sinful rides
02-17-2012, 06:40 PM
Got the foxbody throttle body conversion done on my 94 gt. I just dont like the way the IAC looks/ fits. I've seen some pics of polished up ones and even custon machined ones but dont know where to get one. Any suggestions? Or should I just start milling one and polish the sensor?
If i remember corectly I got the IAC off a 4 cyl fox and it has a plug coming straight out the back of it. All the pics i've seen the plug turns to a 90 out of the end. Do I have the correct IAC?
If i remember corectly I got the IAC off a 4 cyl fox and it has a plug coming straight out the back of it. All the pics i've seen the plug turns to a 90 out of the end. Do I have the correct IAC?