View Full Version : Computer won't fit with chip installed

01-28-2012, 07:52 AM
I'm putting my supercharger back on my car and installed an SCT chip. I can't get the computer to go all the way up where it mounts so I can put the screw into the little plastic bracket.
Is this common or am I not trying hard enough ?

01-28-2012, 08:45 AM
sometimes you need to trim the bracket or reroute the wires so it will tuck back in

01-28-2012, 03:30 PM
I think the SN bracket is different than a Fox. I ended up just using a longer screw to attach the bracket so the computer wont move around.

First time I've installed a chip in a Mustang (done some GM'S) and never heard this mentioned. As hard as I tried, the thing wouldn't go far enough up in the well where it sits because the chip was sticking out the back of it. Because of this, the little corner bracket wouldn't sit flush on the metal panel so you could get the tiny screw into it.
Ended up using a long black interior screw. The bracket still isn't flush with the sheetmetal, but it's sturdy enough that the EEC won't move around.