View Full Version : For Sale R/C Nitro Helicopter Hirobo Shuttle $380

09-27-2012, 10:27 AM
For Sale R/C Nitro Helicopter Hirobo Shuttle ZXX
For sale is a very nice condition Radio Controlled Nitro powered R/C Helicopter made by
Hirobo. Model is a Shuttle ZXX. This is the very best in the Shuttle line up of
model helicopters. Easy to fly and yet still can perform stunts and aggressive flying.
I have properly adjusted, trimmed, and setup this bird.

what’s included:
-Hirobo Shuttle ZXX (30 size)
-belt drive tail
-Century Piezo Gyro
-JR NES 517 servos
-voltwatch battery monitor
-1100mah 4.8 rx (receiver) batt
-OS Max SX .32 engine / motor
-JR Propo 7 ch XP783H PCM radio (channel 72.670) transmitter with rechargeable batteries
-Remote glow plug
-main rotor and tail blades
-Instruction manuals

TX and RX batteries take and hold a charge. I have recently flew this helicopter
with no problems (9-25-12).


Flight box items below sold separately ($100):
- Yellow Flight box (holds Tx, fuel, battery, and accessories)
- Helicopter 12V 90 starter
- Helicopter starter wand
- 1.2 rechargeable glow plug adapter
- glow plug charger
- TX and RX battery charger
- 2 gallons of Nitro fuel:
One is 3/4 full of 10% Nitro
Second is 3/4 full of 30% Nitro


email or txt me for details
or call 724-nine eight four-6905
Located in Uniontown PA, will ship items within continental US.

09-27-2012, 04:42 PM
I have always wanted one of these. Only experience i have with them is the little mall battery ones they sell. Will i destroy this really fast or does it kinda fly its self so to speak?

09-27-2012, 06:16 PM
I have used nitro trucks, airplanes and now helicopters. I like them because of the technology and advanced controls. The sound of the engine and the exhaust makes it ultra realistic. The unit has a gyro which steadies the unit. It keeps a "heading hold" automatically. If you can fly a little one, you can fly this one. Its just bigger. It is more stable outside than little ones cause it has extra weight (wind does not effect it as much). You don't want to crash it into the ground though (that will break the blades and possibly more). Parts are cheap and its easy to fix.

09-27-2012, 06:56 PM
If bill doesn't take it, I'm really interested in it.

09-27-2012, 09:47 PM
Rob, If you buy it I have a bunch of NOS parts for a Shuttle, I bought another Schluter Champion the parts were in the deal.

I was the VP of the Pittsburgh Area Rotor Runners back in the 80s.

10-01-2012, 12:02 PM
Price Reduced to $290 for the Helicopter

10-19-2012, 09:53 AM
Hirobo Shuttle 30 $290 (flys well)
Kyosho Nexus 30 $190 (flys but had issue with gyro not keeping a heading hold)
Flightbox with starter, charger, two gallons of nitro $100

10-22-2012, 11:00 AM