View Full Version : Suggestions for Fox Radiator Upgrade

12-11-2012, 11:08 AM
Hey guys I'm looking for an aluminium rad for my fox and was wondering what everyone is running. There are a ton on the market and not so many reviews for them so if you could share what you have and your review of it I would appreciate it. I'm not looking to spend a ton of money on a rad so if any one has a suggestions for the best bang for your buck that would be great.

12-11-2012, 11:27 AM
I've used this Griffin for 8 years now. It's a big 3-core.


12-11-2012, 02:02 PM
I bought one from laurel mountain mustang. 3 core mishumito is the name. Not sure if my spelling is right. I paid less than 200 and it was nice. Lou recomended it to me. Said he sold a ton for fox bodies. Worked great!!
Here is a link its $209 not bad! http://www.laurelmountainmustang.com/products/1979-1993-mustang-5-dot-0-aluminum-radiator

12-11-2012, 02:26 PM
I've used this Griffin for 8 years now. It's a big 3-core.


How was the fit? I will be retaining the stock fan for the time being and want to make sure the fan shroud will fit properly

12-11-2012, 02:28 PM
I bought one from laurel mountain mustang. 3 core mishumito is the name. Not sure if my spelling is right. I paid less than 200 and it was nice. Lou recomended it to me. Said he sold a ton for fox bodies. Worked great!!
Here is a link its $209 not bad! http://www.laurelmountainmustang.com/products/1979-1993-mustang-5-dot-0-aluminum-radiator

How was the fit? Did the shroud fit properly? I read that there have been some leak issues but in all cases the rad was replaced by the manufacture for free

12-11-2012, 03:20 PM
How was the fit? I will be retaining the stock fan for the time being and want to make sure the fan shroud will fit properly

Can't answer that. I moved to electric fans when I bought the Griffin.

12-11-2012, 03:44 PM
How in depth was the switch to electric fans and what products did you use. I would like to do the switch but with paying for a wedding and a house funds for the toys are limited right now

12-11-2012, 06:18 PM
i had the rad from laurel mountain n loved it def buy aftermarket support bracket n fitment for other crap was perfect

12-11-2012, 08:33 PM
I have a griffin in my car for years,works great, If you want to go to an electric fan my son has a 15" fan with a summit bracket kit for sale just need the temp switch kit

12-11-2012, 09:10 PM
Fitment was great! I bought an aftermarket fan too. I did have to buy a thinner aftermarket overflow bottle. Here are some pics. The black bracket came with the fan.

12-11-2012, 09:21 PM
i had a h/c/i 306 with 4.10s long ago and it used to get really hot driving down the highway. i was seeing 220-230+ and it was very scary. i put in a Be Cool rad(same size as stock)and it ran 160 even on a 80 degree day

12-12-2012, 02:45 PM
I have a griffin in my car for years,works great, If you want to go to an electric fan my son has a 15" fan with a summit bracket kit for sale just need the temp switch kit

How Much??? Any Pics???

01-25-2013, 07:28 PM
I think I have a be cool in my notch, know thats what I run in the old cars. But I just bought a junk cheap alm rad for my Wifes GT off ebay this fall. Actually fit great and temps were right at 180.