looking over everything and the tensioner was bouncing a little, which seemed weird to me, so i looked down at all the pulleys and the crankshaft pulley seemed a little wobbly. so i shut it off. come back to look at it a little later and it doesnt do it. hopefully its not something worse than a bent pulley or a bolt.

This truck has been problems lately, well for me anyways. its about to get this treatment. ---> :flipoff:

08-15-2011, 08:59 PM
Although it's a Dodge, my Ram had a weird sound, then ultimately ate a belt. What it ended up being was the AC compressor seizing up ... that added drag to the belt and made the tensioner jump. When it finally sized, the truck could barely turn over, like a dead battery ... then the belt snapped and it was clear ;)

08-15-2011, 10:18 PM
Although it's a Dodge, my Ram had a weird sound, then ultimately ate a belt. What it ended up being was the AC compressor seizing up ... that added drag to the belt and made the tensioner jump. When it finally sized, the truck could barely turn over, like a dead battery ... then the belt snapped and it was clear ;)

It might be the A/C compressor seeing as i dont have cold air. (never bothered me though, wing windows.) Or maybe the P.S. pump. i was told it wasnt doing so hot when i got it. could that be it?

08-15-2011, 10:23 PM
I think a pulley seizing up is the most likely cause of belt throwing/shredding. Unless you have been working on the front of the motor for some reason, the odds of a pulley being loose are slim.

You mentioned the crank pulley looked wobbly at one point. Definitely check those mounting bolts to make sure they're tight and fully seated against the pulley.

08-15-2011, 10:26 PM
I think a pulley seizing up is the most likely cause of belt throwing/shredding. Unless you have been working on the front of the motor for some reason, the odds of a pulley being loose are slim.

You mentioned the crank pulley looked wobbly at one point. Definitely check those mounting bolts to make sure they're tight and fully seated against the pulley.

Ill be sure to check that. I haven't really looked over this truck. it was given to me by my pap after i sold my vw. it was his old work truck and it blew up so he put a motor in it and it sat. so i guess its my turn to start replacing things.

08-16-2011, 08:34 AM
Look at the belt too, you should be able to see where the stress is happening before it fails, whether it wears on the sides or along the ribs etc.

08-16-2011, 05:50 PM
Power steering pump is all out of line, getting fixed this weekend.

08-16-2011, 09:21 PM

08-16-2011, 09:22 PM

Yeah, im hoping thats the only problem. but if not then the next solutions only 60 dollars away. Seeing as that seems to be what everything costs for the pulley system in this truck.