View Full Version : What's the best place to have frame and strut towers work/repaired!?!!??

05-16-2014, 11:33 AM
One of my good friend's/buddy picked up a '89 Fox a few weeks back that looked to be in great condition with alot of aftermarket goodies for the price. It has alot of suspension work done to it. Upon taking it to get aligned before inspection the shop owner said that the frame and strut towers looked to be needing some work/fixing done. I was wondering if anyone new of any good, not to expensive places close to in and around the Burgh areas that would do the work on it!? Any information or leads would be greatly appreciated!! Thanx, guys! -Brent

Dan B.
05-16-2014, 12:35 PM
What's he need done?? Rails patched, replaced?

05-16-2014, 06:49 PM
From what he's saying no one will know the extent of it until they actually start digging into fixing it. He's always wanted one and is super excited to finally have picked one up, but now he's extremely bumming about what to do. He wants it legal, inspected, and safe for him and his family(wife and two kids) without spending a couple thousands more!

Dan B.
05-16-2014, 07:17 PM
Maybe check with Lou Manglos about getting an entire front end from the firewall up. That would get the rails and towers. Is he mechanically inclined at all?? If he'd yank the motor, trans, fenders and lights I'm sure he could get it done for under a grand with buying the walkoff and labor. I'd be willing to help him out.

05-16-2014, 10:12 PM
He didn't buy that red 89 from Harrison city did he?

05-17-2014, 04:11 PM
Alrighty, Dan! He/I definitely appreciate the offer to help out! I'll tell him about Laural Mountain Mustang. I'll see what he's wanting to do here over the next few days and get back to ya. He's not to mechanically inclined thou. :/ No its not a red one from Harrison City, its a white one.

05-17-2014, 04:20 PM
He was a member on here and was living in my hometown for years, like a block or two a way but never new it. Then I did end up seeing his Stang around alot and meeting him. He moved almost a year ago thou. Here is his opening post/thread on here with pics and info of it... http://www.steelcitystangs.com/forums/showthread.php?27232-Hi-im-new-and-from-the-burg-please-read-me-and-im-lookin-to-buy-some-parts

05-17-2014, 04:32 PM
Dan - you're the man buddy!

Dan B.
05-17-2014, 09:42 PM
I don't think Lou is still with LMM. PM Lou....can't remember his handle on the board....sonicsnake03 or something like that. He has a lot of parts cars though and is always moving/selling stuff so he may have one. Or PM me and I'll give you his cell.

I'd rather see it show up here with most of the disassembly done. That would make it much cheaper for him.

05-17-2014, 10:23 PM
Alrighty, Dan! He/I definitely appreciate the offer to help out! I'll tell him about Laural Mountain Mustang. I'll see what he's wanting to do here over the next few days and get back to ya. He's not to mechanically inclined thou. :/ No its not a red one from Harrison City, its a white one.

Just wondering. I looked at the red POS 89 that's been on craigslist and it was uninspected and had all kinds of holes/rot in the drivers side shock tower and rail that the seller appeared to be unaware of! Thought it was the same car.

05-19-2014, 09:42 PM
Sounds good Dan, like I said I'll let ya know what he plans on doing and again I appreciate your input and everything. PSP this sounds almost identical to what's going on with my buddy right now. The guy that sold it to him said it came from Michigan somewhere.