View Full Version : Classic Vehicle Inspection- Can someone clear this up?

01-29-2014, 11:40 AM
I purchased a 1991 Mustang from Ohio (they don't have inspection). I then went through the process of getting a classic plate/registration. My last step is to get it inspected. I have called several shops and I received different answers from each regarding whether or not my car only requires a safety inspection (emissions exempt). The guy at Midas told me I would have to add all my cats back and original emission equipment...Another shop said I need to prove it has been driven <5k miles in past year...I can't get a clear answer. Here is what I found online:

According to the DMV ( http://www.dmv.state.pa.us/pdotforms/fact_sheets/fs-ant.pdf ) "Antique and classic vehicles are not subject to emissions inspection".

More info on their Frequently asked questions is found here on page 8:


Are any vehicles excluded from Pennsylvania’s emissions program?
Yes. Vehicles will be excluded from the program if:
• the vehicle is registered as a street rod, classic, collectible, antique or specially
constructed vehicle and motorcycles.

Vehicles excluded from the program will not have the “Emissions Inspection

Anyone care to chime in? It seems this is cut and dry and that I would only need a safety inspection...Nobody seems to know.

01-29-2014, 11:52 AM
I looked into this a lot since i got antique plates for my 87.

Classic plates - safety inspection required, but NO emissions inspection needed ever again as long as you have the plate

Antique plates - NO safety or emissions inspection ever needed again as long as you have the plate

01-29-2014, 11:54 AM
You dont need to add any emissions equipment back for the safety inspection, and you dont need to prove any mileage, both of those guys are wrong

Don't call and ask them what they think you need. Just say "I want a PA safety inspection only."

01-29-2014, 12:53 PM
I'm liking what I am hearing. I also like the suggestion to "don't ask them what they think you need". The one guy at Midas was a bit rude and said that he hears people asking this all the time...then told me a story about a guy with a Corvette who thought the same thing as me...Guy ended up adding cats, smog pump, etc just to get it passed. If I was the Corvette guy I would be quite pi$$ed right now. Thanks!

01-29-2014, 04:08 PM
Boy..midas made mint on that guy

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01-29-2014, 04:29 PM
you only need a state sticker with classic plate, antique plates do not require any annual inspection,

01-29-2014, 05:43 PM
Any of you have substantial "mods" to your vehicle with classic plates?

01-29-2014, 05:52 PM
Any of you have substantial "mods" to your vehicle with classic plates?

As long as u can pass safety inspection it doesnt matter. You can have no cats, no EGR, no emissons stuff whatsoever. As long as you can pass the safety inspection you're good: brakes, tires, suspension, structurally sound, and whatever else gets checked with safety inspection (im no mechanic so i dont know everything they check)

Another great thing about classic/antique plates is that theyre registered for life meaning you dont have to pay $36 every year for a new sticker on the plate. My 87 literally does not cost me a dime except insurance

01-29-2014, 06:05 PM
do you still have to send pictures in for the classic plate ?

I believe that you only need a state inspection though. Emissions equipment or not is really up to the inspector/station. I don't think that there is a mileage limit on the classic plates, only the antique.

01-29-2014, 06:05 PM
I though with a antique plate you can not drive at night and rain or something dumb like that.

01-29-2014, 06:25 PM
You can have mods on a classic plate car.

Classic = annual inspection only - no emissions

Antique = no inspection - no emissions I don't think photos are required any more - but if it is found that your antique plate car is not "like" original I heard from AAA that the state can fine you and revoke your plate. But I haven't heard any cases of that actually happening.

Now - for classic/antique insurance, photos will be required.

01-29-2014, 06:28 PM
do you still have to send pictures in for the classic plate ?

I believe that you only need a state inspection though. Emissions equipment or not is really up to the inspector/station. I don't think that there is a mileage limit on the classic plates, only the antique.

You used to have to send in pictures for the classic and antique plates. This is no longer required. Also, there is NO mileage restrictions. See below...

I though with a antique plate you can not drive at night and rain or something dumb like that.

The only restriction on classic and antique plates is that they say you cannot use the vehicle with those plates for daily transportation, only for "occasional transportation", which they define as one day a week. There is NO WAY IN HELL that can be enforced unless you see the same cop twice in a week and he is dick enough to pull you over for it.

Mark Aubele
01-29-2014, 06:35 PM
I just recently changed registration on my '64 F100 from my fathers name to mine, they wanted pictures (antique plate). This was last year.

01-29-2014, 06:44 PM
I just recently changed registration on my '64 F100 from my fathers name to mine, they wanted pictures (antique plate). This was last year.

Interesting. I did mine last year too. Dont remember the exact month though. All i did was send in the application, my vehicles title, and a check for the fees. A week later i got my antique plate. No pics needed. The change was pretty recent, maybe you tried right before they switched the policy.

I wasnt sure so i actually called penndot and asked if i needed pics, they said nope.

Mark Aubele
01-29-2014, 07:05 PM
I was also transferring the old purple plate, that could've had something to do with it?

01-29-2014, 07:22 PM
Purple plate rocks compared to the new antique plate!

01-29-2014, 07:29 PM
ok i just went thru all this.....classic plates need no photos send the money in and bam you got plates....antique u dont need photos.....vintage plates u need the photos

01-29-2014, 07:40 PM
I transferred my purple antique plate a few months ago. No pictures needed.

01-29-2014, 07:55 PM
Purple plate rocks compared to the new antique plate!

Ya i wish i had an old purple one. Mine is so fugly. Has a model T or some crap on it. Wish u could pick the car thats on it

01-29-2014, 10:32 PM
Ya i wish i had an old purple one. Mine is so fugly. Has a model T or some crap on it. Wish u could pick the car thats on it

Alot of people are putting pictures of there car over that old Oldsmobile photo on the new antique plates!

01-29-2014, 10:33 PM
Dont forget that you all are elligible for Collector Car insurance also. Grundy has been pretty good to me!

01-29-2014, 10:52 PM
I know about classic and antique plates...what the heck are "vintage" plates?

My collector insurance is a company called Infinity - way cheaper than Hagerty ( Hagerty is a horrible company - screwed my Dad on a claim years ago ) and the others. PM me if interested and I will put you in touch with my buddy who handles all my insurance.

01-30-2014, 12:01 PM
I was going to go through Hagerty, but there were some things in their policy that seemed light on the coverage side. I got a quote from my Nationwide guy and it was $162/6 months for liability and $198/6 months for full coverage. This is a 10K policy with great coverage. I ended up getting the full coverage and I don't have to worry about where/when I can drive/park. Also, I don't have to send in photos, etc.

01-30-2014, 03:10 PM
I was going to go through Hagerty, but there were some things in their policy that seemed light on the coverage side. I got a quote from my Nationwide guy and it was $162/6 months for liability and $198/6 months for full coverage. This is a 10K policy with great coverage. I ended up getting the full coverage and I don't have to worry about where/when I can drive/park. Also, I don't have to send in photos, etc.

I am not trying to have you go against Nationwide (My wife works for Nationwide) but I pay $220 a year full replacement coverage with my 1986 Mustang GT being valued at $12,500. If the car gets totalled, I get the full amount of the value. The value increases yearly and the collectable status increases. It may be something to investigate.

I actually went from a Classic to Antique. I'm going to ask them if that changes my rate.

01-30-2014, 03:13 PM
I am not trying to have you go against Nationwide (My wife works for Nationwide) but I pay $220 a year full replacement coverage with my 1986 Mustang GT being valued at $12,500. If the car gets totalled, I get the full amount of the value. The value increases yearly and the collectable status increases. It may be something to investigate.

I actually went from a Classic to Antique. I'm going to ask them if that changes my rate.

How is your '86 valued that high? Is it only because its under collectors insurance? Would it be valued way less if it was standard insurance?

01-30-2014, 03:19 PM
$180/year cheaper...That is a good deal. I may revisit, but I think I remember language in the Hagerty policy that states the vehicle won't be used to drive to work, will always be parked overnight in a garage, etc..While it is not my everyday driver, I may drive it to work some days. I'm sure they would cover anything no matter what, but I decided to just tag another vehicle on my existing policy...$180 cheaper is getting my wheels spinning though. Thanks.

01-30-2014, 04:42 PM
I have grundy and very happy with it. Insurance is good year round,they have a few restrictions no racing,auto cross and stuff like that.I think it does need to be garaged.I was thinking about classic plate but I like the black dare plate I have

01-30-2014, 05:11 PM

this will explain everything...vintage plates are i assume a "new" thing now

i pay 233/year and im valued at 10k and im with Safeco

Mark Aubele
01-30-2014, 07:05 PM
Oops, supposed to be a PM...

Mark Aubele
01-30-2014, 07:08 PM
I have grundy and very happy with it. Insurance is good year round,they have a few restrictions no racing,auto cross and stuff like that.I think it does need to be garaged.I was thinking about classic plate but I like the black dare plate I have

Is it a restriction or do they not cover it if it is wrecked during an event?

01-30-2014, 07:34 PM
i didnt read all of the posts so dont know if you have an answer, but from my experience....i brought my car from Washington State to PA and had only driven it less than 20k miles in 5 years, and 2k in the 3 years prior to registering it here, but they made me pass emissions my first year in the state since i had no proof of previous mileage (WA does not have emissions either, which is odd to me). i couldnt pass, but got it taken care of and this march i will be able to get the exemption.