View Full Version : 86 GT Charging system issues (bad grounds?)

02-20-2012, 07:28 PM
The issue with the car is when jumped it will run fine, and then after a little driving it will lose power then die and need to be jumped again to start.

I took my car to Advanced Auto to have it tested to see if my alt or battery were bad (both tested fine out of the car) but when in the car, the alt only reads ~10 volts and the guy at advanced suggested maybe it was a bad ground. Now, the ground wire from the battery to a bracket on the clutch cable is badly rusted, but I'm not sure how to change it. Also, does anyone have a diagram showing other grounds that I'll need to check?

It seems like my starter solenoid has too many wires connecting to it, I could have messed this up when replacing it. Does anyone have a pic of how many wires should be on each post? I've been searching and cannot find anything. Thanks.

02-20-2012, 08:57 PM
i dont know if this will help but if u want to look at an untouched solenoid, you can check mine out....i see your white car all the time...

02-21-2012, 01:45 AM
i dont know if this will help but if u want to look at an untouched solenoid, you can check mine out....i see your white car all the time...

I'd swing by but I'm up at school with no car haha could you snag a picture of it?