View Full Version : New Dyno Numbers!!!....Sorta

04-05-2007, 10:31 PM
Today was finally the day to see if my latest round of mods paid off. Latest round of mods goes back a while too. The dyno day started lovely. First my electric water pump wasnt functioning due to a bad relay. Fixed that. Then there was some air in the cooling system. Got coolant everywhere but fixed that. Then the BIG problem. My first pull on the dyno Dave makes a strange face and goes WTF. I look at the computer and see 330 RWHP. Im like this isnt good since last time the car was on a dyno it made 387 RWHP. Dave says the converter isnt locking up and my supposedly 3200 stall converter is flashing at a lovely 4800 RPMs. Tried and tried but couldnt get it to lock up. So its now a non-lock up converter. Dave says this is no big deal. After some tinkering with the tune we arrived at the final numbers for my race gas tune.

390 RWHP and 380 RWTQ

Mind you this is now with a non lock up converter so these numbers are not what the car actualy puts out. The way i see it the car gained at least 50 RWHP from last year. Ill take that. I didnt even take a dyno graph becasue its one ugly graph. I will post the actual changes to the car to arrive at these numbers if anyone would like. I also had Dave throw me in a street pump gas tune so i dont have to run 6 dollar a gallon gas when i wanna go to the park or car show. Big thank you to SGS Automotive and tuner Dave Guy.

So place your guess for what kind of ETs it will run this year. Car weighs 3180(No driver).

04-05-2007, 10:41 PM
NICE!!!! in my Borat voice!!!!

Next weekend we'll see what she'll do!!:woot1: :woot1: :woot1:

George C
04-05-2007, 10:45 PM
perfect example of AUTOs dynoing lower then maunals...when stock coverter you had no issues.

typcially a stalled auto vs manual is around 40rwhp [this also depends as for rear and other factors but roughly 40-50 lower]

04-05-2007, 10:51 PM
Yeah no issues with the stock converter. This was suposed to be a 3200 lock up converter but instead it appears im stuck with a 4800 non lock up. Yeah im aware autos dyno lower to begin with but going non lock up really kills the numbers. But those numbers dont count as much as the ones that read on the scoreboard at the track.

George C
04-05-2007, 10:55 PM
Yeah no issues with the stock converter. This was suposed to be a 3200 lock up converter but instead it appears im stuck with a 4800 non lock up. Yeah im aware autos dyno lower to begin with but going non lock up really kills the numbers. But those numbers dont count as much as the ones that read on the scoreboard at the track.

who is your converter by? non lockup will kill you on the highway

04-05-2007, 10:57 PM
Its an Edge converter. That trailer queen never sees the highway anyway.

04-05-2007, 10:58 PM
Did you buy the converter used? If not, do you plan to contact the manufacturer of it? Do you have a tranny cooler?

Didn't you problems banging the rev limiter after you put this converter in? Being that its a non-lockup would explain why that was happening.

04-05-2007, 11:03 PM
Nope it was a brand new converter. Yes, i have a tranny cooler. Yeah i would contact them if a had the time and money to pull it out and send it back for adjustment. Dave said with the limited amount of street driving it sees this will work fine. Apparently converters are a PITA to get right so im just gonna live with it. yeah it did have problems with the rev limiter but that was solved a while ago with a little taller tire. Now she pulls to 6000 no problems. Previously i was limited to 5400 due to valve float. Now my 1-2 and 2-3 shifts are at 6000 so ill be better on top end anyway.

George C
04-05-2007, 11:10 PM
your tq is probably pushing the stall speed way past its point

i ran a PI 3500 fbody one in the truck and it would stall to 3800. but yours is way off and when stalls start to stall that high they might shit the bed real soon

next time spend the money and get a real converter....PI vigante. yes its money but worht it. make sure you get the multidisk one and not the single disk

remember this you get what you pay for when you spend 500 bucks on a converter

my PI was around 900 in price tag

04-05-2007, 11:10 PM
Yea know its chevy but i have a 4000 stall in my car and its murder on 279 (4200 at 65) and really messes with the dyno. My car shows only making 256 rwhp on a chassey dyno but made 502 at crank on motor dyno. and who is running 12.20s on 250 rwhp? 11.84 spraying 2nd gear.

04-05-2007, 11:18 PM
Quik- Yeah quess i should have looked into a PI but remmeber Steve had the same problem with his 1st PI converter.

Yeah 250 RWHP somehow doesnt sound like a low 12 second car.

04-05-2007, 11:31 PM
The non lock up converter should give you better numbers. You don't want a lock-up converter unless you are going to be driving it on the highway. All a lock-up converter does is lets the rpm's drop when u let of the gas to give you better MPG. When I built my AOD I specifically switched to a non-lock which I also had to change the input shalt.

04-05-2007, 11:36 PM
Yea got a good tranny goes to idle if off go pedal and car rolls good.so helps

The non lock up converter should give you better numbers. You don't want a lock-up converter unless you are going to be driving it on the highway. All a lock-up converter does is lets the rpm's drop when u let of the gas to give you better MPG. When I built my AOD I specifically switched to a non-lock which I also had to change the input shalt.

George C
04-05-2007, 11:38 PM
Quik- Yeah quess i should have looked into a PI but remmeber Steve had the same problem with his 1st PI converter.

Yeah 250 RWHP somehow doesnt sound like a low 12 second car.

yes his was also a single disk converter thus why i said multidisk

as for nonlockup vs lock up...... well atlest for the LSX setups i can tune the converter how i want. i can setup it up so it doesnt lock up, i can set it so it locks up soon as it hits third and etc...not sure about fords but with the gms i know of

04-05-2007, 11:46 PM
yes his was also a single disk converter thus why i said multidisk

as for nonlockup vs lock up...... well atlest for the LSX setups i can tune the converter how i want. i can setup it up so it doesnt lock up, i can set it so it locks up soon as it hits third and etc...not sure about fords but with the gms i know of

Yes, it is now tuned not to lock up at all. The converter tried to lock up but would just slip right back out.

Blaska- Everyone i have heard from so far said a non lock up will dyno around 50 hp lower.

04-05-2007, 11:50 PM
Yes, it is now tuned not to lock up at all. The converter tried to lock up but would just slip right back out.

Blaska- Everyone i have heard from so far said a non lock up will dyno around 50 hp lower.

I think you have it backwards the lock-up is 50 hp lower. I lock-up converter will slip more in third gear causing you to lose hp.

04-05-2007, 11:57 PM
Then something doesnt make sence since my last dyno i have gone down a blower pulley, switched to a better intake, deleted all of my accessories and went to 110 octane race gas and my numbers are lower with this converter.

04-06-2007, 12:04 AM
You should of listened to me and got those adjustable muffler bearings and you wouldnt of got yourself into this mess!:yes:

04-06-2007, 12:04 AM
:iagree: But et will show you.

Then something doesnt make sence since my last dyno i have gone down a blower pulley, switched to a better intake, deleted all of my accessories and went to 110 octane race gas and my numbers are lower with this converter.

04-06-2007, 12:09 AM
Then something doesnt make sence since my last dyno i have gone down a blower pulley, switched to a better intake, deleted all of my accessories and went to 110 octane race gas and my numbers are lower with this converter.

I'm not saying it is'nt the converter, I never heard of that company. But it is not because it is a non-lockup. Converters are real important and cheap ones can really mess up a car. Call a reputable company that deals with your tranny and just ask some questions. I deal with Art Carr alot and their prices are reasonable give them a call they will help you. I have paid $900 for a converter before but you get what you pay for.

04-06-2007, 12:11 AM
Considering he ran 11.49, It dosent seem to have to many problems w/ his current converter.:goodidea:

04-06-2007, 12:18 AM
Considering he ran 11.49, It dosent seem to have to many problems w/ his current converter.:goodidea:

I thought this was a new converter since he ran 11.49

04-06-2007, 12:19 AM
I thought this was a new converter since he ran 11.49

Nope, same one as last year.

04-06-2007, 12:22 AM

Mind you this is now with a non lock up converter so these numbers are not what the car actualy puts out. quote]

Sounds like a different converter to me

04-06-2007, 12:25 AM
What was in the car the last time the car was on the dyno and made 387 RWHP.

04-06-2007, 12:29 AM
He made 413 rwhp w/ the stock converter and the 390rwhp he just made was w/ the new converter. He got the new converter towards the end of last year and ran in the mid 11's with it, now its stalling to high so they made it a non-lockup converter.:goodidea:

04-06-2007, 12:42 AM
I will be at PRP when they open so I will look for you guys and we can talk in person. And we will see what the cars run. 400 RWHP should be a high 10 sec car.

George C
04-06-2007, 12:47 AM
a lock up will net higher number then non lock up. non lock slips more

this is why youll mph higher when locking the converte soon as you go into

boosted rides like GNs from what i gatherd like non lock up so they can slip and keep in boost

n20 rides like to be locked, im sure your centrifgal blower likes the lock up as well

if your converter isnt working right now billy, its going to crap itself in near future. and if it is indeed ****ed up. its going to comtainate your new trans and wipe that out. i would get tha tconverter out of there asap just to be safe

Pure Stock
04-06-2007, 12:57 AM
So place your guess for what kind of ETs it will run this year. Car weighs 3180(No driver).


04-06-2007, 01:53 AM
I will be at PRP when they open so I will look for you guys and we can talk in person. And we will see what the cars run. 400 RWHP should be a high 10 sec car.

Yes, GMKILLR is correct. The car made 413 with a stock converter. I then switched to this converter and this is the first time the car was ever dynoed with the NEW converter. Yes the car ran 11.4 with the current converter in it. It is a lock up converter. Dave, at SGS through the tune told the computer to NOT lock up the converter.

04-06-2007, 07:54 AM
Yes, GMKILLR is correct. The car made 413 with a stock converter. I then switched to this converter and this is the first time the car was ever dynoed with the NEW converter. Yes the car ran 11.4 with the current converter in it. It is a lock up converter. Dave, at SGS through the tune told the computer to NOT lock up the converter.

I got ya, I was the one that was confused, you run a AODE. I apologize, I think the car should run 10's easy with that RWHP. I 'll look for you at PRP.:awsome:

04-06-2007, 10:56 AM
Cool man. Glad we got it all straightened out. Yeah any way you look at it no matter what the dyno said I still gained at least 50 RWHP from last year. Look foward to seeing you opening day. Cant really miss my car.

04-06-2007, 11:59 AM
Bill, I'm sorry if I missed it, but where did the dyno show a 50rwhp increase since last year?

04-06-2007, 01:41 PM
After we figured out that the converter wasnt locking up we got baseline numbers around 330 RWHP. Some timing addition and a few other changes later we arrived at final numbers 390 RWHP. Thats where the increase came from.