View Full Version : WRX daily

01-07-2015, 10:05 PM
Well I just picked this 2011 WRX premium up last Friday for a daily that I don't have to put away in the winter. It's totally stock (which seems to be difficult to find one of these like that) and soo far I like it.

01-07-2015, 10:07 PM
No idea why that's sideways... Lol

01-07-2015, 10:08 PM

01-07-2015, 10:09 PM
Damn you were fast!! Hahaha

01-07-2015, 10:27 PM
Damn you were fast!! Hahaha

hope it isn't past tense, I like being fast :D

01-07-2015, 11:15 PM
That pic is definitely not in the mountains of Greensburg. Lol

01-07-2015, 11:41 PM
Hatch FTW....nice pickup frank.

01-08-2015, 08:20 AM
hope it isn't past tense, I like being fast :D

Hahaha def not past tense!!

Lol it is for sure not the mountains of Greensburg! Those mountains are near Flagstaff Arizona... Lol

thanks Jon! Something new for me, but soo far I like it!! I have always liked these since the first day I had a hatch pass me on 79 at like 100+ lolol we will see...

01-08-2015, 08:54 AM
Cool man, let us know how you like it after you get a few miles on it. I'm hoping to get an 08+ STI once my F150 sells

01-08-2015, 09:25 AM
Nice ride Dex. Those things run sooooo nice!!

01-08-2015, 12:11 PM
Thanks guys!! It's the nicest daily I have ever had so it's for sure an upgrade for me.

Ray- since I bought it in Phoenix Arizona and drove it home, I have around 2,600 miles on it already. Soo far it's been a blast to drive!! I will tell you to avoid the 2008/09 models!! They seemed to have ALLOT of issues from the factory. 2010 and up are the years to shoot for from my research and talking to some of my subaru enthusiast friends.

01-08-2015, 12:19 PM
Any plans for it?

01-08-2015, 12:44 PM
Thanks guys!! It's the nicest daily I have ever had so it's for sure an upgrade for me.

Ray- since I bought it in Phoenix Arizona and drove it home, I have around 2,600 miles on it already. Soo far it's been a blast to drive!! I will tell you to avoid the 2008/09 models!! They seemed to have ALLOT of issues from the factory. 2010 and up are the years to shoot for from my research and talking to some of my subaru enthusiast friends.

Cool, glad to hear you're liking it so far. I was actually looking at a white STI near Phoenix recently too. It's sold now though. Been prowling NASIOC regularly looking for what I want. If the perfect car pops up I may grab it before my truck sells, but I'm trying to be patient. The main issue with the STI's seems to be cracked ring lands so if I get one with a stock engine I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed I guess.

The motors in the WRX's seem very stout as well. I've seen a lot making 300+ to the wheels with bolt on's and a tune

01-08-2015, 01:19 PM
Scott- no real plans right now other than to drive it. It's really just a daily. I have heard that the stock tune on these are pretty shitty and go lean often for some reason. So maybe an accessport and a catback but I don't want anymore than that to keep it reliable. Anything else will just be small stuff... Maybe some wheels, sway bars, and coil overs. But that's a BIG maybe...

Ray- I found this one on eBay, but I was on the subaru forum allot looking. That is also a big thing I have heard with the sti's and kinda scarred me away from it. But it sounds like they all have that issue when heavily modded. Like I said, power wise I have no real plans for this- I like it like it is as far as power goes... Maybe a tune and catback but that's it. I think your best bet would be to find one that's never been modded and lower miles and be real careful with the oil and changes... Idk if you have drove one or not, but it's allot of fun to drive. I imagine the sti is all the more fun!!

01-08-2015, 03:08 PM
Cool car!!

01-08-2015, 04:49 PM
I was looking at one of these at a Ford dealership in MD. Definitely a nice looking car that looks fun as hell to drive.

01-12-2015, 08:09 AM
Very cool! (I may be slightly biased though.) I picked up my WRX looking for a 2.5 RS DD... Kunkles had 2 WRXs on the lot and 0 RS. You can guess how that turned out.

I've always been put off by the STI for the sheer fact that they are ~$10K more than a WRX. When you're buying new, I don't see the value in that unless you are really hard up for the controllable diff. (The extra power from the factory is nice, but that's even less of a concern with the newer models where the WRX puts out 265hp.)

Buying used is a different story though... deals can be had for sure. Ray definitely needs to get one. :goodidea:

01-12-2015, 08:48 AM
Very cool! (I may be slightly biased though.) I picked up my WRX looking for a 2.5 RS DD... Kunkles had 2 WRXs on the lot and 0 RS. You can guess how that turned out.

I've always been put off by the STI for the sheer fact that they are ~$10K more than a WRX. When you're buying new, I don't see the value in that unless you are really hard up for the controllable diff. (The extra power from the factory is nice, but that's even less of a concern with the newer models where the WRX puts out 265hp.)

Buying used is a different story though... deals can be had for sure. Ray definitely needs to get one. :goodidea:

The only reason I'm not getting this one is because I still have my truck... http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?p=42966078#post42966078 I'm starting to give in though. You up for a road trip to NYC?

I also keep seeing this thing on CL and contemplate spending half as much... http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/4833684485.html

01-12-2015, 09:15 AM
The only reason I'm not getting this one is because I still have my truck... http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?p=42966078#post42966078 I'm starting to give in though. You up for a road trip to NYC?

I also keep seeing this thing on CL and contemplate spending half as much... http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/4833684485.html

Man, those are both sweet cars. With the VF39, the Saabaru is definitely faster than my car. Which isn't exactly blisteringly fast, but it's quick enough for a DD in the snow. My brother had basically the same mods I did when he sold his 9-2x and it was pretty much even with me. (Which makes sense since it's the same drivetrain underneath.) Steve had some issues with his Saabaru which is one reason he got rid of it, but it seems like this one had a much easier life.

The STI looks good too, but I'm not familiar with how stout the internals/block of the STI are. He upgraded the turbo and is pushing 20psi. Hopefully he has a good tune!

I like road trips though. :D

Mark Aubele
01-12-2015, 09:34 AM
Pretty much every person I have met with a newer STi that tracks or autocrosses it has had the cracked ringland thing, and some of them were stock.

01-12-2015, 09:56 AM
Pretty much every person I have met with a newer STi that tracks or autocrosses it has had the cracked ringland thing, and some of them were stock.

Alot of the 08's had issues with this. My buddies 08 sti blew up like 4 motors over a year and a half span, ended up it had a 2.5 rs fuel pump in it.... from factory.

Nice pick up frank! Lol if something really dumb happens and you have questions definitely call up the moore performance guys.

01-12-2015, 10:02 AM
Man, those are both sweet cars. With the VF39, the Saabaru is definitely faster than my car. Which isn't exactly blisteringly fast, but it's quick enough for a DD in the snow. My brother had basically the same mods I did when he sold his 9-2x and it was pretty much even with me. (Which makes sense since it's the same drivetrain underneath.) Steve had some issues with his Saabaru which is one reason he got rid of it, but it seems like this one had a much easier life.

The STI looks good too, but I'm not familiar with how stout the internals/block of the STI are. He upgraded the turbo and is pushing 20psi. Hopefully he has a good tune!

I like road trips though. :D

I'll let you know man. I need something more fun to daily. This huge truck just isn't doing it for me. I like having a truck, but I don't wanna drive it everyday.

Pretty much every person I have met with a newer STi that tracks or autocrosses it has had the cracked ringland thing, and some of them were stock.

Yep, that's the major issue with the STI's. I'm curious what the stock internals would hold if you went in and properly gapped the rings. Typically a ring land will fail because the rings aren't gapped properly and expand too far sticking on the cylinder walls. Personally I'm thinking that if I run E85 that will help to cool the cylinder and hopefully keep the rings from expanding too much. Might just be wishful thinking though. You seen or heard of any failing while running E85?

01-12-2015, 10:08 AM
With all this subaru talk, a friend of mine is selling a conpletely built ej207, right price it could come with a twin scroll 20g setup. It made 350 something on a relatively conservative tune. Internals are good for close to 500 wheel... just saying. If you guys dont know what an ej207 is, its the jdm sti motor, revs to just under 9k

01-19-2015, 04:50 PM
Nice suby's are all around. I second the person who mentioned Moore Performance. I know the owner personally for years and is a great guy. My wrx has spun it's second motor but hasn't been stock for a long time. I'm upgrading to a 2.5 right now and are contemplating the forged pistons. I'd hate to do it and have ring land issues-it's an 08 sti block.

01-19-2015, 05:14 PM
+3 to Moore Performance. Really nice guys and they know what they're doing.