View Full Version : Blow thru carb?

04-18-2012, 11:47 AM
Can someone explain this to me.Im doing a carb 347 build and think I wanna procharge it but this blow thur carb keeps coming up.Im used to doing fuel injected builds carbs are kinda new to me.Do I have to have on,Where to buy them,etc..

04-18-2012, 01:34 PM
Kevin @ CSU, Roger @ C&S or Patrick @ Prosystems. They are the best out there. Be prepared to spend at least a G on a carb and hat.

04-18-2012, 03:54 PM
I have had plenty of experience with these and stay the **** away from pro systems csu made mine and it was as simple as bolting it on and go. I have heard good things about C&s but have watched cars with them and didn't seem as easy to drive around with on the street with. Expect to spend around a grand on a carb if you wanna do It right the first time

04-18-2012, 05:02 PM
No you don't have to have one at all it's up to you do you want a carb or fuel injection

04-18-2012, 05:37 PM
I believe that marine carbs will handle the extra boost. A buddy of mine put a turbo system on a first gen RX7. he had used a Holly Marine 4 barrel and a custom hat and it worked great....If you remember the Yellow first gen Rx7 from the FLD back in Zelie. that was him...

04-18-2012, 06:27 PM
I have had plenty of experience with these and stay the **** away from pro systems
Prosystems made one for me, it was off by 150 rpms at idle and the a/f was dead on throughout the band. Not bad for mailorder imo.

I believe that marine carbs will handle the extra boost
Not sure how, it n/a just like a car, maybe he was running low boost (under 6#s), the carb needs powervalves to not lean out the mixture. Read it can be done at home, but i'm not nearly knowledgable enough to try it. Draw through it could work no problem.

Mark Aubele
04-18-2012, 06:46 PM
Marine carb will neither work nor run "great". Unless you are a carb guru, go efi or call the pros and drop near a grand. With anything else you will be wasting time and blowing shit up.

04-18-2012, 07:12 PM
I don't care what anyone says I had almost two seasons messing with that piece of crap pro systems I wouldn't give you two squirts of piss for one of them junks !!! I go so sick of talking to that retard on the phone!!! Ok I feel better now

04-18-2012, 10:55 PM
Is there a reason why people don't buy the 2-piece enclosure like on the Paxton carb kits? Then all you need is a mechanical secondary carb off the shelf.

Maybe the enclosure is pricey - I don't know because I bought the whole package as a kit - but there have to be some available out there.

Plus, they look cool...I like the way it looks on my '66!