View Full Version : Overheating

05-01-2007, 09:22 AM
I am having a problem with overheating. Just had some work done over the weekend. New rad hoses all the way around and I don't see any of them leaking. New thermostat too and it is dry around there also. The timing is off for sure so could that be causing my overheat.

Other work included installation of a cobra upper/lower intake.

Here is a pic of my temp guage. It is just barely dancing with the redline and stays there constantly.


05-01-2007, 09:25 AM
yes the timing can do that. My buddy did that to his old foxbody he used to have

05-01-2007, 09:37 AM
Ok. Funny thing is it doesn't really seem to be idiling bad. Just about 900 to 1000 rpm, which is where it idled before the installation. I think the guy said my timing was at 0 or something. I know he did have a problem with the distributor cause the TMI module was hitting the intake preventing him from turning the distributor or something

05-01-2007, 09:39 AM
Also, I can smell the anti-freeze (sweet smell) a little bit. Not sure what that means?? Could my heater core be leaking??

05-01-2007, 09:52 AM
gaskets??? Are you using any oil?

05-01-2007, 10:13 AM
what about gaskets? I have always had an oil burning issue.

George C
05-01-2007, 10:15 AM
you head gaskets might be popped but first check to see if he did your stat right

wait you might have an air pocket in there

05-01-2007, 10:15 AM
do you hear any gurgling?? possible air in the heater system... have you put your heat on since the work was done???

05-01-2007, 10:17 AM
you head gaskets might be popped but first check to see if he did your stat right

wait you might have an air pocket in there

could be a bad stat and not opening at all or in backwards.....

05-01-2007, 10:20 AM
I am pretty sure the stat is correct. Don't hear any gurgling per say.

The head gaskets are probably OK as well.

On the trip home (3 hour drive on the PA TPK) the temp guage was perfect, even up and down the mountains

05-01-2007, 10:21 AM
do you hear any gurgling?? possible air in the heater system... have you put your heat on since the work was done???

Had the heater on defrost this morning. It was blowing hot air

05-01-2007, 10:23 AM
On the trip home (3 hour drive on the PA TPK) the temp guage was perfect, even up and down the mountains

good info...does it get that hot even when moving....

when a certain shop tried giving me my car back mutiple times, twice it was getting hot like that from the HG's not sealing properly and blowing exhaust into the coolant..... have you lost any coolant??

05-01-2007, 10:28 AM
good info...does it get that hot even when moving....

when a certain shop tried giving me my car back mutiple times, twice it was getting hot like that from the HG's not sealing properly and blowing exhaust into the coolant..... have you lost any coolant??

No. the rad is completely full and has been since Saturday. THe overfill is 1/2 full and stayed the same.

The heads were never taken off, so I am not sure why the head gaskets might be the problem?

05-01-2007, 10:41 AM
you have an air pocket behind yoru thermostat that is keeping it from opening. I had a coolant pressure tester from autozone i borrowed for free, all i did was pull the hose off your heater tube that goes to the throttle body, then put the pressure tester on the radiator, and pumped it VERY SLOWLY to let the rest of the air out. if your smart you'll put the hose into a bottle so you don't run coolant all over your car.

05-01-2007, 10:42 AM
you have an air pocket behind yoru thermostat that is keeping it from opening.

Ok, sounds reasonable. How do I fix that?

05-01-2007, 10:53 AM
If your timing is at zero i'm pretty sure you car wouldn't even start. what type of intake are you running that won't let you turn the dist? and why would they make an intake like that? Has your mechanic ever worked on a mustang before, because something seems way off here. you should have no probelm getting your timing set you have some sort of super custom intake i believe, I may be wrong though. Also, if you just want to change your idle, all you have to do is turn your idle screw down and you'll be just fine, as long as you don't close the throttle plate the whole way.

Ok. Funny thing is it doesn't really seem to be idiling bad. Just about 900 to 1000 rpm, which is where it idled before the installation. I think the guy said my timing was at 0 or something. I know he did have a problem with the distributor cause the TMI module was hitting the intake preventing him from turning the distributor or something

05-01-2007, 10:55 AM
you could try what i said, pull that hose off and try that, it worked for me, but may not work for you. Not sure if anyone else has any ideas, but you might just have to pull the thermostat back off, then seal it back on. not really a big deal, takes like 15 minutes if you've got a lot of stuff blocking you up.

05-01-2007, 11:00 AM
If your timing is at zero i'm pretty sure you car wouldn't even start. what type of intake are you running that won't let you turn the dist? and why would they make an intake like that? Has your mechanic ever worked on a mustang before, because something seems way off here. you should have no probelm getting your timing set you have some sort of super custom intake i believe, I may be wrong though. Also, if you just want to change your idle, all you have to do is turn your idle screw down and you'll be just fine, as long as you don't close the throttle plate the whole way.

The intake is a upper/lower cobra intake. The dist does turn, but the TMI hits the t-stat housing. I'll try the bleeding technique you mentioned.

05-01-2007, 11:08 AM
i've never ran a cobra setup, but there is no way you shouldn't be able to get your timing set correctly. i mean they manufactured these on cars

05-01-2007, 11:59 AM
Sounds to me like the dist. is just one tooth off. You should take it back to them and have them install it correctly. If they lift it up and turn the shaft back a little than put it back it you should be able to adjust it correctly.

05-01-2007, 12:17 PM
Sounds to me like the dist. is just one tooth off. You should take it back to them and have them install it correctly. If they lift it up and turn the shaft back a little than put it back it you should be able to adjust it correctly.

Cant really do that Ray. The guy lives 3 hours away. Plus he was having a hard time putting the dist back in. The oil pump shaft kept falling out and not setting properly

05-01-2007, 12:33 PM
Cant really do that Ray. The guy lives 3 hours away. Plus he was having a hard time putting the dist back in. The oil pump shaft kept falling out and not setting properly

Damn, that sucks. I can try to help you with it at some point if you want. To line the oil pump shaft up you just have to bump the engine over a couple degrees usually :awsome:

05-01-2007, 12:37 PM
I would appreciate some help. Maybe if someone could check the timing and set it a 10, that might fix my overheating problem. I know the timing is off, so that definitely needs to be adjusted.

05-01-2007, 01:03 PM
if it can wait til this weekend, i can come down and put it in a tooth the other way and set the timing and see what happens..

05-01-2007, 01:07 PM
if it can wait til this weekend, i can come down and put it in a tooth the other way and set the timing and see what happens..

Are you the guy who lives in hopewell/aliquippa? I sure would appreciate the help. Yeah it can wait till this weekend. You like beer? I'm buyin

05-01-2007, 01:10 PM
nope, im up in gibsonia, remember meeting at the richland bar on rt 8..... i have no clue where hopewell is though:rolleyes:

05-01-2007, 01:15 PM
nope, im up in gibsonia, remember meeting at the richland bar on rt 8..... i have no clue where hopewell is though:rolleyes:

That's right. Hey I still have your compression tester. Maybe we could do the compresssion test also. If you wanna come out, I can give you directions. It's pretty easy, just 10 mins past the airport off the parkway

05-01-2007, 07:48 PM
I took the rad cap off and topped off the rad. Started the car and let it run for like 15 minutes and really didn't have to add much antifreeze. The temp guage climbed up to the O in normal (see pic) basically at the line right by the O. Waited another 5 minutes, then put the cap back on and waited some more to see if it would drop. It didn't


05-01-2007, 08:48 PM
I took the rad cap off and topped off the rad. Started the car and let it run for like 15 minutes and really didn't have to add much antifreeze. The temp guage climbed up to the O in normal (see pic) basically at the line right by the O. Waited another 5 minutes, then put the cap back on and waited some more to see if it would drop. It didn't

How about a bad ECT sensor?? (Engine Coolat Temp)
Was your serp. belt off recently?? Make sure it's routed right. Very easy to run the water pump backwards and not notice it!

05-01-2007, 10:13 PM
i didn't realize the guy had pulled the distributor the entire way out? It very well could be off a tooth. Not trying to be a dick, but i'd not take my car there agian. No one should let their customer or friend roll out of their place running like that.

05-01-2007, 10:47 PM
why take out the dist. to change your t/stat? your tmi modular shouldnt be up against your intake, they usually point at the radiator cap direction.. if its pointing towards front of car then you are definatly out a tooth...

this will give you the turning radius you need for timing.. my .02

i agree either on timing or air pocket

you know, stores do sell faulty t/stats... just another option

05-02-2007, 05:37 AM
This thing might be out 2 teeth. It takes alot to get it that far out. Its a simple fix to bring it back. Sounds like he was BSing you on making it right. It only takes a minute to lift the dist out and turn it to get it back in range. Wonder if he pulled the spout to set the timing?

05-02-2007, 12:21 PM
i didn't realize the guy had pulled the distributor the entire way out? It very well could be off a tooth. Not trying to be a dick, but i'd not take my car there agian. No one should let their customer or friend roll out of their place running like that.

The car was running fine and the temp was fine when I left on Sunday, so I am not sure what the problem is now?

He did have issue with the oil pump shaft coming out and trying to get it lined up again and then setting the distributor. Also the TMI module does hit the thermo housing on this cobra intake, limiting the area to be able to turn the distributor to set the timing.

05-02-2007, 12:22 PM
How about a bad ECT sensor?? (Engine Coolat Temp)
Was your serp. belt off recently?? Make sure it's routed right. Very easy to run the water pump backwards and not notice it!

Serp belt was not removed. Where is the ECT sensor and how do you check if it is bad?

05-02-2007, 12:33 PM
Here is a shot of my engine. As you can see the TMI is right up against the t-stat housing. Should it be rotated more towards the right?


05-02-2007, 12:41 PM
That distributor is WAY off. It must be off at least two teeth. I don't think that is your overheating problem. I think you have an air pocket in your cooling system. 5.0s are notorious for that.

05-02-2007, 01:15 PM
its definately off a few teeth... but im skeptacle that it will fix the overheating problem as well

05-02-2007, 01:18 PM
That distributor is WAY off. It must be off at least two teeth. I don't think that is your overheating problem. I think you have an air pocket in your cooling system. 5.0s are notorious for that.

OK, I agree that the timing might be off. How do I burp my car? I took the cap off and let it run for 15 mins and thought that would let the air escape? What else can I try?

05-02-2007, 01:20 PM
FWIW here is my motor shot the day i got it. stock Dist.

i need to get someone to bump my timing for me. :)

05-02-2007, 01:21 PM
why take out the dist. to change your t/stat? your tmi modular shouldnt be up against your intake, they usually point at the radiator cap direction.. if its pointing towards front of car then you are definatly out a tooth...

this will give you the turning radius you need for timing.. my .02

i agree either on timing or air pocket

you know, stores do sell faulty t/stats... just another option

I want to get the timing set first and see if the overheating goes away or at least goes down a little. If it is still high after the timing adjustment, then I'll yank out the t-stat and replace it. If it is still high after the t-stat replacement, then what???

05-02-2007, 02:19 PM
Just called a Ford Dealership. It will cost about $78 for them to set the distributor and adjust the timing. That's not the issue. I told him about the oil pump shaft and he said if he pulls the distributor and it falls into the pan, he'll have to charge me to either pull the engine or the oil pan to remove the shaft. This is where the problem lies.

Mucho Buckos $$$$. Even then, I can't be sure the temperature problem will be gone

05-02-2007, 02:21 PM
Just called a Ford Dealership. It will cost about $78 for them to set the distributor and adjust the timing. That's not the issue. I told him about the oil pump shaft and he said if he pulls the distributor and it falls into the pan, he'll have to charge me to either pull the engine or the oil pan to remove the shaft. This is where the problem lies.

Mucho Buckos $$$$. Even then, I can't be sure the temperature problem will be gone

i dont think it has anything to do with your over heating. imo.

but you need to get it fixed.. and id trust a SCS member before a dealership...a SCS member will not rip you off. :awsome:

05-02-2007, 02:40 PM
i dont think it has anything to do with your over heating. imo.

but you need to get it fixed.. and id trust a SCS member before a dealership...a SCS member will not rip you off. :awsome:

So what is causing the overheating. I'd appreciate some advice

I do trust SCS people. They are very knowledgable and typically will be cheaper then a dealership. But with friends or acquantinces, they are not liable. The whole reason I am in this mess now. If ford screws something up, they have to fix it.

05-02-2007, 03:03 PM
not really....you just said ford said that if they drop in that part they will charge you for removal.

honestly id try a new thermostat. go get a ford one.

or if in a pinch....try rodeheavers for great work.

05-02-2007, 03:08 PM
not really....you just said ford said that if they drop in that part they will charge you for removal.

honestly id try a new thermostat. go get a ford one.

or if in a pinch....try rodeheavers for great work.

Ok. thanks. I am going to check tonight to see if the t-stat is opening. If it is the upper rad hose should be warm around 180 when it opens.

I have been to Tim's before. He does great work at reasonable prices :thmbsup:

05-02-2007, 03:10 PM


seems like he didnt mark the distributor and note rotor position and all that good stuff before pulling it out which was his first mistake.... then shipping you on your way knowing it wasnt right was his 2nd mistake...

05-02-2007, 03:14 PM


Before this gets out of hand, I really can't fault the guy. Anyone who would have removed the distributor would have found the defective part. It was running fine the trip back to PGH. So what changed in 1 day, I don't know.

05-02-2007, 03:23 PM


seems like he didnt mark the distributor and note rotor position and all that good stuff before pulling it out which was his first mistake.... then shipping you on your way knowing it wasnt right was his 2nd mistake...

You are incorrect. He did mark the distributor and rotor position. I can take a pic of the cap to show you. He did everything by the book. He had difficulty setting the dist in the right way and could on get it in the current way and getting it to go all the way down, especially cause the oil pump shaft was being a biznitch.

The work was done on Saturday and it ran fine saturday nite. Sunday I left and had a 3 hour drive up and down the TPK mountains and the temp gauge never got about 195. All of a sudden on the way to work monday morning the temp is going nutz

05-02-2007, 03:28 PM
i believe that he did it then... odd situation... check the car out tonight and go from there... if it seems like the thermostat is opening then maybe you should take it to rodeheavers to get checked out by someone that does it everyday

05-02-2007, 03:30 PM
i didnt see it, but is there a reason he pulled the dist to begin with?

05-02-2007, 03:33 PM
i didnt see it, but is there a reason he pulled the dist to begin with?

To install the upper/lower cobra intake. Maybe the dist doesn't necessarily need to be out to do this, but it might make it easier.

05-02-2007, 06:38 PM
Yes timing being off meaning retarded will do what you are explaining reason it didnt happen on your way home is because you were on the highway with lots of air movement and car was at a high enough rpm for the timeing to be advanced enough. I would get someone to fix the timing problem and ill bet you your problem is solved.IMO

05-03-2007, 09:42 AM
I'm picking up a ford factory t-stat and gasket at the dealership on Saturday. I assume this factory t-stat is a 195? Should I go with factory replacement or move to a 180?

1st steps are to replace the t-stat and change the oil (in case coolant got mixed with the oil).

If the car is still running hot, then next step is too replace the radiator with a new one.

05-03-2007, 11:35 AM
shouldnt step 1 be fixing the dist rotation?

05-03-2007, 11:37 AM
I need to get the timing/dist fixed, but I highly doubt that the timing is the only thing causing my temperature to go to redline (270 degrees). I agree that incorrect timing can cause heat problems, but not this bad.

I need to check the t-stat, and drain the oil (it was not changed and might have coolant in it). Once I can get the temp to settle down, even just a little bit, then the timing should correct the rest of it.

If I am wrong, someone please tell me what to do

05-03-2007, 11:47 AM

have you found someone to do the timing? how much you figure?

i ask cuz i need to get my tuming bumped soon.

05-03-2007, 01:24 PM

have you found someone to do the timing? how much you figure?

i ask cuz i need to get my tuming bumped soon.

Bring it over Saturday. I will do it if you want. It will take us 1-5 min.

05-03-2007, 01:27 PM
Bring it over Saturday. I will do it if you want. It will take us 1-5 min.

If you feel like running up 60 to hopewell, I got one that need done. Gonna be alot more trickier though

05-03-2007, 01:32 PM
Gonna be alot more trickier though

Why will it be trickier?

05-03-2007, 01:34 PM
Bring it over Saturday. I will do it if you want. It will take us 1-5 min.

ill have to probably come another weekend....planned on having a little cruise down this way with some SCS'ers. i honestly forgot about cinco de mayo. :rolleyes:

i def have to come up that way soon....i still ow rob and his wife a dinner with me and the fam so rob's wife can see the baby :balls1:

05-03-2007, 01:34 PM
Why will it be trickier?

I think it's in this thread, but the oil pump shaft will fall out when you lift the distributor to reset it 1 or 2 teeth. There's a possiblity of the shaft falling down into the oil pan. The guy who put my intake on removed the distributor 4 times and luckily the shaft didn't fall down the oil pan and he was able to retrieve it.

05-03-2007, 01:35 PM
Why will it be trickier?

read this thread. lol and the one madmaxin22 posted from hardcore5.0. and look at the pic of rush's engine. :awsome:

05-03-2007, 01:41 PM
read this thread. lol and the one madmaxin22 posted from hardcore5.0. and look at the pic of rush's engine. :awsome:

Pretty fubar huh :rofl:

05-03-2007, 02:07 PM
i believe that he did it then... odd situation... check the car out tonight and go from there

Well, I thought I might have got it, but it is still acting up. Last night I took off the radiator cap, started the car and let it idle for 30 minutes straight to see if there was any air in it.

In 30 mins the temp only reached 200 deg. That was a good sign. So I put the cap back on the radiator and figured I would take it out to see what happens. I didn't even make it out of my plan and it jumped up to about 250 deg.

Oh well, Either the thermostat is frozen open, or my radiator is full of junk.

05-03-2007, 02:26 PM
I think it's in this thread, but the oil pump shaft will fall out when you lift the distributor to reset it 1 or 2 teeth. There's a possiblity of the shaft falling down into the oil pan. The guy who put my intake on removed the distributor 4 times and luckily the shaft didn't fall down the oil pan and he was able to retrieve it.

Too many replies for me to read at work. If the car is running I doubt that it is off so bad the dist has to come out, just needs simple timing. A. I doubt your overheating that bad is from timing with the car just sitting there.

05-03-2007, 02:28 PM
Too many replies for me to read at work. If the car is running I doubt that it is off so bad the dist has to come out, just needs simple timing. A. I doubt your overheating that bad is from timing with the car just sitting there.

here is a pic of his motor...look at the distributor

05-03-2007, 02:28 PM
Too many replies for me to read at work. If the car is running I doubt that it is off so bad the dist has to come out, just needs simple timing. A. I doubt your overheating that bad is from timing with the car just sitting there.

Thanks for the input. I think I have help coming on Sunday :thmbsup:

05-03-2007, 02:41 PM
Ahh. Wont advance any more. If the pump drive shaft does drop. I have a magnet! :thmbsup:

05-03-2007, 02:43 PM
if anything its stuck closed i would think.... the distributor is going to have to come out to try and fix the timing.... i'll be down sunday to hopefully straighten things out....

05-03-2007, 02:47 PM
if anything its stuck closed i would think.... the distributor is going to have to come out to try and fix the timing.... i'll be down sunday to hopefully straighten things out....

Thanks bro. Bring a magnet if you have one. I have a haynes and chilton manual. I will have the t-stat and gasket replaced on Saturday, along with the oil changed and a new oil filter.

05-03-2007, 02:55 PM
Well, I thought I might have got it, but it is still acting up. Last night I took off the radiator cap, started the car and let it idle for 30 minutes straight to see if there was any air in it.

In 30 mins the temp only reached 200 deg. That was a good sign. So I put the cap back on the radiator and figured I would take it out to see what happens. I didn't even make it out of my plan and it jumped up to about 250 deg.

Oh well, Either the thermostat is frozen open, or my radiator is full of junk.

If it doesn't over heat with the car just sitting there that makes me think even more that it may have to do with the timing. The car just sitting still should be worst case senario for over heating. Then once you start putting the car under load the timing would come into play more. It needs to be fixed anyways so why not start there instead of wasting money on parts you might not need.

05-03-2007, 03:07 PM
If it doesn't over heat with the car just sitting there that makes me think even more that it may have to do with the timing. The car just sitting still should be worst case senario for over heating. Then once you start putting the car under load the timing would come into play more. It needs to be fixed anyways so why not start there instead of wasting money on parts you might not need.

it was fine on his 3 hour trip back this way the day of...

05-03-2007, 03:54 PM
it was fine on his 3 hour trip back this way the day of...

Yes, but either way it needs to be fixed so why not just do that first to see if it works :dunno: .

05-03-2007, 03:59 PM
I appreciate you guys throwing ideas out there. 2 heads are better than 1 :thmbsup: I am willing to try whatever yinz guys suggest

05-03-2007, 04:00 PM
Yes, but either way it needs to be fixed so why not just do that first to see if it works :dunno: .

thats what i plan to do.... i just dont think its related since the car isnt running poorly... just hot as balls.... could be an air pocket giving a bogus reading to the sensor though

05-03-2007, 04:10 PM
thats what i plan to do.... i just dont think its related since the car isnt running poorly... just hot as balls.... could be an air pocket giving a bogus reading to the sensor though

I agree. but I ran the car at idle for 30 minutes last night with the rad cap off (i even timed it). I would sure think she would have burped or farted the air out by then. What else can I try?

05-03-2007, 04:11 PM
madmaxin - did you get my other PM"s with my cell # and directions?

05-03-2007, 04:14 PM
no bogus readings. Tuesday night when I got home, I let my dogs out and come back outside to see a huge puddle of coolant in the driveway. Turns out the overfill bottle was completely full and violently bubbling with coolant. The puddle was from the open bent escape tube. Must have come from the rad and boiled over into the overfill bottle. After letting it cool for 20 minutes, i came back out and the overfill bottle was almost empty (must have gone back into the rad)

05-03-2007, 04:23 PM
no bogus readings. Tuesday night when I got home, I let my dogs out and come back outside to see a huge puddle of coolant in the driveway. Turns out the overfill bottle was completely full and violently bubbling with coolant. The puddle was from the open bent escape tube. Must have come from the rad and boiled over into the overfill bottle. After letting it cool for 20 minutes, i came back out and the overfill bottle was almost empty (must have gone back into the rad)

That sounds like HG to me....:thumbsdown:

05-03-2007, 04:26 PM

That sounds like HG to me....:thumbsdown:

FUDGE..... Is there a way to tell?

05-03-2007, 04:28 PM
compression test.

and any smoke and/or liquid coming out of the tailpipes?

05-03-2007, 04:29 PM
we'll do that compression test and find out

05-03-2007, 04:30 PM
compression test.

and any smoke and/or liquid coming out of the tailpipes?

compression test will be performed on Sunday.

Didn't notice any smoke or liquid out the tailpipes last night at idle, but when I took it for a spin, well I don't know cause obviously I was driving.

05-03-2007, 04:31 PM
and if it is the head gaskets, what would make the blow?

How hard or easy is it to replace the gaskets and are my heads gonna be warped or re-usable?

05-03-2007, 04:47 PM

That sounds like HG to me....:thumbsdown:

No way. You are crazy. Hot expands. That is why we have a cooland overflow bottle. The car got so hot that the coolant boiled over. then once it cooled, it retracted back into the rad/engine.

Rush, you have a timing problem!!!!!!!!!!! Bottom line. What time do you get home? I need to run to Monaca this evening. I could stop by if you are not too far in the boonies and fix this problem once and for all. This is getting out of hand here. It will take 10 minutes to yank the dist. and turn it to get the proper timing.

Max, the reason he was not overheati9ng driving home was due to the fact of the 65-70 mph air going through the rad. Leaving his housing plan after having the car idle for 30 minutes, the car was at operating temp. Once he started to put it under a load, it started to get hot(no air moving into the rad). So, either he has a bad clutch fan or the most obvious, a timing issue.

05-03-2007, 04:50 PM
and if it is the head gaskets, what would make the blow?

How hard or easy is it to replace the gaskets and are my heads gonna be warped or re-usable?

Head gaskets are easy to change. The hardest part is getting the front of the motor apart without breaking the bolts. Everything else is simple. If you read my thread on my project, you will notice that I did mine. Checking the heads is simple also. Use a straight edge and a feeler gauge. If they are good, its a one day project. Two at the VERY most.:goodidea:

05-03-2007, 04:55 PM
i hope your right wick... for his sake.. i just know that when my car had HG problems the exhaust was pressurizing the coolant system and making it heat up and spit out coolant so i was speaking on personal experience, not the norm... i would think that he got into traffic ONCE OR TWICE and stopped a few times on his trip back and nothing heated up....get down there and straighten it out so it saves me a trip

05-03-2007, 04:56 PM
No way. You are crazy. Hot expands. That is why we have a cooland overflow bottle. The car got so hot that the coolant boiled over. then once it cooled, it retracted back into the rad/engine.

Rush, you have a timing problem!!!!!!!!!!! Bottom line. What time do you get home? I need to run to Monaca this evening. I could stop by if you are not too far in the boonies and fix this problem once and for all. This is getting out of hand here. It will take 10 minutes to yank the dist. and turn it to get the proper timing.

Max, the reason he was not overheati9ng driving home was due to the fact of the 65-70 mph air going through the rad. Leaving his housing plan after having the car idle for 30 minutes, the car was at operating temp. Once he started to put it under a load, it started to get hot(no air moving into the rad). So, either he has a bad clutch fan or the most obvious, a timing issue.

If your taking 60 to monaca, I am about 5 minutes off the hopewell exit (#9)

What time you heading up to monaca? I'll be home cutting grass

05-03-2007, 04:57 PM
i hope your right wick... for his sake.. i just know that when my car had HG problems the exhaust was pressurizing the coolant system and making it heat up and spit out coolant so i was speaking on personal experience, not the norm... i would think that he got into traffic ONCE OR TWICE and stopped a few times on his trip back and nothing heated up....get down there and straighten it out so it saves me a trip

Yeah, but when he had the car running for 30 min with the cap off, it would have been puking a ton. He would have also seen a ton of bubbles comming out from the rad.:thmbsup:

05-03-2007, 04:59 PM
If your taking 60 to monaca, I am about 5 minutes off the hopewell exit (#9)

What time you heading up to monaca? I'll be home cutting grass

I can probally leave my house in about 1/2 hour. PM me your number. I'll call you in a bit.

05-03-2007, 05:00 PM
i hope your right wick... for his sake.. i just know that when my car had HG problems the exhaust was pressurizing the coolant system and making it heat up and spit out coolant so i was speaking on personal experience, not the norm... i would think that he got into traffic ONCE OR TWICE and stopped a few times on his trip back and nothing heated up....get down there and straighten it out so it saves me a trip

yep. for the most part I was going 70-80 on the TPK. Once I got to monroeville and down to pittsubrgh was only going 50 or so. I didn't take the parkway home either. Since it was a decent day and the top was down, I took the slow Rt. 65 route where it is 45mph max the whole way with many lights. everything seemed fine on Sunday. Parked the car and monday morning on the way to work is when it started heating up. problem ever since.

Don't know what changed from sunday to monday morning

05-03-2007, 05:02 PM
Yeah, but when he had the car running for 30 min with the cap off, it would have been puking a ton. He would have also seen a ton of bubbles comming out from the rad.:thmbsup:

last night, no pukin and no bubbling. steady constant swirling in the rad top

05-03-2007, 05:02 PM
Yeah, but when he had the car running for 30 min with the cap off, it would have been puking a ton. He would have also seen a ton of bubbles comming out from the rad.:thmbsup:

missed that part..... good luck guys

05-03-2007, 05:08 PM
missed that part..... good luck guys

Thanks madmax. if it saves you a trip then that is good. I'll post up later tonight if Wick can stop and check it out. Hopefully I'll have good news to report. I REALLY appreciate the effort guys. If we ever get together this summer for a meet or somthing, a couple beers are on me. :pinkthumb:

05-03-2007, 05:11 PM
I'll ring you in a bit Don.

05-03-2007, 05:26 PM
here he comes to save the day............. its super wick

dude always helps people out in a bind!

05-03-2007, 05:28 PM
here he comes to save the day............. its super wick

dude always helps people out in a bind!

HAHAHA Thanks Jared.

05-03-2007, 05:30 PM
since you do house calls..... my timing needs bumped :sticktonge:

plus your wife needs to meet steph and KYAN :)

05-03-2007, 05:38 PM
since you do house calls..... my timing needs bumped :sticktonge:

plus your wife needs to meet steph and KYAN :)


05-03-2007, 09:32 PM
no seriously :)

05-03-2007, 09:35 PM
no seriously :)

HGAHAHAHAHAHA You make me laugh. Stop up any time you like. I did rushes timing in about ten minutes. Set it once and then pulled the dist. and turned it 2 teeth to get it right. No problem.

05-03-2007, 09:35 PM
My Dad had a similar problem with his 5.0 coupe and it was an air pocket in the cooling system. His t-stat housing had a fitting on it to burp it.

05-03-2007, 09:36 PM
:( come down for the cruise tomorrow...ill buy your dinner

05-03-2007, 09:38 PM
:( come down for the cruise tomorrow...ill buy your dinner

Cant make it.

05-03-2007, 09:41 PM
man you are being difficult :doh:


05-03-2007, 09:42 PM
My Dad had a similar problem with his 5.0 coupe and it was an air pocket in the cooling system. His t-stat housing had a fitting on it to burp it.

His stat is working. The top hose is smoking hot and the lower hose is cool. I am leaning towards a bad or weak water pump. It is moving a little bit but not anywhere near what it should be moving. You can basically feel the stat open when holding the top hose. It gets real hot for a moment. The lower one stays warm at best. The impeller in the pump probally isnt up to par to flow enough coolant. Could be corroded. Its original.

05-03-2007, 09:44 PM
man you are being difficult :doh:


HAHA Loosen the 13mm bolt holding the dist down and turn it clockwise just a tad. That will do ya. At the end of the TFI module you will get about 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch. Thats it. That will put you at about 13-14 degrees advance.;)

05-04-2007, 06:52 AM
HGAHAHAHAHAHA You make me laugh. Stop up any time you like. I did rushes timing in about ten minutes. Set it once and then pulled the dist. and turned it 2 teeth to get it right. No problem.

I appreciate everyone's support. The timing issue has been corrected. It was 2 teeth off and has been fixed and adjusted and set at 12 degrees. It is still running warmer than normal. The water pump is going to get replaced on Saturday (it is the ORIGINAL pump.... 14 years old and 150,000 miles) The pump is working, but we think it is just barely doing it's job.

The pump will be replaced and the radiator is being removed and flushed out. Hopefully these 2 items will cure my temperature issue(s).

On a side note, I was to thank WICK. What a super nice guy and he didn't have to stop out, but he did and got the timing fixed up pretty quickly.

He even took the time to answer questions and explain how things worked and even my dumb a$$ could understand it. :slaphappy:

05-04-2007, 08:16 AM
wick is good at lending a helping hand to someone in need.

i still owe him big from fixing my car.....we just need to get the fam's together for dinner one night.

glad ya got the timing fixed