View Full Version : JD tractor/backhoe/loader, diesel 4x4 NEEDS CLUTCH

09-14-2012, 01:01 PM
Dad needs a spot for his grand national so this must go..

1986 john deere 750 3cyl 20hp diesel, 4x4, hi-low range, 8spd, pto, ag tires, JD 7' reach backhoe and JD front end loader.

original owner, 34xx hours over 26 years, always kept inside(backhoe attachment was outside tarped)

clutch blew last summer and been sitting inside since, other than that solid machine used around our farm, great for digging water lines, french drains etc.

He bought new last year when clutch went and has been sitting on since... He wouldn't sell if he didnt need somewhere for his GN


09-14-2012, 08:08 PM
Great Deal, I worked at Maple Mountain Equipment for 3 years while in college as the John Deere sales manager. Gotta love green and yellow. Im also a sucker for the IH red to!

09-15-2012, 08:30 AM
Great Deal, I worked at Maple Mountain Equipment for 3 years while in college as the John Deere sales manager. Gotta love green and yellow. Im also a sucker for the IH red to!

Ya it is.... tractor by itself is worth $6-8, backhoe alone i have seen selling for $3-4k on ebay and the bucket is worth prob another grand..