View Full Version : Which boost controller?
07-06-2012, 09:28 AM
Which boost controller do you use, and which would you avoid? Up to now I have had an internal wastegate that I adjusted with a turnbuckle. Now I have the GT2871r with a 38mm Tial external wastegate and need manual adjustment.
Should I go manual or electronic? Let's assume cost is not a concern, but I obviously don't want to spend more than necessary.
I have the tools and skill to make one myself, but I mainly don't want to play guessing games and spend 20 hours finding the right tension spring, dialing in the boost, etc.
I was looking at this: TurboSmart Dual Stage Mechanical Boost Controller (
I don't daily drive this car, and I won't be adjusting the boost frequently after I set it. I will adjust to to around 10-12psi for now, and then as high as 20-25psi after I build the spare motor.
My thought with the dual stage is I could run 12-15psi around town and have a setting for 25psi at the track, which I could flip (manually or automatically) after in 2nd gear.
Thanks all :goodidea:
07-06-2012, 09:32 AM
Its over kill for what you need but I have used the AMS 1000 before, user friendly and has many options.
07-06-2012, 09:36 AM
Its over kill for what you need but I have used the AMS 1000 before, user friendly and has many options.
$1K boost controller? Whew! I take back that comment about cost not being a concern. :D
Thanks though, that's exactly what I asked for. If I determine I need a $1K boost controller then so be it.
07-06-2012, 09:39 AM
$1K boost controller? Whew! I take back that comment about cost not being a concern. :D
Thanks though, that's exactly what I asked for. If I determine I need a $1K boost controller then so be it.
You can find it used for around $700 including Co2 bottle and noids. Innovative, Exile and MSD makes some nice models also. They are about the same as an AMS 500. GL with your build.
07-06-2012, 01:38 PM
My thought with the dual stage is I could run 12-15psi around town and have a setting for 25psi at the track
That's "sort of" what I do with my AMS 500.
I drive the car around every day with the boost controller "off" so I'm using my 15 psi gate spring. Makes plenty of power for driving and i'm rarely over 10 psi anyway.
I have one setting at 21 psi. This is the max I would go on my combo with pump 93 in the tank.
I then have a high setting that I can use at the track with octane in the tank (I use Torco).
As I mentioned in your other thread, I really think this decission comes down to how good of boost control do you need. Can you tolerate boost spikes (overshoot), will your combo and tune tolerate slight changes in boost level? How much do you really want to spend ;)
Keep in mind, with your external gate you now have dual ports. One on top of the diaphram and one on the bottom. This opens up some different control systems than the typical MBC's and even a lot of the EBC's. You can get much better control taking advntage of this.
I have no experience with this ... That said, Tial has a diagram on how to do this with a simple pressure regulator. All you are really doing with a dual port regualtor is using boost pressure to open the gate (like you are doing now) but using that same signal on the top (via a regulator) to increase the spring rate. To me, that seems like a good strategy (and in effect what my expensive EBC does, except it is modulating solenoids to hold it closer).
I think you could use a controller like you proposed and still plumb it like tial's diagram.
07-06-2012, 01:41 PM
I came across a deal I couldn't pass up. I went with a TurboSmart dual stage mechanical on ebay for $119. I contacted the seller and he said it didn't have a box or CD but everything else. I will let everyone know how it goes.
07-06-2012, 01:57 PM
I use my foot ...I got a sweet pair of chuck taylors I use
07-06-2012, 02:01 PM
I use my foot ...I got a sweet pair of chuck taylors I use
Like these?
Seriously though, you have no boost control?
07-06-2012, 02:23 PM
Run it off wastegate, more consistent. We have had good luck with homemade home-depot boost controllers though!
07-06-2012, 02:30 PM
Run it off wastegate, more consistent. We have had good luck with homemade home-depot boost controllers though!
I'm not sure what you mean. Can you elaborate? Are you saying use no boost controller? Or are you saying use the 2nd port?
And what is up with the unicorn chick in your sig? :laughing:
07-06-2012, 02:52 PM
I have a cheap turbonetics one but I usually just the wastegate
07-11-2012, 10:00 AM
This is the boost controller I went with: (
I bought it open-box from ebay, so I wanted to make certain it wasn't busted up so I took it apart. This is what is inside. This one is indeed new.
For those wondering how this works, it is a bleed-off type boost controller. That means it will bleed off a preset amount of air going to the wastegate.
This controller has two stages of bleed-off, controlled by a switch. The only electronic part in this system is the solenoid that opens the path to the second bleed dial. It appears it would work fine as a single-stage without any 12v signal.
The dials are reverse threaded. Turning counter-clockwise closes the bleeder valves. Turning clockwise opens the bleeder valves to increase boost.
I have not installed this yet. I ordered a vacuum block and it won't be here until later this week. I'm going to clean up some vac/boost lines so my boost gauge, boost controller and bov all get the signal from the same vac block.
I'm going backpacking/flyfishing for a few days next week, so don't expect any updates until after. :awsome:
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