View Full Version : '12 5.0 knocking

01-23-2015, 12:00 PM
Truck has 29,990 on it. Injectors were super loud from day one. Somewhere over the past 6 months or so a new noise started. The best way I can explain it is it sounds like a midget behind the passenger firewall tapping the motor with a metal hammer. The noise takes a minute or so to occur at startup, but after that it's there all the time. While cruising down the street and then letting foot off gas the noise stays where the RPM's were, then rolls off down to idle. So it was time to take it in.

Dropped at the dealer almost three weeks ago. Took them a bit to isolate it. Misfires all over the passenger side bank. No shavings in the oil pan. At that point it became a back n forth with Ford. Dealer suspected a rod, but had to follow Ford's direction. Eventually the head was pulled. Cam is scored, I didn't get confirmation for sure, but the rod in cyl 4 went south. The dealer was approved for a short block replacement but the tech and writer are both pushing for a long block. Tech said this was the 2nd early '12 5.0 he's had this issue with.

There's a bunch of videos of 5.0's knocking. NONE of those were the noise I had.

02-06-2015, 02:25 PM
Got the call to come pick up the truck. New long block installed.

02-06-2015, 03:28 PM
Wow - congrats on the new motor! What kind of explanation did you get?

02-06-2015, 06:04 PM
The explanation for the length of time was basically the dealer wanted to do a long block and Ford wanted to try the short block. After some back and forth, Ford caved and sent a long block. As for when that decision was made and how long the engine took to arrive and install, I didn't ask. As far as I know the bad rod scored the cam and also "damaged the head". Moving parts, it happens, just glad it happened under warranty. The truck now drives great, no more 1200 RPM epileptic seizures...so far.

Sort of insulted they put the way paper floret on top of my weather techs, what you think you'll damage them??? HAHA