View Full Version : what do you think of this intake?

04-23-2007, 02:08 PM
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/5-0-5-0L-302-EFI-Edelbrock-Performer-Style-Intake-TMD_W0QQitemZ180108152267QQihZ008QQcategoryZ36474Q QrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

04-23-2007, 02:10 PM

thats the one ed and i had discussed me using. for a build

04-23-2007, 03:08 PM
I have owned one of those and was pleasantly impressed with it. They are a good deal in my opinion. I have read som complaints about the runners being rough and not machined or cast very well. I had 0 isues with mine as everything was smooth.

04-23-2007, 03:17 PM
WHat heads and cam will you be running with it. If they are going to be stock then I would shy away from this as its actually modeled after an edelbrock RPM intake (the old style) and has a usuable RPM range up into the 6000-6500 range. The trade off for this upper RPM beathing ability is a softer low end due to larger and shorter intake runner lengths when compared to a stock inatke, or even a cobra/TF street heat/Edelbrock performer. If you don't plan on rev'n it over 6000 I'd look for one of the more street oriented intakes. I ran an edelbrock performer (usuable range is rated to 5500) on my old combo and I couldn't have been happier with it. It was on the car when I went 12.03 NA at ~3700lbs.

04-23-2007, 04:24 PM
WHat heads and cam will you be running with it. If they are going to be stock then I would shy away from this as its actually modeled after an edelbrock RPM intake (the old style) and has a usuable RPM range up into the 6000-6500 range. The trade off for this upper RPM beathing ability is a softer low end due to larger and shorter intake runner lengths when compared to a stock inatke, or even a cobra/TF street heat/Edelbrock performer. If you don't plan on rev'n it over 6000 I'd look for one of the more street oriented intakes. I ran an edelbrock performer (usuable range is rated to 5500) on my old combo and I couldn't have been happier with it. It was on the car when I went 12.03 NA at ~3700lbs.

The car has stock heads but a somewhat aggressive cam in it already ( don't know the specs, but since I tuned it up and cleaned the mas electronics it has a very noticable idle). The car runs great but you can really notice it pulling hard once you get to around 3500 rpms or so. It still has the stock 3.08s in it so it is a little softer in the lowend. I think this intake would match the cam fairly well and the car will be getting heads and a stronger bottom end as the build progresses. It will next be getting 3.73's so the little loss on bottom end won't really hurt me I don't think. Would you say the expected range of this intake is 2000-6500 or so?

04-23-2007, 04:33 PM
Would you say the expected range of this intake is 2000-6500 or so?

Yes. As was said, the castings have been known to be on the poor side, so a little cleanup of the runners definitely wouldn't hurt. Check the port alignments too as I've seen some have issues there as well.

04-23-2007, 05:03 PM
i know a few people running those and haven't had any complaints